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VIP Member
You mean his constant routine of eating and sitting aren't keeping up his physique? I guess he's still young enough that it's easy?
Exactly. Here's away of saying it that Alan may be able to appreciate: The math just doesn't work out.

Sure, he owns a home gym, sure he's constantly spouting off some annoying virtue of healthy eating, but his actions show a glutton who works out when he's feeling bad.

We've all known folk who've been on steroids - Alan fits the type perfectly in personality as well as lifestyle. If he is, I hope he also knows there's a very high chance of heart problems with their use. VERY high.


VIP Member
Exactly. Here's away of saying it that Alan may be able to appreciate: The math just doesn't work out.

Sure, he owns a home gym, sure he's constantly spouting off some annoying virtue of healthy eating, but his actions show a glutton who works out when he's feeling bad.

We've all known folk who've been on steroids - Alan fits the type perfectly in personality as well as lifestyle. If he is, I hope he also knows there's a very high chance of heart problems with their use. VERY high.
I guess that's more of what they've done with that sweet stan money.


i scrolled through the comments on their last few videos and, unless she is deleting them, there is nothing like that. i feel like molly brings this up every few months for engagement. she knows the stans will rush to defend.
Has she considered that 3/4 of those questions are probably (not so) subtle shade that she's gained weight, and that they DO NOT come from a good place, NOR are they going to stop when she expresses this frustration - in fact, that only brings extra attention to trollish behaviour?


Active member
She did say in her Insta stories some time last week that they do have a trip for the 3 of them booked to Japan. I can't remember if she said when it was for though
I’d be curious to see how they do with that. The Trackers in Japan had a total fish out of water vibe and they even had someone taking them around who spoke Japanese. Just this summer Provost Park Pass did a really thorough job of Tokyo Disney and seemed comfortable navigating Japan, but he lived in Korea and Amanda used to live in China. Max has friends in Japan to take them around. All I remember from his Japan Super Mario video is him saying something like, I don’t speak Japanese or read Japanese but this is what other people have told me.


VIP Member
Dunno. I could see him as the only one with a significant bankroll when they started the whole thing. I mean, Molly was working for AJ and DFB, notoriously cheap slave drivers, and Alan was Gaston in Magic Kingdom. If memory serves me, Max only did DFB part-time, and had a regular full-time job. He may very well have been the only one with some significant $ saved. His money, their on-screen "talent". He also apparently had enough in the tank to relocate to FL and keep his full-time employment.
Maybe I've just watched too much Shark Tank. Bankrolling them for a bit and hosting some trivia live streams doesn't scream equal partner to me. My understanding is they still contract out the editing so he isn't doing that either. And to be clear equal for this would be 1/3 of the company for each person. Looks like Alan filed all the LLC paperwork and Alan is his middle name. Interesting.

What the What?!

Well-known member
I swear they mentioned once that the videos that have thumbnails with the weird faces, and ones of just Molly, do better than others. I hate that she does that weird duck face lips in every single one.
Interesting. If it pops up on my feed with just Molly, I don’t watch it. I can’t stand her! But, I may watch if the other duck face or is it duck fist guy appears! Honestly, I truly can’t keep any of the nonsense straight! What the duck! 😜🤮


Well-known member
Yeah, and just because someone can use a phrase "flavor profile" doesn't mean they have an advanced palette. Molly said her favorite thing in 1923 was the Au Gratin Potato dish. 🤣
Molly prefers a Burger from McDonald's over In-N-Out Burger. Do people who say In-N-Out is overrated also think McDonald's is better?


Chatty Member
I know people aren’t talking shit over her swimsuit there really are the “…think of the children!?!?” people?

Molly needs to rethink her not having kids status she would be an incredible mom


Active member
It’s as if they’ve felt threatened and had to go to get the content before they got theirs out
I guess they have to be so dried up for content they have to go film Halloween there. I would think if a person was looking for firsts, they would wait to travel there til Fantasy Springs opens & they have even more new attractions & food & drinks to report on.


Active member
I commented something about this on one of their recent videos...I was basically asking in less specific terms, why Max isn't around for things like VIP tours that cost thousands of dollars, and hotel stays, when he moved locally. Even further, why are they planning those high price experiences on the days where the third person in the trio can't even be there. They replied something about how his full time job holds him back, but I have to imagine that unless the theories are true and he's getting a bigger cut of the cash as an initial investor, he would want to participate in those experiences as well....
I think Max prefers doing the Lives on Twitch where he can be king of his own fiefdom.

My recollection from when I used to watch is that Molly and Alan overshadow him in the trio videos. He just seemed like an awkward third wheel.


Well-known member
I wanna know how travel works because All Ears is constantly on cruises, flying to Paris, Japan etc. But yeah they work non stop