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Thank you for all of your answers to my question to why Lennie wasn't safe sleeping. Its been a long time since I had a baby (31 years ago) and things really change don't they? So thank you for enlightening me. Also for those who thought it necessary to add shocked and angry emojis to what I thought was a simple question
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Chatty Member
Bit ironic really.
Ron’s lived all his life the other side of a lens.
Now he has to live life behind Len.
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Oh where,oh where has our hinchy gone?
Oh where,oh where can she be?
With her time running short
And her hair cut long
Oh Where,oh where can she be?

I think she went down to the building site
To see what she could see
And at the new farm she stood in some shite
And wondered "is this really for me"🤔

I last saw her by the bulldozer
Snorting and playing around
But I can't see her anymore 😱
She just can't seen to be found.

Perhaps Fanny from Maldon will know
She may have seen her go by
Who knows where she decided to go?
But everyone guess,let's try.

Oh where,oh where did Hinchy go
Oh where,or where can she be?
She's taken Ron,Len,inch and Henry
Oh where,oh where can she be?
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Oh fuck off. I was having a little nose on their Instagram page and actually like the little swim suit with the skirt for me little girl but after seeing that on the website I’m like nah. I don’t mind buying things that hinch ‘promotes’ if I like it and need it but once the company start licking her arse it’s a no from me.


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I don't get why she thinks looking at herself through her phone in the mirror is cute/endearing?
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I wish she would stop doing these eye fucking videos of herself with Lenor. And her horrible pointy nails stroking him gives me the ick! 🤢
How is she caring for a tiny baby with fragile skin with those scrabbly claws glued on to her.
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I agree with you all about the cleaning side of things, she let all the hype go to her head started thinking she was A someone well actually started thinking she was A celebrity when all in all she’s neither she is a normal person (was) until all the attention starting heading her way at the height of her time, it was a novelty at the time to most people and I suppose at the beginning she could relate to a lot of people as just a normal housewife cleaning her house I guess she made it fun for some people.. then it started getting stupid with her becoming well known small businesses started sending her freebies so they would get tagged ( fair enough I love shopping small & also own my own little business) so then yes anyway the mere mortals starting to buy the stuff that she tagged again fair enough but then the stuff got more expensive then a lot more expensive!! God I can only imagine how many lovely followers of hers have gone into debt trying to catch up with her expensive taste. It’s all wrong she gets gifted and tags tags tags & her sheep follow follow follow I dread to think 🤔
But now yep I agree this cleaning stuff & your home on social media has gone way too viral even hinch can’t keep up with it!! And I thinking she’s clutching at straws to think of the next episode so hang here comes the kids stories but I’m sorry love there is already a lot of those going & most are from people who show it all for real including the downsides of having kids , it’s not all rosy & fairytale like she is portraying and I can tell you this now with the type of following she has ( not including bots) it’s a VERY dangerous game she is playing making out that it is all rosy .. she needs to stop that shit now!!
She is a greedy manipulating attention seeking bitch
Janine is just as bad as soon as he saw the bucks coming in he quit he’s job making out that he don’t want to miss anything of R growing up
WELL that was a great big kick in the teeth for all the hardworking mums & dads out there who have no fucking choice!!
The biggest thing that really haunts me with her is when she went to SS new house .. there was a video of R running down the garden and she speaks on the video saying oh my I need this ! I really need this house or life can’t quite remember .. if anyone can find it but she just sounded sooo fucking bitter & jealous, then she puts a montage up after saying she will do anything possible to make it or something along those lines

soz for long rant ATV x
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Jamie is too busy cleaning the house, cooking for everyone and looking after the kids and dog to post on Instagram. I bet the poor fucker is knackered .... sometimes it’s hard being a woman Jamie mate.
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Anyone else watch not cause you’re really interested but more because it’s all just so weird and confusing? Like an addictive Netflix documentary. To me there’s a definite feel of detachment, like posts on the face of it show a connection but deep down I just feel it’s a cover up. Hard to explain what I mean. I feel like I’m watching a show not someone’s real life kind of thing
Yes! My sister has quite a large social media following & also portrays a fairy tale life. Perfect home, perfect kids, perfect husband, she photographs everything with sweet captions. The reality is the complete opposite, my sister is a nasty piece of work, the kids are spoilt little shits & have no manners, the husband can’t wait to leave for work & the names she calls her kids in the captions ‘sweet baby’ she never calls them in real life. It’s so fake it reminds me of Hinch so so much.
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I'm usually a lurker here but was shocked to see #letsgoboys on her stories.
She has spent weeks obsessively following the Cains and using #letsgochamp. How could she not be doing this on purpose. At best it's massively insensitive. 😢
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I don’t know how much longer I can keep coming on here tbh. Out of everything she does (I’ve been here for a few years now) I think it’s the sickly, sweet, Disney, everything is wonderful, sugar coated, filtered to fuck, fake perfection that’s at the top of all things wrong. It gives such a skewed image of new motherhood. Yes I know everyone is different, some mums float through, others can’t wash for days, boobs leaking and cry. And it’s only been a week, she’s in a newborn high at the minute. I had 3 under 5yrs. Third born by emergency C-section. It was HARD. But the way she’s showing it, all filtered and floaty, I feel is dangerous for other new mums. They’ll compare themselves to her fake life. Now, I’m hoping that as she moves forward she’ll show the lows as well as the highs. But I doubt it. She’s got a husband at home 24/7, a madfredayahoo on tap and appears not to do much.
Just an extra. Ronnie is very cute and Lennie is a wee toot. Oh that rhymed 🤣
She would of done so much better if after she had Ronnie she showed the real life with a newborn, but she chose to show a Disney life with no problems, no worries and it’s bitten her in the arse because people are seeing through the facade
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Chatty Member
She’s a dangerous woman - I’m about ready to pop baby number 2 out, I had an absolute terrible time after having baby number 1 (colic, breastfeeding troubles - i mourned my old life if I’m being honest), of course it got better otherwise I wouldn’t have got preggers again, I feel far more prepared this time round. But for new mums who see her saccharine coated Disneyesque portrayal of having a brand new baby, this could really effect their mental health. She could really be using her platform to help others by being real.

I follow The Enchanted Nanny on Instagram - she’s just had her 4th and presents a warts and all version of having a new baby, showing the highs AND the lows. She even showed a cranial osteopath working on her little boy the other day, demonstrating the benefits they can bring for colicky babies. THAT’S helpful, not someone eyefucking themselves whilst their baby is incorrectly bundled into a stretchy wrap.

She’s just vacuous! Absolutely vacuous!
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Jamie gives me the fucking creeps 🤢
I bet he breaks his neck to look at cats arseholes as they are walking through their garden.
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Princess Soph sat there doing what she does best i.e absolutely nothing, as usual leaving Inch to do the parenting.
Showing off her nursing bra like feeding your own child is some fucking special achievement & the exaggerated acting, like she’s the only person ever to love their children.
I don’t think I can stomach any more of her eye fucking herself at every opportunity. She really is the most narcissistic woman ever. Everything else in her life, her children, husband, family, sheeple are just a vehicle to feed her narcissism. Nothing else matters. It’s all about her 😡😡🤬🤬
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Why isn't that safe sleeping? He's on his back?
Those pods are unsafe for sleeping, along with the material around the cot, the items and objects etc. It's all a big SIDS increasing mess. It makes it more difficult for him to breath and increases the chance of him overheating. The fact that people don't know this, and watch influencers like her and then ultimately copy/learn from her makes me physically ill.
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