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She’s really wound me up lately. I’ve got two toddler boys. My youngest is a couple of months older than Ronnie. The way Ronnie looks at her /interacts with her isn’t “right”. She’s got no real relationship with him. Let’s be real. She doesn’t feed him, change him, bathe him, play with him. Jamie and her mum do it all. She must be on her phone all day and half the night. I’d put money on her barely ever having ever changed his nappy or battled him Into a sleepsuit or having had a day where he just wants to be on her hip the entire day or any of the normal mum stuff. He doesn’t seem to give a shit whether she’s there or not. If I try to film my 16 month old he comes straight over to try to see what’s on my phone. He thinks ooh what’s that? Ronnie doesn’t bat an eyelid at her phone. It’s desperately sad.
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Just to say, he didn’t blow her a kiss, he put it back. He ghosted her kiss. He’s a tattler for sure.
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Sophie you're not suffering from paranoia. It's not the same as waking up with a cold or a headache. Those things are generally short lived and you recover from them fairly quickly. Paranoia however, isnt a minor ailment that you wake up feeling. What you are suffering from is being caught out lying again. You asked your followers their opinion on the end posts of a pergola that you know fine well is almost fully installed and finished and then when you realised that you'd actually filmed it and put it on your story, you deleted it. Now maybe your followers are too blind to see what you are doing, or maybe they saw it and because they think the sun shines out of your arse, they don't care. You do though, don't you? You care, admittedly only about yourself, because once again you've lied and been caught out and now you feel guilty. The guilt will only last as long as one of your beloved minkys though won't it? No doubt you're out shopping again this morning, buying more pointless tat to make yourself feel better.
Anyway, good luck shifting your paranoia, you lying, conniving witch.
All the vest.
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Does she not realise he’s a baby and babies like music? No he isn’t ‘Whitney obsessed’ he just likes music 🙄
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Guyyzzzz I’m new here and still learning!

Used to be a bit of a fan when she actually cleaned... But recently found myself feeling unmotivated after watching her stories that I didn’t have a stay at home vest to amuse my baby so I could spend hours cooking meals and wanking taps.
I finally snapped at her bullshit when I noticed she was clearly spunking her money on very pricey material items and not doing a very good job at trying to hide it?! Like why? Oh yes that’s right - you want to come across as relatable!

shes far from the faceless cleaning account that I started watching before her first This Morning stint.

As a mum with a baby a similar age I also can not get over the amount of salty processed shit she feeds her son!! I’m not a moron so I know that you shouldn’t be feeding little ones anything like that but what about the cults offspring? How can she be so stupid?!

Here’s my two cents on her face - as someone who has had Botox/fillers/rhinoplasty etc (look Sophie how it’s okay to ADMIT those things, nobody judges you when your open about it) Botox relaxes muscles and makes your face drop slightly. Her eyebrow are trying to take off half way up her temples and judging by how unnatural it looked when she was blinking on todays stories it looks like she’s had an eyebrow lift.

With love from an ex hincher 😘
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Vesty must wonder what the hell he has to deal with that day when he wakes up, such a long list of mystery ailments, but not to worry they're all cured by going out and buying bag fulls of tat
And don’t forget that anxiety can be cured by:

A) Looking at your wedding photos
B) A nice hot chocolate in Costa

#actual quotes
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PJ party girl

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Quick morning rant on her ‘content’ so far - why do we need a close up of the dog's nose, although it is preferable to his willy, why oh why is that poor child being fed more processed junk and still not got a drink to wash it down with and for the love of god, how many times do we need to see her hinching cleaning her bloody sink? And breathe....
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Ok, Tattle Bastards If anyone is slightly interested.

The grand total so far including thread 198 is 196.460 posts on MH

Shall we have cake and champagne when this thread has ended lol
Cake and champagne? Are you mad? We want a Robinson's bottle full of juice, some sweet potatoes, a slice of processed ham and a bar of Frys Chocolate Cream! 😂😂 but I'll settle for came and champagne! X
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She’s putting a chopping board in her pergola. She’s putting a fucking CHOPPING BOARD IN A PERGOLA
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Her urrr durrrr list is just 🤦‍♀️ I mean I do write down important things such as ‘post letter’ or ‘xxx birthday card’ but not ‘breathe’ and ‘play with kid’ 😂
I don’t watch her regularly , haven’t for months and months. Just pop in here or pop over to look at something specific. Gotta say I popped over this morning, skipped all til Ronwiththemoves. How cute was he dancing. I love babies boogying. They wiggle. But her screeching at him 🤦‍♀️
Once she wrote "play with Ronnie" and "hold Jamie's hand" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I swear to god if I hear her laughing/crying voice screeching “Hansnums” one more time I’m throwing myself in the sea! It drives me absolutely batshit crazy!! 🤯
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Hi, new member here. I've just cringed so much my arsehole could make out what fabric my sofa was
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She probably feels paranoid because her conscience may be kicking in telling her she's scamming hard working people out of money 🤷‍♀️

Also wtf is that breakfast? Not even slightly toasted before. So it's just hot floppy bread with cheese and ham 🤢 no wonder Ronnielonglegstuftymanzwristwrinkleblesshim was trying to feed Jabba the Mutt. We had crumpets and an Activa yogurt each this morning, I should have filmed it for you guyzzzzz, sorry I've just felt so paranoid and I don't know why, so I didn't think to record for you all. I'm still learning.
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