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You see I believe that stacey’s lie about being further along than she’s implied PROVES hinch lied. It will come out eventually. It still DOES NOT ADD UP
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Next, Janine will be getting him his own slot machine and Willy Hill account, because he just luuuuvs betting on the horses.
‘ Ronnie is obsessed with slot machines and has asked me and Soph if he can go Las Vegas for a holibob! Go awwwn my san! 🤪💷💷

🔽🔽🔽🔽 Inch 🤏 trying to convince sopha to let him buy a new toy for Ron
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Why does everything she does make me irrationally angry!!? It's just a thumb. It's a just a thumb! Ugh I hate that fucking thumb. Why can't I stop looking though? It's like when my neighbours are arguing on the street, I don't want to watch, but I have to.
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Please forgive me for I have sinned 😩 I liked SS grid post because I had to do my bit to make sure Sophie poo doesn't win!
I liked it and then unliked it. I couldn't commit. I didn't want people I know to think I liked that pair of morons. I've got standards and reputation to uphold.
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Put your cloffffs to bed 😑 wtf are these 2 mutants on?
put yer daft man to bed first sopphhaaa, hes been piping up too much this past few days. He must have had a win at the bookies, all giddy 🤣
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I’m currently isolating as my daughter has covid & I’m going out of my mind, how the hell can they all sit in that house day in day out doing absolutely fuck all? I’m half way through now & can’t wait to break free next week, their lives are so sad & pathetic!
I think the truth is they aren’t home all day. They are “home all day” on their content filming days. The rest of the week they are out. But it’s not fun Ronnie places it’s shopping/round Ma barkers. They don’t get spotted because a) they aren’t as famous as they think they are b) it’s easy to make themselves incognito.
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I struggle to articulate why their family like looks so dysfunctional but I think it’s the lack of chaos. It’s like tumbleweed blowing, nothing ever happens. I’ve had two sons with the same age gap (nb I will not be using #mumofboys🤮) and life with them is still completely chaotic.
You name it, they’ve done it. My four year climbed to the top of a tall fir tree in a pub garden and the branches by him were so spindly that my husband couldn’t physically climb up to reach him. Every day has its share of disasters, calamities and mortifying moments. But they’re noisy and full of life and we’ve had a lot of fun along the way (as well as my sanity being tested to its limit). Their life is so quiet and ordered but lacking in the jollity and madness of young children. It makes me feel sorry for Ronnie as it can’t be much fun being in his shoes.
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Why did he pan out to the little girl at the end of the video is he trying to make out that Ron is a babe magnet just like his dad I hope he asked permission to put her all over Instagram. He’s a total wide boy and idiot
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Nanna k

Why would you allow your child to pick up pretend 💩 he will not realise one is real one is fake
Does she not know that a child can go blind from touching dog 💩
Why ???? Twats the pair of them
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Why can’t the sheep do anything for themselves? What’s so hard about searching engraved birthstone rings...?🤔
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I HATE comparing. We all do it, it’s natural but the differences between Rex and Ron are huge!
I’m not just on about speech here.

SS must be dying to say something 🙈
I don't like either right but have too say that would be because they actually speak too Rex and let him play (and get filthy, but it's what kids do) whereas Ronnie is not allowed too do all that. Even picking up the poo SHE just had too do it, (bear in mind it's supposed too be his "favourite thing" to do) so he never gets a chance to learn how to do stuff, proper baby him man.
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If Inch went back to work she'd have so much more about her, I think he's holding her back by being with her 24/7. She probably doesn't want him to go back to work as it's obvious she's in some sort of rut, comfortably numb on the sofa every day but I think if he just left her to it whether she wants him to or not for 8 hours a day 5 days a week she'd flourish. They may be loaded and not need to go out to work but there is a lot to be gained from having that proper working family routine, mainly for their kids. Both a pair of lazy fucks though, he'll never go back to work now. They've both got themselves in this boring sad existence of a rut and even if he did venture out to work eventually, mad ma would be straight in there to take his place. Not a fan of Hinch at all, I came here originally to talk about her shit cleaning methods with all the chemicals and waste, but as time has gone on and the less she posts about cleaning I see her parenting is awful too but at the same time I think Inch has a lot to do with that, stifling her confidence to be a mam. I'd love to see her cope with the kids on her own, and surprisingly not from a nasty point of view. I honestly think she'd be OK at it if they all just left her to it, she's got no independence or confidence. Just stay away from fake 💩 Sophie, do the best thing for your family and get back to work Jamie, and if you don't want to go back to the office grind, start up your own business, club or charity you must have something you're interested in? We all have our own dreams and you have the means to do it now.
Do something worthy!!
You both got this bubs, hope this makes sense 🤮😂
I think the thing with Jamie is that he has nothing now without work. My other half runs, cycles, hikes etc if he was a stay at home dad he would be doing loads with our kids camping, beach trips etc, etc. Jamie does nothing!! Surely most people with 2 kids and a dog live a fairly active life?? They dont even read, go to the cinema or theatre, go out for dinner. They are absolutely devoid of any interests or hobbies. They are honestly the most boring pair I have ever met!!
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incy wincy inch needs to stop posting. Honestly they both need to stop. And get off. Both their content is just all over the place at the minute. Very very weird. I’m weirded out honestly and it’s not a nice feeling. Inch is on 107mph and Sofa is literally as dead as my bullet in my chest of drawers. Whatever they’ve discussed about jaymei posting when she’s not on is just trash. Because he NEVER used to post. It’s simple manipulation.. using Ronnie now more than ever to drip feed and keep the sheep on the edge of their seats anticipating when his stupid wife is going to make an appearance. It’s all just grotesque. Chaotic and fcked up in my opinion.
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