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My god. They've signed the contract and she's STILL asking her followers to send her negative stories of house buying not working out at that late stage.

I think the responsibility of house ownership and being solely responsible for the house and her boy while the hubby is away is weighing heavily on her.

It's almost like she's willing the sale to fall through so she doesn't have to stand on her own two feet. I think that's why she's so desperate for her dad to live with them. She knows she won't be able to cope on her own.
I think she just wants a reason to worry and whinge on social media. Seems to me she’s not really had that tough a time in finding and buying the house so far so she’s looking for issues. It’s like when she wanted a baby ‘oh I have a gammy ovary’ and then her baby was healthy ‘oh he’s just so big I can’t manage!’ She’s never happy.
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I love that faux intellectual Mel likes the Petersons. It's just so in character for her - a person who believes she is capable of deep and original thought which not actually being capable of it.

She can fuck off with all the BS re plagarism in the most recent video. Not good enough. Plenty of authors wrote during the pandemic without managing to plagarise or borrow plot points from other media. It's called being creative, using your imagination and being good at your craft.
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So now her son is “obsessed” with Hans Zimmer/GOT music. Riiiiiiiight. She just has to force every part of her ~personality onto her offspring instead of letting them become their own little person.

Christ, the therapy Pan will need.
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Thank you for raising this very important issue, Melanie. I promise never to buy into your shady bullshit 🙏
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Can we all just agree that, with or without Covid, Melanie is an absolute potato. Hopefully Barra knocks off her wifi for a few hours

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"I am not anti vaccine, but I will only ever post negativity when it comes to vaccines". Now the respect for nurses, their rights and interests is suddenly there? Usually she also paints health care personell in a negative light. She's such a hypocrite.
She asks if this is how health care workers are thanked for all their hard work when she suggested several times that they had too much time on their hands and were acting against her wishes during birth. And that they push women to formula feed.


Did they not buy a car on loan last year? Why do you need another one then? She only talked about the car, and how super "sexy" it was, right when they got it. And then afterwards it was crickets. Now she's in another electric car that she was loaned by Tesla? Let's hope that she wears her seatbelt in this one at least. Because in the picture none is to be seen, but it might be because the car is parked or something like that.
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I can just. Never ever get over the thought process of setting up your camera, hitting record, crying and singing, downloading the footage to your computer, editing it, uploading it and NOT ONCE thinking "hm, is this a bit strange?" It baffles me.

This video was the moment I started to go off Melanie, I just thought it was so ODD.
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Just saw this on Tattle in the Press thread .The Guardian have published a very long article this morning on Tattle and look who’s included 😂 she’ll be in her element to get a mention

Any business today is subject to reviews. These influencers are small businesses. These aren’t personal accounts and shouldn’t be treated like such. Their business is selling and marketing. And she is very bad at it. If I went into a small business in a local town and the owner expressed the views that Melanie feels the need to constantly express then I absolutely would review it negatively, both in person and online.

Melanie has completely shut down any right of reply on her comments. On top of that she has done some seriously sketchy shit for content. This has outraged and frustrated people. This tattle page for her started out of her flouting the covid rules and pretending she was essential. Her attitude throughout the whole pandemic was just to let all the immunocompromised die so she won’t be impeded from going to Tesco. She continually punches down on healthcare workers, working mothers and women generally. It is absolutely right that she faces criticism. I don’t agree with all the comments, they can be a little close to the bone sometimes but I think they come from a place of frustration . The criticism of her approaches to mothering are largely encouraged by her own fairly thinly veiled criticisms of other mothers. Many of the people here started as followers and enjoyed her content but she has progressively alienated and disappointed people that once really liked her content and the lifestyle she was selling. I think some of the stuff she says sometimes is due to a complete lack of empathy for other people and she doesn’t really understand the harm she’s causing, being that bereft of life experience, but her complete denial of any engagement with the responses of her target market is what triggers a lot of anger in people. It’s not only on tattle, she’s been slated fairly thoroughly on Reddit too.

If she wants to play at being Jim Corr in a housecoat - fine. She absolutely has the right to do so. But she does not have the right to completely shut down any discussion of the quality of the content she produces. Her page is a product, she’s paid very well for it, and any product is subject to review.
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I am literally one minute into her latest video and I am already annoyed. She says that we live in a youth-focused culture where everything turns to black after 27. Excuse me, according to who? I am 31 and granted, do not live in Ireland, but I definitely do not feel old or that society is telling me that I am too told for anything. The only place where I feel this kind of judgement about turning 30 is Melanie's channel. She seems to have a lot of internalised hatred towards ageing and instead of addressing that, she keeps blaming "the society".

Also, one thing that has always bugged me – for a self-proclaimed fitness enthusiast, the weights that she lifts are always really small in the clips that she shows us. You'd think that she would've made a bit more progress after going to the gym five days a week like she says. Either she's doesn't work out as much as she claims or then she doesn't want to push herself or build muscle.
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To me the reel SCREAMS that she's trying to motivate herself to get back to being thinner. She says she loves her body now but she's still obsessed and clearly wants to lose weight again or as she calls it "getting stronger". There's nothing wrong with getting fit but she's obsessed.
yep. This is the woman who was OBSESSED with the idea that she could bounce straight back into doing weights when she had the baby and was upset when reality struck and she couldn’t. She’s horrendously insecure about her weight and is projecting.
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The stuff she shares from Russell Brand's page really gives us a window into the type of person she is on the inside. "People who anger me are empty ships. My anger is inside me." Aka "When people anger me, I dehumanize them and view them as inanimate objects. And instead focus on my feelings because they are the only ones that matter."

It's the most narcissistic and narrow minded thing I've ever read.
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View attachment 911071
Wow, Melanie the foodie expert found some vegetarian cheese 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
(And before anyone spoils my fun, yes, I know it's s typo/brain fart moment, yes I know some (many types of) cheese isn't vegetarian. Just let me laugh at this, ok?)

Posting this kind of stuff is what counts as her job
Maybe this explains why she thinks they’re ‘mostly vegan’ despite eating steak twice a week?😅
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Apart from the lack of trigger warning, which I agree is insensitive as per usual, this writing honestly comes across as drivel. To think… this is *post* editing too, god knows what the original text was like. It seems - to me at least - to be strangely jumbled. Like she’s trying far too hard to insert imagery in order to make the text more “emotional” even when it isn’t called for. Let’s have a moment of silence for the poor sod who had to read all of this and cut out all the excessive descriptions.
Are people really going to buy this? I get the novelty factor of her first books, but this gravy train will come to a halt soon. I just can’t see the substance there.
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My heart bleeds for her. If the worst experience she can think of was that no one immediately came to the bedside of a healthy woman at the call of a bell, I don’t think the HSE is doing too bad a job.

The important thing is, if she was experiencing a health issue they would be there.

And we know she wasn’t, we’ve heard her birth story. She did have heavy blood loss…. which she also refused a transfusion for because doctors aren’t to be trusted, right? So you know… play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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