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That doesn’t surprise me. Christmas week they all went for dinner at a restaurant when we were in lockdown. It was so obvious, restaurant food that the waiter was demonstrating for them, voices echoing, cutlery echoing 🤦🏻‍♀️. All while previously showing us the evenings outfit. If you’re going to do that at least don’t post it online.
Did she really say that to your friend? I wouldn’t have the guts to say that. A wedding is also a place someone would have likely made an effort with their makeup.
yes, Mel thinks she is the most prettiest, best dressed and best artist out there. If you’re really the best.. your husband wouldn’t have cheated.
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Her sis is nice, similar to Melly, both religious but her sis less obviously and also a mua. She has a mua profile on insta and a second one where she puts her religious stuff lol.

Her brothers are like typical north London boys, wanna be tough guys (they are on insta as well if you wanna look).

Her parents pretty normal, I was shocked they let her get married too though tbh you'd thing they would be more protective being greek. Dunno what they were thinking! Alot of the gossip at the wedding was why it happened so quick.
I might be imagining this but did her sister not get married shortly before she did? She doesn’t wear a wedding ring in any of her recent pics?
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Does anyone know the background of her new husband Chris Varnavas ? Are they rich ? He must have some money from somewhere to be affording the rent of his gym premises in Cockfosters high street .
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now she started to show photos of expensive bouquets of flowers, roses, etc. combined with semi-criptic sentences about belonging and other bla-bla.

this is usually a sing of a lover/daddy/partner/major contributor arriving into the life of insta famous socialites.

she had an insta story recently where she offered her apartment for rent to her audience "because I don't need it".

so there must be something going on.

I could bet that in 2 weeks we will see photos of her in a Bentley / RR (clearly identifying the car's brand) in the Dubai sunset combined with further fuzzy statements about "love" and "eternal connection".
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Are Geena and Georgina Mullins the same person? Someone said he was with Georgina Mullins earlier on in the thread.
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All the comments in her stories cannot be real!

referring to her as a role model

you’re so pretty


why repost these ( or post them to yourself?)

Not sure what she has done to become a role model?


is she an intellectual?
All I’m seeing is less clothes.

total validation hungry.
Wow I didn’t know she spoke like that I thought she would be reasonably well spoken. I’m not well spoken myself so not necessarily knocking her but I wasn’t expecting the D’s in place the Th’s
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Yes they are still there. I have no facts but it is likely they would have paid her off. I have been a qualified Solicitor for over 10 years now, and while I don’t deal with Marriage & Divorce Law cases, I understand how it works very well. Even though you enter and exit marriage through the Law, ultimately it is the financial settlement which decides the Divorce. No matter someone’s wealth, this is usually weighed up on one’s contribution to the marriage (the years contributed, the lifestyle and so forth). She was only married to Costas for 5 minutes! And there are no children involved. So it is my view, that it would have been more likely to have been a one off payment/settlement as opposed to a lifetime of funding. If that makes sense...
Yes - but that doesn’t explain the Dubai stay.

no one is that reckless with money (when it’s their “own”).

I also don’t get how her family supported herfake marriage & this lifestyle.
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I think Costas had a bet with his friends if he could get her.

He knew it would be easy.

She is better suited to this guy. He is good looking and “intellectually “ (cough!) they share suited. Not that Costas was intellectual he was rough too but he had his dads money.

The only issue will be Melly earning much higher.
I don't know anyone who is intelligent who went to Middlesex University. But I get what you're saying.
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Yes - but that doesn’t explain the Dubai stay.

no one is that reckless with money (when it’s their “own”).

I also don’t get how her family supported herfake marriage & this lifestyle.
I have no clue, because I am Greek Cypriot myself and within our culture they will literally scrutinise the person, and mainly the family you are about to marry. Her family allowed it because they all saw the money and went for it, thinking her daughter would be set for life.

Interesting - what is Melly’s “company” showing?

it’s laughable that they think they can launder money. You need to be very very clever to do that.

when her hair as fallen out, the weight is piled on from
All the burgers and her married man has gone - the tax office will coming knocking.

silly girls.
Yes you do have to be clever. But in a way the government allows it, that’s why it is so easy to set up an LTD company in the U.K. Laundered money brings in a revenue of Billions a year to the economy, and most of it happens in London. Every single note you touch is laundered. I agree, so much easier to spend other people’s money. These Dubai stays are all being paid for. You don’t make that much money from make up. She has a few companies registered. One is property. None of them are to do with makeup. I really don’t know why anyone with half a brain would want to follow, or aspire to these girls. Divorced, not intelligent or educated. Their grammar and spelling is appalling. And do not carry themselves with any class. Really don’t see the appeal...all they do is eat junk all day, and sit in the salon.
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They do care because they don’t stay. There are lots of pretty girls. She cannot play the virgin / religious card either.
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I just heard him a speaking. He sounds common. He only gets to open petrol stations because of his fathers wealth. If he had to start at the bottom he wouldn’t get anywhere.

Another rich brat.

if it’s her, why would she settle over there?
Why do you think 😂
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I heard it through people that know him. I don’t know anyone that knows her so haven’t been able to confirm from that side but I believe it to be true.

Someone spoke on the sugar baby/escort thread about girls being in Dubai for ‘image trips’ I think it’s easy to assume someone is an escort when in Dubai as so many of them are but according to this girl a lot of them go for these image trips and get paid to be at party’s etc.
Why would they need to pay someone from the Uk to go partying there? Surely there are enough “influencers” there already.
It’s all a bit strange.
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