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Well considering she’s had broken waters and has been in labour for what feels like 40 weeks along with Streb b she’s doing very well with all this advertising bullshit ! Having been pregnant with strep b and delivered a baby with strep b I must say I was no where near as laid back as she is ! 🖕🏼 This women is full of shit !!! I’d out her but what’s the point if she deletes it so no one reads it anyway
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We were looking at Snuz as a potential for next baby but I’ve recently seen them featured on Lucy JC and now Emma’s Instagram...such a major put off. I won’t be spending my hard earned money on a company that sends *gifted items to already financially stable families. Why do these companies think that this tactic will work?! I guess it does for some sheep though! Hopefully they wise up soon!!
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Her stories are just so longggg. Don’t know how anybody can sit a watch her just ramble and winge on. its just boring she doesn’t have a clue about actually having to work hard for anything 🙄🙄
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Andy’s gone back to work 😂 what at the bottom of the garden in his office ?! Hardly on your own with granddad living with you !! It’s an insult to people who really are on their own !! Let’s face it he hasn’t gone off to London or to war in Afghanistan ! Silly bint !!! Get your arse out of bed and get on with it like the rest of us !! I’m glad your “ feeling full “ I’m full of your bullshit !!

Even during her time off and the day she cane how from hospital she managed to squeeze in a *gifted baby sling thing. Would be the last thing on my mind
Her children are only there to promote herself ! It’s sad really sad 😢 has she actually got any fun toys in the house ? She will crash and burn once the baby bubble has burst. Feel sorry for her really, it must be a lonely life
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That FaceTime video ya kno that one where she was peeking to see if her husband was watching then she’d throw her head back in pain with contractions. She looked like she was in full blown labour but what they miraculously just stopped and now your home? Going for walks as well? She is definitely trying to make this baby come sooner rather than later just so she has some Instagram content
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Well-known member
So glad I found this thread! I cannot believe the amount of time this women spends eye-fucking the camera on her stories.... all the ‘So...yeah... I mean... I don’t know... it’s just... I mean.... it’s ok... it’s just HARD’ say what you need to say and put your bloody phone down! She is a complete narcissist and how she thinks she’s ‘empowering the modern mother’ I’ll never know, she’s a complete moanbag who just wants to admire herself chatting crap all day. She’s so dull! And very much on the beg atm too 🥱 I’ve actually seen her IRL and she looks VERY different without her filters and perfect angles 🤔
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Did anyone else realise she's in a bay so only a curtain separating her from the other patients? What on earth must they think when they hear her talking to her phone and huffing and puffing all over the place? I'd hate to hear someone messing about on their Instagram when I was in hospital, if I were next to her
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How else can she get constantly get her lashes and nails done and spend so much time admiring herself talking into her phone. Palms them off onto her dad. All the cleaning too.
Does anyone remember when she went on holiday to the Caribbean with the younger two and left the older girls at home? Who goes on holiday with half their children. They must have felt so left out!!
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She’d probably enjoy motherhood and not find it all so exhausting and shit If she stopped trying To portray this perfect life, perfect home and perfect kids. No one cares she would have a lot more of a positive reaction on her page if she was just to be normal to stop trying so hard and not thinking she’s this big influencer she’s trying so hard to be. She was a normal page and I quite liked her but since her following has grown its been funny to watch how much she’s changed to mrs prim & proper and copying everyone else.
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I'm starting to think her waters never even broke and the hospital visit and appointments were for her own worries and concerns or something minor. Could tell by the end she was just getting fed up of being pregnant
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I thought her moustache was pigmentation due to skin changes during pregnancy (which obviously can’t be helped) as I don’t really know anything about fillers. But how horrific if it’s from fillers 🤣 Surely defeats the point in getting them?! As you get them to make your lips look in your opinion ‘better’ but then end up with a moustache 🤦🏼‍♀️
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I’m sorry but I smell bullshit. She’s 34 weeks having contractions and her waters have gone! They would not let you home if that was the case due to infection and with this covid are they going to really let you in and out of maternity not knowing if your appose a risk to others? Now your home doing hair cuts and having tea party’s lol should you not be where you’ve spent 90% of your bed! There’s just no way hospital will let you go 3 weeks if your waters have gone knowing your body can’t seem to carry full term I’m not sure why they’d risk it
This really made me chuckle. Basically, everything she says or does just completely contradicts what she said 5 minutes ago. The woman is away with the fairies! She’s doing as much laying down as she can...but she was fine standing in the kitchen to do a (might I add, very awful) haircut on her husband. Then she’s prancing round the house accessorising the nursery and taking photos for Instagram, then a fucking walk!! Does anyone else actually find themselves getting slightly angry at the lies?
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I don’t think all her baby’s have been prem, the only one with photo evidence is Eliza, the rest may have come a few weeks early but not really premature. She probably either begs to be induced or really over does it so she makes them come early. All for attention. The hyper sickness was a total lie. If you look back she managed a trip to London by herself when she was apparently suffering with it but before she had announced her pregnancy. Pure rubbish. It came and went as to when it suited her. Her attention seeking knows no limits. More references to her emotionally Abusive childhood. Why does she live with her dad and let him look after her kids if it was so bad.
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I feel sorry for her husband. Clearly, he works hard to support the whole family and has taken on the two older girls who aren’t even his. But Emma pisses me off, the way she takes advantage of him. She’s clearly rinsing him. Those hideous lashes will be approx £40 an infil, Gel nails, lip fillers and her constant Zara shopping. No wonder they have no furniture and are frugal with food when all his wages are wasted on unnecessary, narcissistic frivolities.
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Chatty Member
Her latest post makes me sad for the older ones. I know she will want to spend some time with Eden but the way it's written makes it sound like the bigger ones are just a huge inconvenience to her
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Even if the labour goes well she will make it into a big story, it will be different to everyone else blah blah blah 😴🖕🏼 Wait for it 🙄

This really has blown my mind. Accepting money to do an *ad* for sanitary items when so many women have to go without because they simply can’t afford them, but Emma can?! If that was me, I would have said thanks but no thanks. Send them to my local women’s refuge/shelter. It seems these people lose all sense of dignity when they try to climb the ladder of insta fame. As someone said above, I would have to be in a pretty desperate state to accept money to advertise sanitary items. And for gods sake, please stop using this awful orange filter? It’s so uneasy on the eye and makes everyone who uses it look 10years older!
That’s cause she’s a selfish spoilt little brat
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I am a first time poster! I used to follow her but unfollowed very quickly! I obviously still nose on her stories because it is just car crash! She is so narcissistic, vain and I have never seen someone moan about their kids so much like they are the biggest burden! The whole woe is me attitude is embarrassing, she is so disgustingly smug and just cant get enough of eye fucking herself in the camera. Such a try hard and a massive beg. Rant over :)
I could have written this myself! Spot on 🙏🏼
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Note the potential lining up of some drama re the feeding, her comment if baby hasn’t gained weight she doesn’t know what the next steps will be and feels anxious 🙄
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