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AS IF the fucking llamas are going in his bedroom too!!!!! 😵😵
OMG she's really trying to freak out poor Ronnie. This room is going to be something of nightmares. I, just, cannot, believe, how stupid she really is. I can hardly get the words out, speechless!! And the artist says he's only half way through. 😰😳

So that’s Henry and the 3 Rs on his wall??

Why is she making his bedroom wall a Memorial for living animals? That he can see everyday?

She’s so weird. That bedroom is NOT for Ron it’s for Her to enjoy.
What about Flip and Flop then :unsure: :cry:
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Interesting song choice for fresh “n” up Friday-we all know you’re a lying cuntbag Sophi E!
Also wtf is that move at the end-who does she think she is Baby from Dirty Dancing, Fucksake I feel like I’m just being a right cunty nusty troll today 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🥴

Jesus. Fucking. Christ [apologies to anyone who is religious] but WHAT. THE. HELL?!?
Has he already died? Is this a picture of his ghost? As he been filtered to be a different breed/colour?
Did he pose for this AFTER being attacked by the WW?

Horrific 🙈
It’s ok he’ll look more alive once colour has been put on his cheeks 🙊 Honestly I saw it and was like wtaf is this woman doing to her almost 3 year old! She has no idea at all!
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I'd love to see her rise at 6am, put a wash on get the kids ready to drop of at her mam's while she went out to do a 8 hour shift of real graft. Come home after collecting the kids to make tea sort the washing, bath the kids, put the kids to bed and then maybe sit down. Working out which bills were a priority this month. Day in day out. Whilst I accept our finances are not her doing she's pig fucking ignorant....let them eat cake springs to mind. I'd even understand it if she produced content that was an escape, but it's just a stark reminder that most of us do not and connot live as they do. Whilst lots of us wouldn't want her life exactly it would be nice not to have to constantly make money (grafted for) stretch. Eating out, Alpacas, huge house, 2x houses, shopping hauls, hotel stays, murals, extensive renovations are all unnecessary luxurys but she seems oblivious! I'm only keep up because what goes up, must come down!!
You are so right…. We have a small shop in our town centre that has been destroyed by a combination of Covid and the redevelopment of the other side of our town. We spent months during lockdowns closed having to rely on government benefits for the first time ever and now we are allowed to be open again we have no customers. Because of the redevelopment (that is lovely) nobody comes to our side of town anymore and it’s become a hangout for the druggies who have been moved from the nice side. I seriously don’t know what we will do, it’s a nightmare but as you say for Hinch she still has all her followers even though she does nothing that they can follow or aspire to anymore. I can’t wait for her to come down because it’ll be a long drop…
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May have already been posted (I have about 50 threads to catch up on 😂). But rightmove now shows what we all knew anyway and the tend farm was a signed, done deal back in October
Nice little earner that property turned out to be for the ‘gentleman’ who lived there before….
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Keep Smiling

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It’s really pathetic….. One of my friends was like this. Her and her husband and two boys lived with her mum and dad and acted like teenagers while the parents did all the childcare. After a few years her parents announced they were retiring to Spain and my friend and her family went with them. I don’t think it ever entered her head they wanted to get away to live a quieter life 🤔. Funnily enough I saw her a few weeks ago for the first time in over 10 years at a farm shop near where I live…….. and yes, she was with her mum 😂.
One of the school mums in our circle is like this. If we pick up kids and go anywhere as a group tag a long Mum is always with us. If we arrange anything she pipes up ‘Mum will come too!’ It’s grinding my gears tbh. 😂
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Comparing lists...

This was around the 5th Jan

This is about the 12th Feb

And today

I don't think the dots mean anything. That resin driveway has taken a long time for Weeping Al to get done though 😂
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For all she shows of those kids (everything she is not bothered about their privacy at all) you never see her putting them to bed (Jamie’s job), showing the bed time routine with a toddler and baby and the possible struggles, which is relatable and could be helpful for her sheep. But she instead just shows herself putting HER alpacas “to bed” (not relatable at all) no doubt missing her actual kids bedtime. She really is just a mother to those boys not a mum! 😔
She’s not relatable in any way at all. I don’t understand why her sheep can’t see this…. They can’t all be stupid..
As for her missing the boys bedtime, I hope one day she realises what she has missed because you never get these days back. Who would rather sit in the garden (not a farm) with a cuppa watching 3 woolly camel wannabes do nothing.. 🤷‍♀️

I said thought the exact same, those animals have had more freedom than her kids ever have. Her boys are just strapped into something making them immobile in front of the t.v all day, everyday. Most of us could only ever dream of having all that space to utilise, I hope she builds something for her children to play on, wooden climbing frame? Swings, slides... I have 4 children and live in a terraced house with a very small garden. That space would be an absolute dream to play around in.
I’ve just said the same.. 👏. She’s a c**t…
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Trace from Loft was let out of loft to hose down the pigeon shit on castle Greyskull many many weeks ago.

Did you all know that Trace has a rose tattoo on her left wrist ? Am i wrong to think that maybe trace has done a few pre-records when Sofa wasn't up to it. All they have to do is flip the image to get away with it and tie her hair back??


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The stupid dancing peed me off no end too. I've just come down with covid (& cev so waiting on my pcr result & Dr call re meds) & my Son is in the Military so am bricking it about War but yeah Grinch dance about the room like a twunt like all is well. Read the room.
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Chatty Member
I hope she doesn’t, personally. As the wife of someone in the military, I hope that stupid cow keeps her fat beak shut. She has nothing of value to add to the situation and has absolutely no way of connecting with it. It will be a purely vapid attempt at likes for the ‘gram, and I do not have the patience.
I agree, she can’t add value. I only said that comment cause of how she is. I’ve got someone who works on the subs in the Royal Navy and I work with a young girl who’s bf is effected by it and it makes me sick what’s happened. And watching tt and seeing scam accounts where they are doing fake sirens pretending to cry so they can send gifts. To me that’s low of the low.

I don’t have the patience either. If anything, she’ll put a gleam-approved goodnight message that is just vague enough, with a white heart for world peace.
second that xx
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Totally agree, she was a cleaning account but never mentioned Covid and how through cleaning to safeguard against it. She pretends she lives in a Disney movie and she’s the priincess, and Inch is the toad🤔😂😂😂😂
Inch will always be the toad because she'll never kiss him in the hopes he'll become a prince. :sick:
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