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Interesting but I don't see it like that myself. It's him (DC) that has set all my alarm bells ringing right from the start and nothing I have read has changed my gut feeling.
If it wasn't an accident then I think we have the culprit already centre stage busying himself hiding in plain sight
Yep. I'm certain the cops think so too. Just had to get him to deliver the bones and phone by treating him "nicely".

Narcs are actually easily fooled because their Achilles heel is attention.

You can hide the fact you're onto them if you feed their ego for a while. I don't mean fawning. Just appear to prop up their narrative. Appear to go along with stuff. Heck, even appear stupid if necessary.

That's how you catch a narc.

Chris McDonough has been doing this perfectly with his interviews of certain parents lately. (Youtube)
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Black cat wisdom

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I think anyone strong or otherwise could be made to feel suicidal if a high profile national media outfit (BBC in this case) published an article tying them pretty irrevocably to a coercive controller they really weren't happy with, and perhaps had only just fully come to terms with that realisation. Possibly (the article) without their full consent either (we don't know if Esther really wanted the article, although she was clearly involved - but perhaps DC kept her in the dark as to timing, and it caught her totally unawares.) The article coming out on the day she disappears has to be more than just an eerie coincidence.
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Not sure how they can eliminate this guy knowing what we know now. Unless he has an alibi for the 22nd and possibly 23rd nov
How do you mean "what we know now"? I'd imagine French police have checked all that out tbh, all the movements/alibis etc of all concerned etc.
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Chatty Member
I'm sorry but Dan sounds like a fucking cunt and a fruitcake. No wonder this incident has happened. Can you imagine living with this fruitcake for years. I'm not suggesting whether he killed her or it was an accident but he may have been the reason this has happened. The guy is an absolute nutcase.
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I don't know much about narcissists, so I had a quick look at HG Tudor's YouTube channel, and I saw this comment under one of the videos. I have to say his reply thoroughly shocked me (screenshot attached).

Another point to remember here is that Caroline Crouch's husband was literally at her funeral when he was arrested. He had been given all that "freedom" by the police, plus her body had been given back to the family by that stage. So everything we are seeing here from the police doesn't necessarily mean that they don't suspect Dan.


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DC is a bad poet! I think we can all agree about that.

... or filled with joy in the mountains she clearly loved, dying suddenly of an accidental fall.

Do you really think it's likely he reads any of this?
That is a bit leading, she didn’t die suddenly in an accidental fall,… and yes your poetry is bad.
  • Haha
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Continuing Estella's train of thinking because it's valuable...

There is no proof Esther remained on or died on the mountain. All we have is bones...

In November 2020 Dan told the BBC and all other media "She is not on the mountain".

... it would be a super easy job to bring bones back 8 months later.

He could have buried her off mountain then months later dug her up and brought just bones to Porte de la Glere.

Btw welcome Estella. Good to have you here.
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Hi, I don’t know WHO you were over on Websleuths, but you posts here are great. … I suspected a few journalists and Dan is deffo on there, and probably here too,.. he’s not that stupid not to be on all ED related forums to see if we’re getting close to the truth,…. Anyway,… back to what I wanted to say,…that’s a good possible theory,.. I’m trying to keep a log of hem all, … the one thing they all have in common is that Dan has and still is controlling the narrative, you have to look at every single thing he’s written or said,.. and flip it and question it,,.. he’s really playing a psychopaths game,.. I just hope they have good experts in that field in the Spanish and french police, and they are already onto him.

Hey you are right,.. she was naturally a positive person,.. she didn’t have depression back in the uk,. Despite what people said,.. It was him. She only had cfs from a virus and was working to hard to fully recover physically from it. She was sporty, fit and it looks like was making lots of friends whilst away from him,… she’d just spent a day learning to climb with 2 guys, a day or two hiking with a group, then with one of the group another day,… from the long receipt shown in the ccvt from the shop, she’d bought lots of things,… probably loads of veg to juice, she was taking care of herself, .. buying chai seeds, doing yoga outside the van on the day back waiting for the weather to improve,…, sounds like she was having a good time, even the people in the hostel earlier the week before, said she was on good form, but was on her phone constantly when there? ? So that was probably Dan hassling her. He probably tried to bring her mood down,.. coercive control,.. but that’s a bit more difficult if she wasn’t paying attention to his messages,…
So true ito her doing positive things and connecting with people.

Wow... Esther was learning to climb with 2 guys? Where did you learn this?

That would have triggered Dan big time.
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Agent Krycek

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Just had a quick look at Dan's Instagram. The poems attached jumped out at me.

I included the most recent one again because I couldn't make out the word "beating" in the original SS. Interesting how he views her death as a "beating" to him.

The 2nd SS has an interesting comment from him underneath - he says "do you ever feel this way, confusing, isn't it" - so it's obvious he's talking about his relationship.

The other two are quite angry, discussing his relationship, I think, as he used the hashtag #relationshipquotes in one of them.

Make of these what you will.
Eek those poems sound like they were written from her perspective as if he knew exactly what he was doing to her :(
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I actually personally do still think she was driven to suicide as her life had become unbearable but am keeping an open mind. Something is not right for sure. I think DC knew what she had done and where she would be found but kept it to himself for all those months and made up the ridiculous claims that she had been kidnapped for maximum drama possible and to keep himself in the media. How else can it be explained that he sent the SAR in the wrong directions and ‘searched’ himself everywhere but where she was - and then suddenly found her when LE started talking about murder in the media, and he would be the obvious suspect? I do wonder if that was done so he would lead investigators to her.

I agree a couple of posters on WS are over invested in saying this isn’t a crime. I do wonder if DC is on there!
Esther doesn't have the psychological profile of someone who would commit suicide.

Everything she did on the hike was about reclaiming independence. She tells us how much she loves her new self sufficiency. She has purpose. She befriends people en route. She celebrates achievements and shares them.
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Don't tag me, there's a support forum!
All, please report anyposter you're concerned with for mods to look into. Turning it into a witch hunt isn't acceptable
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It's possible that I am wrong about ALL the dogs being removed by Mr. Colegate - but I knew I read it somewhere and I found some sources, these guys said this:
i.e. you read it on a forum!

and one of your quoted sources thinks she read it on a forum!
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Giggling Squid

VIP Member
If he did it, why would he have told the police that she had a tent and the other missing items with him? Why not just deny all knowledge?

Or did her kit list come from elsewhere?
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only research assistant and admin jobs after their extensive educations.
The admin job does sound strange - but a research assistant is the usual next step after completing a PhD. It's a demanding role requiring top-level qualifications and is a stepping-stone to becoming a university lecturer.

It's also quite insecure financially, as they are usually fixed-term temporary contracts and competition can be high. Perhaps he was forced to take the admin job after his research contract ended and was not renewed?
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However Esther died, I hope she didn't suffer too much. I've recently started hiking by myself local to me and the thought of something happening and being alone and unable to get help is a really frightening thought.

I know the police say they have ruled out any kind of foul play and it was an accident, but it is possible that they've got it wrong. No disrespect to the French police, but I watch and listen to a lot of true crime content and there are many, many example of police all over the world over looking evidence either by accident, laziness or even purposely sometimes. There are stories of evidence being so obviously right there, but it wasn't seen. Also, how thoroughly did they investigate Dan's alibi? This is all a possibility, right?
The police haven't ruled out foul play. They said it looks like a fall due to the autopsy showing 2 fractures. And because some of her belongings are scattered around.

But they are still conducting a month long forensic investigation into her skull and phone. An expensive exercise.

Their "Criminal Investigation Technicians" quoting their term for it, are still busy.
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Active member
The yellow tent:

"The tent is made of nylon, silicon and aluminium, and so would last in the wilds of the Pyrenees, despite exposure to the elements."

Missing equipment includes Esther’s bright yellow Lanshun ½ Ultralight tent, which has always been considered crucial to solving the mystery, because of forensic clues it is likely to yield."

Evening Standard.

I found pictures and specs which I'll post next. It is definitely waterproof according to website specs.

"The LanShan 2 is made with PU-coated silnylon and is seam-taped to make it waterproof."

If you read through the specs you'll see the fabric is reinforced. The reviewer gives it 4* for durability. I think a body could definitely be carried in it.

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Active member
Yes, the no vultures thing and lack of scent for dogs... If this is something that definitely would have been picked up if she had been on the mountain then she cant have been on the mountain. How certain are we about these vultures? If she died on the 21st then is it possible that they circled then and maybe on 22nd and 23rd, but it wasnt until 25th that she was reported as missing?

This is an interesting article It mentions that the man who met her at pic Sauvegard has NOT come forward. There is a man in one of her instagram photos, in the background, wearing a red top. The "fellow hiker". Did anyone come forward? See screen shot of instagram photo on 19th November, man on rocks in background
The man came forward and police satisfied themselves at the time that he was not involved.

Let's not to get too descriptive but it takes days for the birds to finish.

Why go up Pic Sauvegard twice in 24 hours? I wonder whether she went a second time because someone wanted to meet her there. I have done this before myself, for example gone for a nice walk to a beauty spot and then home only to find that someone I like has messaged to say they are heading out for a walk and would I like to join. Coincidence they choose the same spot, but because I like them I will happily go a second time on the same day! She mentions the fellow hiker. The fellow hiker hasn't been identified.
Dan is the only one she texted "I think I can see you!" just before she vanished.

Breaking the rules, I’ve been questioning esther dingley death being presented as accidental as not being so.
You dared to ask unpopular questions.

You never once intimated that Dan was involved but they chopped you.

Palmer is bang on. Nobody can sleuth there. I just value Otto, Rickshaw, Federico & a very few others' analysis of the unsummitable pic she supposedly summited. Lol.
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Well, even if I were to agree with you (which I definitely don’t) that doesn’t amount to no evidence, there is a ton of evidence of varying degrees of strength that you choose to discount, which is your prerogative but a very different thing.

Please provide a link to Laura Adomaityte’s statement that has been reported more ambiguously - it has never been reported differently here and I have never seen it so I am open to this if it in fact exists.
This is what I see everywhere :
“Fellow hiker, Laura Adomaityte, who met Dingley in a shelter several days before her disappearance, told The Times that the 37-year-old British woman told her she was "taking a break" from Colegate and "didn't know if they were going to get back together again."
Let’s see what you have.

Edit: I forgot to staff the link for this - just one of many :
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New member
Welcome and your theory is perfectly possible.

If he did that he had to do something to the body to mask the corpse scent. The vultures never circled.

Logistically he'd have to bundle her up & hide the body for 8.5 months. How, we can't be sure.

Hi. It's great to get perspectives from newcomers to this thread.

I agree with all that. While it's possible he pushed her off somewhere it wasn't that "horrific pile of rock" as an expert mountaineer referred to it. And pushing someone off a mountain leads to greater risk of chaos - easy for dogs & birds to scent her in the brush and very hard to clean up afterward to hide the scene for almost a year.

If he killed her while she was walking her tent would be in her back pack, free from death spatter. But it's missing - meaning too risky to return it.

She has 2 major fractures. He hit her with a rock or pole is my bet. Possibly while she was inside the tent. That would be a calculated murder... limiting blood spatter to the inside of a waterproof tent. Easy to manage and contain the forensics.

All we can do is follow the clues of missing items & zero scenting by animals. And ask why.

Of course he could also have persuaded her to get in a car nearby and killed her off the mountain too. But then I think it'd be easy to return the tent.... Why, why, why is the tent gone?
Very interesting theory. Do you think she died on the night of the 22nd, or maybe on the 23rd? His Whatsapp signal at 4pm on the 22nd puts him in his French house. Plus using his credit card. He must have had free hours in-between though. I just can't figure out how he got from France to her, and when, during lockdown, whilst keeping things tracking him in France, unless it was all meticulously premeditated, which I personally don't think it was. Did he even have a car? If anything, I think it was an accident (in rage) on his part, and (as someone said above) he doesn't feel he deserves to have his life ruined by it.
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