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VIP Member
She sounds like my dad. He constantly makes bitchy comments about me. I haven't spoken to him for 3 weeks since his last load of remarks. I dont know why they think they can be so mean and get away with it!
Shes really rather vile . .
She does this little wriggle ( like a child oma who needs a wee?) when shes being mean or nasty . . Horrid horrid woman 👎


Active member
It’s my ex’s mum too I was nodding reading the whole thing ... we had 3 little kids (3 under 2), it was bedtime for them and she called him to demand he drove 40 mins to her house to tune in her new radio to her favourite station. He said yes!!! She was so selfish and would do anything to get his attention

You just described my ex’s Mum! Whatsapp messages all day, making plans for him to visit (without me), texting during TV shows... argh!!!


Active member
Oooh I didn't know there was a thread for this, so please excuse my essay in advance 😂

This is all my ex mother in law, thankfully I've re-married and my current mother in law is lovely!

She hated me for taking her son away from her, and also because I wasn't Catholic

- when my ex and I moved in together, she turned up, treated my mum like the hired help (because my mum actually got stuck in and helped us clean and unpack), deigned to put my exes clothes in the wrong wardrobe, and disappeared again

- when we got married, she wore sunglasses and a sour face through all of the wedding photos

- she approached our vicar after the ceremony and loudly stated 'well that wasn't too bad for a Church of England ceremony'

- we used to be offered a 'slot' to visit on Christmas day (because we weren't invited to go to the Harvester for Xmas Dinner with them) and if we said that doesn't work for us can we come at a different time, she would force her husband to ring my ex and he would basically beg him to do what she said while you could hear her wailing and bawling in the background

- we said one year they could come to us if they wanted to see us over Christmas, she took over the telly and wouldn't let anyone speak or make a noise while watching her shows.

- we were looking for a new flat and found the perfect one, she threw her toys out of the pram because the flat was in the next road over to where her mother briefly lived, who had since passed away (nb she didn't pass in this particular area or I would have understood more)

- used to frequently cry at family dinners that she had no family left to love her and take care of her (her parents had sadly passed but she had a husband and two adult children who were close to her)

- my Xmas present one year was some weird gingham floral coasters that were all ripped and frayed, and a plastic fake gem photo frame that had half the gems missing

- used to complain if someone seated 30 seconds after us in a restaurant received their food before us

- had a special notebook in her car to leave snooty and slightly abusive messages on people's cars if she deemed that they'd parked badly or similar
You have my sympathy. She sounds like a nightmare....that last one did crack me up though!


VIP Member
I love my MIL. She’s a sweetheart.

Does so much for us and adores our son. I have a brilliant relationship with her and (pre covid) would happily just pop in for a cuppa and a catch up with her.

My FIL however.. is a pain in the arse! I’ve told my OH if his Mum dies no way is he coming to live with us.
This literally could have been me writing this. She unfortunately passed away a few years ago and my FIL is hellish but can be lovely at times 🤷🏻‍♀️

1001 others

VIP Member
Also why is she going out anywhere at the moment?????
I'm in New Zealand; we do have Covid 'levels' but they're currently set at people being allowed to move relatively freely (until 6am tomorrow morning when a new set of restrictions will come in).


Active member
I never met my mum in law, she passed when my husband was young, but from what I know of her, she didn’t take no crap, nor do I. My mother however is the mother of all mother in law’s from hell, she actually hit my sister in law and my brother sided with his mummy like the spineless little arse that he is. I love my son in law, him and my daughter just welcomed two beautiful babies and he’s a marvellous dad and partner. I will be sure that once my sons settle down then we’ll welcome them and love them too. My Irish gt grandma used to say a daughter is a daughter for life, a son is yours until he finds a wife.
Whaaaat why did she hit her x


VIP Member
So some advice is needed!
I'm doing some thank you cards for people for all the gifts for my newborn baby boy. Anyway im going have to do one for the MIL (who suddenly became interested once he was here) she's decided she wants to be called mam mam, or whatever its called. Which basically means mum on French. But I refuse to call her that! So how do I address her in the card? Grandma?just her name? Or do I give in and call her Mam mam? I really don't want to call her that as she was vile throughout my pregnancy and wasn't at all interested,now she's changed her mind and wants to be centre of attention with him. So how shall I address her in the card?


VIP Member
I'm in New Zealand; we do have Covid 'levels' but they're currently set at people being allowed to move relatively freely (until 6am tomorrow morning when a new set of restrictions will come in).
Ooo where in New Zealand
Hoping to move to Dunedin in next couple years x


VIP Member
My mother in law is such a selfish bint! Her step daughter has just been diagnosed with a terminal illness and is having some money problems as obviously she’s unable to work. The in laws are wealthy so in a position to help but they haven’t offered her a penny. I don’t understand how anybody could be so cruel ☹
That’s so awful 😔 if they arent going to help in those circumstances I don’t think they ever would by the sounds of it.


VIP Member
How does she greet you when you visit ? Do you get a smile and/or a quick hug and and a peck on the cheek at least ?
No hun, nothing like that. Maybe a smile but then she goes and greets my dog and focuses on him. She doesn’t even really make any conversation unless it’s about the dog 🙁xx

Mrs Cucumber

VIP Member
Alright guys I’ve calmed down now 😅😅 the initial shock of being called a troll really got to me and I didn’t even see it yesterday. Too busy talking about 🍆 on WHYDT. I’ve remembered this is the internet. Tattle is a release for me as I’m sure for many of people. I know this story is wild and raises a lot of eyebrows. In real life it’s met with a lot of ‘JUST LEAVE HIM’ especially from my mum, but that feels really hard for so many reasons. Anyway her rails are SUPPOSED to be being installed this week so hopefully not much longer 🤞
Was it your mum questioning if he was moving out too? Sort of thing my mum would do!

Is it a cultural thing with your husband and his mum?


Chatty Member
My MIL is okay, or was okay, until our baby came along. Now she is overbearing

She was worst when he was first born. Wouldnt leave us alone, facetiming us every hour because she 'wanted to see him' then she would be on the phone for about 45 minutes just saying boo? Even though he was a day old and spent most of his time asleep? Constantly patronising, do this, do that.

She has an air to her that she thinks my son is more part of her family than mine, cos she is close by and my family aren't. She says 'well he has my surname' about him. Thinks my Mum shouldn't be that bothered about him because she had 4 other grandkids and my MIL only has the one. She gets the hump if my Mum has been round to see him and she hasn't. Once there was a week where my Mum seen him 3 times. She royally kicked off cos she had only seen him once that week

Makes me feel like shit if he's not reaching his milestones 'on time'. He didnt smile till he was 8 weeks old and from 4 weeks she was saying 'he doesnt smile enough. You need to be doing more. Are you even trying to make him smile?' As if I'm not trying to make my baby smile 🤣 constantly 'is he laughing yet?' 'Is he walking yet?' NO!!! Whenever she facetimes now, which luckily isn't as much now, she ignores me and my fella. Just talks to the baby. The poor baby is more interested in the tele or his toys or climbing on me and his Dad but he's stuck on the phone for 45 minutes with her trying to make him smile and laugh. She gets a cob on if he doesn't smile or laugh. She goes 'WHY ISNT HE SMILING?' Because he doesnt wanna be on the phone maybe???

Oh she's a gobshite 🤣 sometimes I think I'm being petty but Christ it's a lot when you put up with it all the time.
Oh my god. If this was me I’d have to say something, that’s just not on!! Terrible that you even have to go through with this and the fact that a grown woman can act that way is shocking.

1001 others

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I've mentioned it before, mine keeps copying my clothes 😭 I bought some spotty wide leg trousers which I wore last week around her. I've received a whatsapp this morning with a photo of her in the trousers "omg Wilma they're soooo comfy I can see why you liked them" pleaaaase stop 🤣
(Sick response at the behaviour, not the description of the pants). Is she a narcissist, your MiL? Because that is one of their traits - they copy others' behaviours, shopping, mannerisms ... and claim they got to them first. It's bloody annoying.


Chatty Member
I don’t think you’re mean it’s understandable. If I were you I’d probably arrange to go over hers for lunch once every couple of weeks. She can run around after you, feeding you and then you can leave when you want. Then I’d get your OH to step up and take the baby over every couple of weeks to give you a rest and keep the MIL happy. It’s should all be your responsibility to keep his mum happy!

Act as if nothings happened… it’ll really wind her up. It’ll also show others how childish she’s being.
That should have read as *shouldn’t!