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Chatty Member
Has anyone ever had a root canal? I have opted for one to try and save my tooth and I am shitting pantaloons!!
I’ve had one, I found it awful tbh, was in bad pain for 5 days, but I was also 4 months post partum, very run down and sleep deprived, exclusively breastfeeding so had to be careful about the amount of painkillers I took so I think all of those factors made the experience a lot worse for me, other people have said it was fine for them, some advice is that ibuprofen works the best for the pain, use corsodyl mouth rinse too and anything anti inflammatory I found bonjella quite helpful x

Childbirth was the most painful , a head crowning is eye watering 😭.

I once stubbed my little toe against a paving slab and that was awful, the throbbing agony kept me awake all night and I was pregnant so didn’t take anything too strong to relieve the pain.

Having a drain removed after my hysterectomy was incredibly painful but it was very brief , thank God!
am I the only lady on here who didn’t even feel the head crowning? 😂 I didn’t feel a thing of the pushing as I’d had a magical epidural lol, sooooo bloody glad I got one I do feel a bit like I’ve cheated though and didn’t really give birth ‘properly’ 😆


VIP Member
I had a hysterectomy because my endo was so extensive , it had attached itself to my bladder as well but I didn’t get the terrible pain you describe , that sounds unbearable. I did used to get occasional very painful jabs around my rectum ( javelin arse) , felt just like a javelin and I think that was linked to my endo.
I have grade 4 endometriosis and have been offered a hysterectomy. I used to get severe jabbing pains where I suspect my ovaries are. It's stopped hurting as much but I still absolutely dread having a period in case I get the pain again. Bending over seems to trigger it. I'm still unsure about having the hysterectomy 🤔

Dont swipe up!

VIP Member
Gallstones. At first I thought it was really bad heartburn and would joke I was having sympathy pains as my mum has an impacted gallbladder. The pain was awful, would spread across my chest into my back and I’d be throwing up.
Had my gallbladder removed although I now have severe IBS
Oh my goodness
I know what you mean
I woke during the night with what I thought at the time heart attack!!
I shouted at my partner to wake up and call ambulance the burning pain was out of this world!
Then I was sick
Then it went
Then the next night it happened again being sick and literally pacing because the pain was just like I said out of this world
Following day I was in fatal position allday only way I could ease pain and then my hands starting lifting by themselves and vision blurry so my mother in law rang 999 and I was taking to hospital straight away on gas and air
Then was asked for a urine sample and it was bright red so passing blood
Turns out I had massive Gaul stones and pancreatitis both at the same time and doctors said having one of these problems is unbearable let alone two!
My god it was horrific
They then gave me morphine for the pain on a drip so I pushed a button for a shot every time
Turns out I did so much I had a real bad time being on morphine I didn’t feel like me
I remember coming off the cafeta and snoozing then having the feeling of needing a wee so went to get up and I couldn’t feel my legs it was as tho they were not attached to me!
I then had a massive panic attack where I starting saying my good byes as I generally thought I was going to die
My mum was holding my hand whilst they did ecg and tests etc and I just kept saying tell my girls I love them I’m going to die in a minute
Obviously it was a horrific panic attack but at the time I didn’t know this
So I will never ever have morphine again
I even put when asked on medical forms what your allergic too etc and I always say morphine
Never would I want to feel like that again
Gaul bladder out now but my tummy sometimes can’t handle what I eat


Chatty Member
I’ve had a natural birth (although induced and needed intervention) and two C-sections one of which was emergency. I would much rather give birth naturally. C-section is major surgery and I lost a lot of blood after my emergency one and got an infection and was ill for quite a while. Decided to have an elective one next but had problems with that one too but not as bad just problem with the spinal.

Everyone is different though but that’s my experience of sections.
Thank you for your response! I don’t know, I hated every minute of my induced labour (which went badly wrong and had to be stopped). It was just the worst 24 hours of my life. I remember screaming like I was dying, it was just so so horrific. I can understand why women do die in childbirth. And I have no idea how they survived it through the ages. Honestly I just do not feel that I could put myself in the position again where I have to go through a natural birth. I do worry about a c-section also, but I think if I did get pregnant again I would maybe try for a c-section and pray it goes OK as can be and then maybe call it a day baby-wise. Dunno for sure what to do really. Maybe I will never fall pregnant again anyway, who’s to say. I just found the whole thing overly horrific.


Chatty Member
Gallstones. At first I thought it was really bad heartburn and would joke I was having sympathy pains as my mum has an impacted gallbladder. The pain was awful, would spread across my chest into my back and I’d be throwing up.
Had my gallbladder removed although I now have severe IBS
Emotional or physical?

Emotional was the time my daughter was diagnosed with cancer she was 10 at the time, luckily it turned out to be a misdiagnosis but the pain at the time was horrific!

Physical probably when I touch my index finger, it’s the worst pain ever and nobody knows why :(
The same thing happened to me with my five year old. It was only a few days before we found out it wasn't cancer after all but it was like entering some sort of twilight zone. We felt zoned out yet on high alert for months after.
I still think about all the others whose diagnoses were correct and who had to live through that pain for months or maybe years.


Chatty Member
Me..right now! Earlier coming home with shopping I was knocked on my face into the main the wind!! I am now sat with a massive lump and black eye also suspected broken to x-ray tommorow...didnt go earlier as the unit was shut due to suspected corona virus patient!....
Oh my days that’s mad. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


VIP Member
Do you mean you had an infection after your c-section also? Or just the c-section in its own right? I just had my first baby back in October...12 days overdue...failed induction....couldn’t get at my cervix to break the water... literally horrific. Could not and will not ever put myself in that situation again. C-section would be the only way I could ever birth a future child but just curious how people found them. I know some friends who said they were grand, and then others said they were tough. All I know is what I experienced was horrific, and I was ready to die.
I’ve had a natural birth (although induced and needed intervention) and two C-sections one of which was emergency. I would much rather give birth naturally. C-section is major surgery and I lost a lot of blood after my emergency one and got an infection and was ill for quite a while. Decided to have an elective one next but had problems with that one too but not as bad just problem with the spinal.

Everyone is different though but that’s my experience of sections.


VIP Member
4 wisdom teeth extracted - after pain. I've had 4 home births - 10lbers without any pain relief and it was nothing compared to the teeth!
Recovering from my C-Section first time round (I’ve had 2) - whilst having it done no problem didn’t feel a thing but god when the pain killers and epidural wore off - I could barely walk for about 10 days, any sort of movement would trigger the pain, couldn’t cough or strain at all without it being excruciating. Absolutely horrific. 2nd c section was managed a lot better surprisingly!


Chatty Member
Oh my goodness
I know what you mean
I woke during the night with what I thought at the time heart attack!!
I shouted at my partner to wake up and call ambulance the burning pain was out of this world!
Then I was sick
Then it went
Then the next night it happened again being sick and literally pacing because the pain was just like I said out of this world
Following day I was in fatal position allday only way I could ease pain and then my hands starting lifting by themselves and vision blurry so my mother in law rang 999 and I was taking to hospital straight away on gas and air
Then was asked for a urine sample and it was bright red so passing blood
Turns out I had massive Gaul stones and pancreatitis both at the same time and doctors said having one of these problems is unbearable let alone two!
My god it was horrific
They then gave me morphine for the pain on a drip so I pushed a button for a shot every time
Turns out I did so much I had a real bad time being on morphine I didn’t feel like me
I remember coming off the cafeta and snoozing then having the feeling of needing a wee so went to get up and I couldn’t feel my legs it was as tho they were not attached to me!
I then had a massive panic attack where I starting saying my good byes as I generally thought I was going to die
My mum was holding my hand whilst they did ecg and tests etc and I just kept saying tell my girls I love them I’m going to die in a minute
Obviously it was a horrific panic attack but at the time I didn’t know this
So I will never ever have morphine again
I even put when asked on medical forms what your allergic too etc and I always say morphine
Never would I want to feel like that again
Gaul bladder out now but my tummy sometimes can’t handle what I eat
It’s horrible! I hate going to the doctors/hospital so didn’t get it diagnosed for ages. Would take gaviscon thinking it was heart burn then be sick. Even now I can’t stand the smell of it 🤢

Sindra Montelle

Active member
I have it currently an abcess in my cheek that is pushing against my wisdom tooth,Ive seen a dozen clips on Youtube of a simple cut that bursts gone just like that...but oh no they want Antibiotics,the first lot didnt work so now im on stronger gonna peirce it myself before long,its like someone pinching inside my cheek with sharp nails....just awful


VIP Member
I have a pretty high pain threshold, I broke my hand one christmas (although I didn't know it) I only went to minor injuries a week later when the swelling wasn't going down and they told me it was broken. I've also had 3 9lb+ babies, 2 of them without pain relief at all. But the worst for me was an ear infection, my ear completely sealed shut it was so swollen and the antibiotics the GP gave me were doing nothing so I got sent to hospital where they inserted a little gauze strip and put in antibiotic ear drops that I had to administer 3 times a day after that. It was so bad they nearly admitted me for IV antibiotics but decided to do the drops first as they were lacking beds. It was the worst pain ever, nothing has ever come close to it and I hope nothing ever does again.
I would love to show my doctors your post. I get constant ear infections at least once a month where my inner ear just swells up ect, so incredibly painful and doctors wont do nothing except give me antibiotics 🤦‍♀️


VIP Member
Physical? The failed epidural during my c-section. I felt them cutting me open.

Losing my 4 year old son was more painful though. I'd take a million failed epidurals over that pain.
So sorry to hear of your loss.

I too had the failed epidural during the c section. Absolute agony. Never seen people panic so much to knock me out!!


VIP Member
Thank you for your response! I don’t know, I hated every minute of my induced labour (which went badly wrong and had to be stopped). It was just the worst 24 hours of my life. I remember screaming like I was dying, it was just so so horrific. I can understand why women do die in childbirth. And I have no idea how they survived it through the ages. Honestly I just do not feel that I could put myself in the position again where I have to go through a natural birth. I do worry about a c-section also, but I think if I did get pregnant again I would maybe try for a c-section and pray it goes OK as can be and then maybe call it a day baby-wise. Dunno for sure what to do really. Maybe I will never fall pregnant again anyway, who’s to say. I just found the whole thing overly horrific.
I’ve had two inductions as both pregnancies were overdue plus head never engaged as they say I have a small pelvis. They hated that I wanted an elective c section as said I had previously given birth naturally but induction has higher risk of intervention. I had forceps and ventous with first but second induction baby got into distress so emergency section.

If you’re scared to give birth naturally again then opt for an elective which is much better than an emergency section. Good luck.