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I don’t think that’s really for anyone to say. I’m sure there are people in sexless/affectionless (which is a very subjective, personal, measure in any event) marriages for any number of reason and quite happy with that. Or, if not “happy”, satisfied to such an extent that they don’t want to divorce. The issue arises when there is a mismatch of desires/expectations in a material way which is not resolvable. For any number of reasons: where to live/how many children to have etc. I think we should be careful about making really broad generalisations about what makes a successful relationship as it is so individual to each couple.

That’s part of the very toxic problem with influencers - their way or thing they want to flog is the “right” and only way/thing. It’s completely non-inclusive and makes a significant number of people consuming that content feel really quite shit about themselves.

We can see here that now we are going to have loads and loads of content about how to divorce “properly”/“happily”/“remarkably”. It’s just a natural progression from how to give birth/feed your baby/dress your toddler/dress yourself in horrid sweatshirts just like we do - the BEST way. Really taking advantage of a quite vulnerable group of consumers - new parents. Now moving onto another vulnerable group - the newly separated. The untrained/non-indemnified and unregulated pseudo psychologist/counsellor crew will be circling soon enough too. It’s all utterly unethical
Without wanting to sound like a nutso christian fundamentalist type, if there is no abuse of any kind on either side, and if you once had a fulfilling sex life, chemistry and affection with your partner, then generally you can get that stuff back again if you are willing to work on the relationship.

Unfortunately I think it is symptomatic of our culture of instant gratification that people actually don't want to put the work in to relationships any more and instead would rather just kick the can down the road and get into a new relationship, where a decade down the road they'll likely find themselves in the same situation.
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I'm sure many of us can relate to ending a long term relationship, meeting someone else and thinking 'ooooh, this feels like IT'. BUT, even if you feel that and communicate that in private circles, saying that publicly when you're still in the honeymoon phase and finalising your 'perfect divorce' just seem foolish.

Genuinely happy for anyone finding happiness after divorce, but maybe stop using your family and personal relationships as part is your brand... I'm surprised his handle isn't 'boyfriend pukka' already 🤢
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Just came across this recent article from MPs mum. From the age of 18 months, MPs eldest child lived with her grandmother in Oxford for 4 days a week and used to cry out in the night for her when back with her parents 😵.
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Absolutely spot on analysis. She’s a narc and everything is about her and how it’s advanced HER relationship with how fantastic SHE is.

Do these twats ever think about their kids or the fact that no one needs to hear any of this? Just get divorced and shut the fuck up.
This has to be the next thread - Just get divorced and shut the fuck up.
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Chatty Member
She'd rather be famous than look after her kids.

But she is famous for pretending she wants to look after her kids, but has to work so much that she can't.

The eternal paradox of Mother Pukka.
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How could you not be sad? I dunno but if I was still laughing and dancing with someone I would stay.

The darkest hours when I have contemplated divorce have been because I feel truly like our connection has been broken due to disagreement and fundamental lack of understanding. Where I haven’t been supported. Big shit.

If they are so bloody magnificent at all this why not stay married?

Either they are lying or they don’t really respect the concept of marriage.
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I think I’ve figured what it is about her. She’s uncomfortable. She’s uncomfortable with herself, her online persona is uncomfortable to watch, she’s uncomfortable as a parent, she’s all round uncomfortable.
She’s built her online presence during the “instamum” years, part of the white-middle-class-able-bodied-and-privileged set alongside mother of daughters etc. since they’ve been cancelled for whatever reason or fallen out of fashion, she’s switched gears but not quite ready to take both feet out. She still uses photos of her kids (face hidden) for her posts where she is desperate to come across as a higher order activist, superior to instamums and Jane public. Manifesto this, quagmire that. But she only ever talks about her kids as a full-time chore and never posts anything else family related. She does a graveyard shift job which nobody else would’ve wanted and it’s completely at odds with her quest for flexible working around family. I’m sure she was all about body positivity and loving yourself after birth or something, but she’s pumping up her face without any disclosures (so much for AuThEnTiCiTy). She is just uncomfortable in every way.
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I find it all very selfish personally. As someone said above, if they’re all happy clappy BFFs dancing together in the kitchen then how is the upheaval of the divorce justifiable? It might not be as exciting as banging someone new but there’s a lot worse than being married to your best friend. I’d put up with a lot before I accepted living apart from my children and only seeing them half the time. I also wouldn’t want them to have to deal with stepparents and step siblings.
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I’m surprised she didn’t hang back a bit to really milk her “dating after divorce” phase stashed with so many LOL stories and anecdotes from dating apps and dates gone wrong (that never happened…), peppered with her high-brow alliteration and bizarre sound bites. Quagmire quagmire paradox paperbag.

Such a missed opportunity and so dull heading straight to her “forever love” whilst still not actually legally divorced yet I don’t think. This woman is so attention hungry and tragic.
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Genuinely happy for anyone finding happiness after divorce, but maybe stop using your family and personal relationships as part is your brand... I'm surprised his handle isn't 'boyfriend pukka' already 🤢
Pukka Fukka more like. Let's see how long this lasts. It's obviously been going on a while. Notwithstanding this, Anna has been flogging articles to the Daily Telegraph in the last few months saying his hard online dating is post separation.
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She announced her engagement on the podcast with Louise Boynton. This week's new Telegraph column about selling the marital home and moving in with My Person Olly is WOW. The best line: 'Until we sell the house, my ex is staying there while I move into another place with my boyfriend.. It was exciting house-hunting together. Finding a place that would house our collective four children...A band of miniature followers under one roof.'

She describes THEIR CHILDREN as followers.
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How vigorously do we think Anna is trying to propel herself up Giovanna Fletchers arse?

Dream come true with, oh, what’s his name, Olly, I think, she’s not said, having links to Tom Fletcher.

ETA Fuck me, “Olly” is such a wankfest of a name. it reminds me of a home counties Cocker spaniel.
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It’s all a bit schoolgirl ‘I’ve got a BOYFRIEND, have I told you about MY BOYFRIEND, I was just saying to MY BOYFRIEND the other day, I went to the pub with MY BOYFRIEND, OLLY BRETTON last’

It makes me wonder how amicable the split really was that she feels the need to reiterate that she’s seeing someone every two seconds and not only that, but to gush over him like she’s just bagged the most popular boy in her year.
She’s going to feel so stupid when she gets dumped six months down the line lol
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Yep and also in London you need to be earning well above that to be 'loaded'.
I’d wear my Olly Breton with a corduroy pinafore dress now that the weather has perked up a bit. With some 70 denier matt Farquharson tights.

No idea what lawyers earn but she won’t have picked a skint cocklodger-fukka, would she? Fillers ain’t cheap!
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Dawn O’Porter wrote a blog piece after the Whitmore event saying she had no idea who anyone there was. I just looked at MPs post and chuckled to myself at the pics with DOP thinking she’s wondering who the fuck this blonde is 😂
honestly though who the fuck is dawn o’porter too

(i do know who she is i just hate her)
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I’m not a parent and thus avoid mummy bloggers like the plague but I saw her post showing the Times double page spread trumpeting their divorce while doomscrolling in the wee hours and RAN here to read this thread and have it confirmed: absolute mega twat.

Just like many of these social media “mamas” were the first to have ever been pregnant, ever to have maintained a career while parenting, now these showy dickheads are the first to ever have a non-acrimonious divorce. As so many people have said, let’s just wait until the holiday childcare arrangements and new partners show up, eh.
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From the latest Grazia….
Wow, so she’s pretending that she was caught up in the instamum phase of ‘must do that, must buy this’ etc. when she was part of the problem? No acknowledgement that she was one of the main crowd of middle class instamamas that new parents aspired to be? The audacity.
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So they’ll continue to write books together? I can see it now: How To Have A Pukka Divorce, How To Have A Pukka Co-Parenting Relationship, How To Have A Pukka Blended Family… gawd save us.
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