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They’re all awful. All of them. SODs, Candice, Susie V, Budget Clem...
It’s like how the sort of people who want to be politicians are absolutely the last sort of people who should be politicians because they’re, power-hungry narcissists.
Let me explain in some detail what I think, I agree with this part about this influencer level.
They all sit around and pat each other on the back whilst pulling up the ladder behind them. They love the power/fame arrogance of being ’looked up to’ by the minions. I have called it before that the land of the influencer is one big MLM racquet and I would still like someone to break out the bubble and to write the tell all book about some of the behaviour that must go on.

I think Instagram used to be like that. I really don’t think it’s like that any more. Maybe I’m following the wrong people, but anyone I follow who’s not just one of my mates is growing a following just so they can sell stuff. It’s one big ad platform and market place now.
I don’t really understand how I’m ‘bringing Tattle down’ by saying that.
However I can‘t agree that everyone on Insta isn’t good, it is too big a generalisation and if anyone reads the bad rap that tattle gets and then reads that comment they won’t go further into the behaviour that tattle is calling out, they could just think...oh they think everyone is bad I won’t bother reading.

I also do understand what you mean about the market place and ad platform, it is also so sad when you follow someone and suddenly it changes into adverts and sadly that happens in other Insta accounts that just mumfluencers.

I do follow lots of people who inspire me; gardeners, foragers, artists, ceramicists, silver smiths, Interior designers, chefs, home cooks, dogs, home sewers, mums, personal trainers, and more.

What I love about tattle is that we can have this discussion, I can see what you mean about sales. When I think about the list I have just suggested I can actually see that some of those people are trying to sell to me and yes I have bought prints from some artists but I wouldn’t have found them without insta and I love their work but that doesn’t make them ‘not good’.

Does that make sense?
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I honestly don't know whats worse at this point- deafening silence or performative bullshit that is so clearly being posted to avert any kind of criticism. Its sooooo fake.
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But in that respect your friends aren't good people at all?
I wasn't explaining myself very clearly. Luckily some other posters on here could decipher my nonsense and help translate!

I was talking about people who deliberately grow their accounts to become 'brands' and vehicles for selling third party stuff.

My mates on instagram and I only have about a hundred followers each. I post pics I've taken of bees in my garden, or a funny sign I saw on a lamp post. I can't think of anything worse than having tens or hundreds of thousands of followers. People recognising you and thinking they know you and your family. Awful.

My sense is that, nice, ordinary, well-adjusted people don't go chasing that kind of exposure. The point I was trying to make is that if that level of profile is attractive to you, it's probably indicative of an ego problem.
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Have to say I was also ignorant to my underlying racism by not fully grasping how racist her comment was re. Candice. In part because I find Candice hard and I could see how she would rub people up the wrong way but absolutely yes saying she brings things back to race is inherently racist. I have a lot to learn though.
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Ugh 😑 The Insta accounts he’s suggested on his stories this evening have been added today at least 2 have been added after the social blade figures were out, so probs just before he posted his stories. So he found some black and ethical accounts to follow and then did a story, what an absolute cunt. Go look at his previous white Mc offerings, London clothes, golf folk, big brands and blue tickers. FOD was today years old when he realised he was a white, privileged, MC wanker, but needed to be told about it before he sought out a way to make him look like he gave a shit! 😡😤😒

Edit: I meant he followed them today- soz
If Rachel Cargle knew anything about FOD she would rip him to shreds, she does not fuck about when it comes to genuine (Black) feminism, and dismantling white privilege. I’d love to see her response to a pathetic hashtag from FOD suggesting they ‘collaborate’ or that she wastes her time teaching his pathetic followers how not to be racist pigs 😂 it would be like a lioness taking out a poacher
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I’ve just messaged Farrow & Ball, Ca Pietra and Divine Savages asking are they happy that their brands are are being tagged and associated with accounts linked to woman who was called out for being racist.
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Omg 100000000% this. I am not joking when I say they are genuinely our enemy, they’re the most insidious form of sales / brand comms and they’re genuinely dangerous. Sorry to say it yet again but @myfrugalyear on insta’s book has an entire chapter on them and it should be like mandatory reading for every young woman in this country so we can see the wood for the trees. The ASA is failing an entire generation of women (and tbh I’m sure cross generations! But the IVA data shows that it’s growing fastest in younger women) in their lax approach to regulating the industry.

Again if you look at MFY’s account and read the comments, or nosy on their profiles, you see there’s a whole community on insta of women who are documenting their debt management journey. So many of them have been ~influenced into this unsustainable lifestyle, by women who get it all for free! As someone else on this thread said about their holiday, if you see someone who “looks like you” doing these things you assume it’s safe to proceed. The influencers aren’t there for the rest of your tight year, or worse when you have to call Barclays up cos you’re over your overdraft limit.

Like it really winds me up, and makes me angry, I’m not debt shaming or saying it’s impossible to recover from (the opposite, I want women to be protected from something that is awfully inhibitive to your life progressing and damaging to your mental health), however I can say without a doubt that Instagram has changed the course of my sister’s life? Yes there is personal accountability but I think insta is so intoxicating - she followed 1.3k different accounts FILLED with images of just... stuff to buy. She got into a debt that’s higher than her gross annual income in buying bits, like nothing mental like Chanel bags were literally just talking makeup palettes and outfits it was just the sheer volume of it. She’s had to enter a DMP that’ll take her a decade to pay off. She then gets to start at 0 at 40, she’s on an avg income so what are the chances of her being able to buy a house? Most mortgages don’t let your term exceed you being 65, so she either needs a huge deposit or huge monthly repayments - neither of which are viable. That’s going to be the reality for a fair few of these guys’ audiences!

And sorry to rant but this isn’t even getting into how disgusting it is to target pregnant women. I’m going through this stage now and it’s a constant battle in what do we NEED versus what are we being told we need or feel guilted into buying. I’m actually speaking a lot to older women to ask for recommendations because I know they’re not tainted by the cult of insta mama. I have the benefit of years of therapy and a stark warning in my life and I still find it an utterly exhausting exercise, most women are struggling through their pregnancies just trying to do what they think is best for baby and being cruelly duped. It’s a horrible and shameful industry that doesn’t yield anything positive other than lining the pockets of the chosen few.
It’s absolutely depressing. I work with groups of women and the number of them with a sense of serious low self worth because they can’t seem to “have it all” makes me want to cry. They are literally on the edge of breakdowns. MOD name has come up a lot in discussions (this is how I found this place) and when I first looked at her account I just saw saleswoman. If i had been looking through my sleep deprived eyes, at a time where I felt I’d lost my identity as a new mum, undiagnosed PND and pretty damn lonely, I would have seen something very different.

It’s human nature to want to be part of a community, and these influencers exploit that. You’re never going to be their friend. They don’t give a shit about you.

Don’t get me started on coaches...
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He’s added to the list of #thingsyoudontseeanymore cos we’re clearly on the edge of our fucking seats - and now we have stray dogs, and torn porn mags in bushes. Have you been looking, FOD?! So that explains the long bike rides 😂 whatever floats your boat.
I’ve got something to add to the list of things you don’t see any more. I’ll give you a clue - it’s all the more evident when you wear Lycra.
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Just caught up on the new pink room....they must be so sad and desperate for the freebies and likes if they’re even showing their bloody underwear drawer FFS! Is nothing sacred!

Will be a sure sign that they’re reading here (hey Clem 👋🏼) if it all gets tidied up before she makes it a feature on House of scrounge!
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Am I the only one who thinks he’ll keep at it?

I don’t think they really have much choice if they want to keep the renovations and furnish the house. It’ll be another IWD sadly :(
I can’t believe this isn’t having an impact on his actual job? Surely they most conclude that they did well, got the freebies, both still are employed so would duck out now and enjoy their family, home and work life?
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The curtain en-suite makes me feel a bit sick. Just imagine the germs that cling to the thick velvet curtains and how often they got washed 🤢
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I think you’re right that it’s them that didn’t want to address it and openly admit Clemmie was racist; but like I’ve said on previous posts by not owning it it will continually come back to bite them like it has now....and blooming well serves them right!
They will never own it, because they genuinely believe that she didn't post racist content. Until they are able to understand that, they will continue to live in that ignorant bubble.

As someone said yesterday, Clemmie could have really learned from her actions and came back stronger... but she's just not a very nice person, so that was never going to happen.
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VIP Member
Ugh 😑 The Insta accounts he’s suggested on his stories this evening have been added today at least 2 have been added after the social blade figures were out, so probs just before he posted his stories. So he found some black and ethical accounts to follow and then did a story, what an absolute cunt. Go look at his previous white Mc offerings, London clothes, golf folk, big brands and blue tickers. FOD was today years old when he realised he was a white, privileged, MC wanker, but needed to be told about it before he sought out a way to make him look like he gave a shit! 😡😤😒

Edit: I meant he followed them today- soz


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They’re all awful. All of them. SODs, Candice, Susie V, Budget Clem...
It’s like how the sort of people who want to be politicians are absolutely the last sort of people who should be politicians because they’re, power-hungry narcissists.
If you’re an influencer or have any kind of nurtured, large instagram following, by default that flags you up as someone with monstrous self-regard and ego. If you weren’t a narcissist you would abhor that kind of attention and never seek it out in the first place.
They can all fuck off IMO. Even the ‘good’ ones. The sign of a truly ‘good’ person is that they’re not on Instagram at all.
Agreed completely (re influencers). That’s also why for disclosure to my pals on the thread why I won’t be engaging with the influencer above 😂 They’re all #brands trying to safeguard their interests, centre themselves in the movement, and maybe even secure a bigger audience if they start engaging with big accounts who will @ them back.

The man has proven himself consistently to not give a fuck about anyone but himself and freebies. Good for you if you feel you’re doing the Lord’s work in trying to educate him but please don’t do him pro bono PR work it’s insulting to the communities he & family continually shits on.
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