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The Dowager

Chatty Member

I mean, I've had some disappointing shags in my time, but nothing has been as anticlimactic as this.
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Ahhhh no that’s unfair she doesn’t look 40+ come on.... fair is fair and she looks lovely and so what she’s got a filter on?? Everyone uses filters and lighting
1. She looks the same age as my 40 year old friends.
2. It's no good filtering clothes you are trying to sell, people won't be able to find the colours in store.
3. I think you may be on the wrong thread... 😕 #awkward
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My 6 year old just woke up and opened her £1 LOL calendar before she got ready for school... that was it. Tell me that’s what normal people do right? I don’t do an elf on the shelf. I don’t do a Christmas Eve box... we walk round the estate looking at the lights on Christmas Eve & then watch a Christmas film. That’s all I really do, I can’t believe her post has made me feel bad this morning. Must be pregnancy hormones lol, but everyone is right, she can’t read a room to save her life.
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My sister in law used to get her kids mountains of presents each Christmas. She would easily spend about £1k on each of her 3 kids. As they got older she would maybe spend the same amount but get less as they would get things like iPhones and Nintendo switch. But they were so used to seeing mountains of presents that they expected more even though she was spending roughly the same. That’s what’s gonna happen with Ronnie. If every year he gets a mountain of gifts for Christmas and his birthday he’s gonna expect that every year. She’s gonna make a rod for her own back here. I get my kids 1 or 2 presents at Christmas and then they have a present to share from Santa. It’s not that I can’t afford to get them more but I want them to know that Christmas isn’t about the presents. It’s about turkey and cranberry sauce 😂
I think social media has made parents feel they should have tons of presents as everyone starts posting their trees with all their presents under it. Can I also say for anyone who feels they haven’t got their kids enough please don’t worry. My kids can’t even remember what they got for Christmas last year. But they remember all the fun things we did like going to see Santa and going to winter wonderland.
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under the ivy

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I've just realised I'm a VIP member 🥳 Very Important Pastry troll 😝

I think the tree is already up and she's eeking it out for content.
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She misses a trick every time doesn’t she.
here’s one for free Soph.
In our house - 3 year old and 20 month old I gather craft bits all year - usually when I see it reduced somewhere and whack it in a box.
then our advent is to do one Xmas craft a day - making decorations for the house, ginger bread etcetc. wholesome. age appropriate.

yeah and an Aldi chocolate calendar.

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Jesus Christ, it’s hard to know where to start with that advent montage! I mean, how far detached from reality can you get?!

I don’t have kids, but I feel sad thinking of all the parents who might watch that and feel like they’re not doing enough. If that applies to anyone here, please bear in mind that these people are millionaires and neither of them work. They have all the time and money in the world to go to such a ridiculous effort for a baby who doesn’t understand what any of it means. None of it is actually really ‘for’ Ronnie anyway if you think about it, it’s all just so she’s got stuff to post on Instagram. I really hope the ‘content’ is worth it, because by doing all this the likelihood is that she’s setting herself up to have a very spoilt & unpleasant child who doesn’t appreciate anything for Christmases to come.
My sister is a private cleaner who has now lost all her jobs due to covid. She’s got 4 children. She’s now having to claim UC and her first payment won’t be until after Christmas (5 weeks?)

I was on the phone to her for an hour today. She was sobbing. She doesn’t have anything. She was paid weekly. I’ve had to buy her and the kids a tree and lend her money and she’s now having to go to my parents for dinner. (long story but her and my brother don’t get on and he goes there every year)

I can honestly say that if I were a millionaire, I would not squander it on shit like she does. My kids would still do the yearly Christmas food bank drop off and have the set amount of presents they do. That said, my children are grateful for everything they get no matter whether it’s a colouring book or a new bike. If I saw one of them rip open a present then chuck it aside without looking at it in order to rip open the next, they wouldn’t open anymore. We do Elf On The Shelf. We always have. When the kids are extra good, they get a present BUT it’s something they need like socks or a new school bag. Every Boxing Day, they sit down and write thank you cards and they remember exactly who bought what. It breaks my heart that kids will literally go hungry this year 😢
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Think today’s the day we’re all going to be treated to the hinch 2020 main Christmas tree reveal guys!! Prepare yourselves, I’m thinking ron and hen with some sort of antlers/prop, Ron staring off to the Middle East to avoid eye contact with mummaz, the train that Ron will just loveeee and he’ll touch it once then leave it alone for ever because she only needs to tell him once guys. I’m imagining a caption of ‘it’s not perficcccck but it’s ours and I just love it guys hope you do to’ and last but not least our annual gushing picture on vests insta full of pride that his wife has managed to put a tree up, maybe, just maybe if we’re lucky we’ll also be treated to our tired little soph asleep on the sofa (with the duvet of course) after all the Christmas Graft she’s put in over the last few days. Hope this makes sense!
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Anyone else remember when advent calendars were just pictures behind the doors & how much we loved & appreciated that?
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Cassy Role

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I won’t quote the original poster as they’ll be living their best life on the rave thread by now but I don’t think Hinch is a bad mum at all. I’d never comment on parenting of someone I don’t know personally as I know how hard parenting is. I’m here for the same reason as a lot of others. The lies. The perfect insta life on her stories with a child who still naps twice a day at 18 months so she can “get stuff done”, goes to bed early and sleeps so she can have an evening with Ben & Jerry’s in front of the TV and now her kid even picks out his own clothes ffs...

Then on other people’s posts and in interviews she makes out he’s a nightmare and really naughty (apart from the restaurant debacle when she said he did nothing but scream and she was mortified but to me this isn’t being naughty it’s being a toddler and wanting to move around. But anyway. I digress...)

She bangs on in interviews about wanting to lift the lid on the insta perfect life (which she apparently does in her book) so is that openly admitting that her insta is just like a show? A bit like towie? Given a bit of a vajazzle for viewing pleasure??

She is confused herself I think. She genuinely makes my head hurt. I can’t look away though I’m just fascinated by her and what she blato lies about. It’s mad!
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Im all for autonomy and independence but perhaps given hes only 18m she could have exerted some responsible initiative and taken out 2 of each practical items and told him to choose eg blue trousers or the red trousers. That would have taught him colours too. Not just free rein of all his clothes that mean he’s ended up in a shirt in November. 🙄🙄🙄
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