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Shall we celebrate when we reach 500? Perhaps we can have an awards ceremony? what categories can we have?

Best lie so far?
Best gretal rant?
Worst mothering act so far?

We can do nominations and everything 🤣
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Feeding alpacas in knock-off Hermès,
How long will she keep them; months, weeks or days?

Sophie has form for flushing the fish,
These boys will be gone when she has a new wish

But Sophie, alpacas won’t fit down the loo
When you are bored of them what will you do?

James was allowed to help with ‘din dins’
He looks fed up with Soph’s fleeting whims

Where are your boys, and your obese dog?
At Greyskull with Nanny? Is that her new job?

New kitchen incoming, an ad or a gift?
The Amazon boot room is just makeshift

The huns are all blind to Soph’s fake timelines,
They worship St Sopha at their grey shrines

Come join us on tattle, open your eyes
We are not trolls, we just call out her lies
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I just keep thinking how the hardcore Hitchers must be feeling.
You can see the demographic from the Facebook groups and it seems to be mostly young mothers who are at home all day. Christmas has just been and gone, many will have debts from that (and the shark hoovers they got on credit), January blues, cost of living rises and the price of gas and electricity has gone through the roof. Life is tough for so many right now.
Then you have Hinch, so loaded, she’s splashing the cash on Alpacas and filling her feed with accessories for then Apalcas that likely cost more than what your average low income family brings home in a year.
Yes, there is always going to be the wealthy, the haves and the have nots. To flaunt it though, especially under the guise of manipulative marketing and ‘my life is so much better than yours’ is toxic. It’s toxic to many of her vulnerable followers, how anyone can profit through deceit, lies and manipulation is beyond me.
I can not wait for her downfall and the episod eif “Can’t pay, then we’ll take it away’” where Hamie is arguing with the bailiffs as the Astro turf is torn up.
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New member
I’m quite quiet on here as I’m pretty shy but I have to say something after seeing her story this morning.
I have an almost 3 year old. I have a partner at home with me. My mornings are never quiet.
Even today I stayed at my parents with my son and the promise of a lie in but he was up at 7 running from bedroom to bedroom playing games and chatting with me.
I don’t have time to exercise all them crunky snacks off and seeing her strolling around her million plus pound garden time after time BY HERSELF is really getting to me. The amount of time this woman has for those alpacas and not her children irks me.

I don’t know if this just comes across as an overworked mum moaning about other people being better off than her but uuuugggghhhhhh I just had to say something lol
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Can we have a 'best photoshop fail' category at the awards please?

If so, can I nominate Ronnie Red Gloves

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Mrs Hinch #498 Dindins innit. Oi oi.

Thread title by @or JusRollWithIt

Thread suggestions taken from page 30 onwards

It’s been another boring day at Nelson Maldona House. Bribing alpacas with carrots is all the content Sophie has at the moment.

She did a Q&A where she answered questions we’d asked here, as usual.

Jamie was allowed out to play with Soph’s new toys after we commented that he hadn’t been seen in a few days.

Soph shared another cryptic story with pictures of the boys at bedtime.

A kitchen company tagged Hinch and Inch in a grid post showing what their utility will look like, so we’re expecting Soph to sack them immediately for ruining her grand reveal.

Fiddle / mad ma / Freda Yahoo - Sophie’s mum
Weeping Al / tiny tears / Gepetto - Sophie’s dad
Inch / Janine / Father James / Jimbobnojobtinyknob - Jamie
Veruca Salt - Sophie
SS / Trollomon- Stacey, Soph’s ‘tend friend
Crunky snacks - what we fat hens apparently eat

Ronnie and Lennie don’t rhyme
Jamie is short for James
Sophie doesn’t have a middle name, only a ‘tend one that she added in her teens
The alpacas are named Del Boyoioi, Dave and Grandad (definitely not Roy, Rodney and Raymond)


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For the 500th thread recap, I think we need a really clear list of the absolute worst things she’s done.

We’d need to keep it factual and not accusatory.

I’m thinking along the lines of evidence of the level she filters herself - side by side images; wobbly headboard; missing nostrils.

Ronnie on the toilet; faked speaking (‘there’ video)

Times she’s been awful to Jamie on video.

Lockdown stuff eg the bbq

Tulisa pic.

We need evidence for all of it, and we lay it out very simply and clearly.

What do you guys think?

I’m happy to put it together but have only been here about 6 months so I don’t know some of the historic stuff.
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This is my first post but I can’t hold it in any longer… I was swept away by the Hinch craze at first but didn’t take me long to see the light.
Now I’m just furious… I work in a real job, my husband has MH struggles so it’s literally all on me, we have 2 kids… it’s offensive how people like her get this million pound lifestyle for free yet most of us ‘normal’ folk have to fight to keep every penny we make.
She’s out there on Insta showing all of this off but exactly who is she trying to relate to anymore?
Yes there probably is an element of jealousy in there because I, and many others here, work so flippin hard in real jobs and will never be able to consider buying a tend farm.
Also, I’m not even from the area and it took me 5 mins to find the house on Google maps. Security conscious? I think not.
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Im just finding it pretty bizarre that she’s out picking up alpaca shite and dicking about with them when not too long ago she was sharing how her son has developmental delays. You’d think she’d be wanting to spend time with her young child and baby and not out building a ‘tend farm with her daddy and ya know maybe looking after her kids instead of palming them off?
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Good Morning Glorious Fat Hens (& the voices of reason!) 😄🐔🥤

Good luck & well wishes to @Milfordcubicle today for your surgery ❤
Here's anuvver nuuu book in the septic tank of our very own Cuntry Laaavin' couple as we all miss her "culinary delights" content 😋🤢

Hope you like iTTTT guyyyssch! Enjoy!
Have a beauuuutiful day! 🤪

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Building on what I said earlier.
If Polly compiles a list of the factual fuck up and the thread title is something very simple - like 500 threads of Hinch lies blah blah. I don’t know. Something better than that probably but simple. No jokes. Just facts.

I’m not trying to be a kill joy. I’m the nustiest troll out there but I think there’s something very powerful we could do here.

I think I’m leaning towards a filling the entire 500th thread with her lies. Regardless of what she posts that day. We just post them again and again and again until the thread is filled. Nothing else.
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I was in Tesco earlier looking for a new fitted sheet for my bed. My daughter suggested I buy some Hinch bedding. Obviously, I walked out leaving her there and drove home without her, then blocked her number so she can never contact me again!!!

Only joking…no daughters were harmed or disowned as a result of her appalling lack of taste!!!
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