Mel @mjbyrnex

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I agree, Mel shows many Narcissistic Traits. Her behaviour screams narcissist to me, attention craving, extreme sensitivity to criticism, refusal to take responsibility, revenge seeking behaviours .... She ticks the narcissistic boxes just like she says her mother does.
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But her and her husband did go on a posh 4 day spa holiday to York that her awful mother paid for with her “teeth” money
apparently the mum only did that so Facebook could see what a good mum she was… would paying for her teeth not also be shown on facebook?
make it make sense..
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I wouldn't dream of expecting my parent to give me money my grand parent specifically left to my parent like Mel does, Mel is one of 3 children so the fact she paid for her to have a treat away is more than id certainly expect. Her mother would have to give the other two children the same for everything to be fair. Mel's grandma did what most grandparents do, she left her estate to her children.

Mel the actress tries to twist everything to suit her "trauma" narrative. She swallowed the trauma textbook and using hindsight she's on a mission to make her childhood fit into the trauma descriptors. It's so obvious. I'm in no way saying her childhood was perfect, who's was, but she is using hindsight to make her past fit into a narrative she's rescripting as an adult.

I also find it bizarre that Mel keeps saying she was diagnosed with anxiety aged 8. She uses that diagnosis to claim she's been anxious ever since. An anxiety diagnosis isn't for life! Well not unless you are Mel 🫣🥱
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You explained it better than I could but this is exactly my thinking! The way she describes her mom it just very much mirrors the behaviours we see from Mel! My other half and his dad was similiar he had to leave home at 16 pretty much because of how much their personalities clashed!
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Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow

Fascinating how Mel's "tidy up" of her tiktok playlists has COMPLETELY changed the essence of her page being all about helping others, being all about her "narcissistic mother" and her alleged "abuse".

Mel has magically changed her page into something completely different. Mel's page is now all about "Womanhood" and "Nothing but love"

A perfect example of Mel "The Actress" rescripting her own narrative! Wow!
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She knows people are getting bored shitless with her! People rarely comment on her posts these days her views must be so low
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Mel is a grown married woman in her 30s and she is obsessed with talking about her mother. It's actually past obsession, in my opinion it's harassment.

Her mother hasn't given permission for Mel to talk about her finances or her v private medical decisions etc in public. It's harassment pure and simple.

The only reason Mel is allowed to carry on harassing her mother is because her mother hasn't been to the police. Under the protection from harassment law, for harassment to be committed, there must be a 'course of conduct' i.e. two or more related occurrences. If the communication causes alarm or distress then the law protects you.

Mel repeatedly talking publicly about her mother's private medical decisions and her finances is enough for Mel to be accused of harassing her mother. It's relentless and extremely cruel.

Anyone would be alarmed and distressed if someone went online three times a day and told the world their intimate and private information. Mel is willfully harassing her mother and has been for so long. It's not Mel's place to talk about her mother's medical history publicly, to talk about her finances publicly. I'd be amazed if it's not causing her mother alarm and distress.

Whatever has happened in the past, her mother has rights to live a life free from someone deliberately causing her alarm and distress multiple times a day. It's beyond cruel. Mel isn't stupid, she thinks because she's discussing 'facts' she can just say what she wants without consequence. Thankfully the protection from harassment act is there to protect people from repeated harassment.

If her mother had the courage to tell the police how Mel's daily public humiliation makes her feel Mel would be in serious trouble.
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PTSD is a new one.

I suffered with PTSD (after a very traumatic event) and it was fucking debilitating, the last thing I’d be doing is fucking TikTok’s. I couldn’t even leave my own house at one point.

She’s really spiralling and very up and down, she says she’s the best she’s ever been and I’m honestly not convinced. She’s obsessed with her family, it’s getting a bit scary and people are pointing that out in the comments and she’s deleting them.
And just to add to the grandmas money, you got money from it. You stayed in the house for a year, so why not be a big girl and save the money whilst you were there?
39k being blown is very easy to do (it’s not even a lot of money) if you’re buying a summer house and buying posh getaways for family members and their partners.
Just be grateful and move the fuck on. If it was all for show, then why did you go?

narcs are obsessed with money according to Mel, who’s the one who’s obsessed here?
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Mel is rewriting her history to cause her mother as much upset as possible and to get as much sympathy for herself as she can. She is a trained actress reinacting her past to cause as much damage to her family as she possibly can. It's definitely gone way too far. Mel won't ever stop unless she is forced to stop. She seems not to understand how harassment works.
I find it quite strange that she talks so much about family details that have nothing to do with her and really shouldn’t be shared on tik tok when the people involved can’t defend themselves! Her page is about HER why do her followers need to know that her nan was gonna write her mom out of her will or that her mom told her uncle to fuck off after he gave her the check surely all of this is hearsay when not even Mel was present on these things happening! The massive issue she has with people talking about her on here yet she’s happy to sit and tell the whole of tik tok about things that have happened that she’s just heard about! She’s essentially just gossiping because those details really are relevant to her page!
Just to add, it is probably so she can paint a bad picture of her mom for others to also believe that she’s an evil person! It’s seems to be a very big trait of Mel’s, making out everyone else is the bad one! She did this with her husbands ex’s! Details that should just not be shared she puts out so people think she’s this amazingly nice person compared to everyone else.
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She’s doing this big bizarre rebrand because other people she’s bullied, abused and wronged are coming out of the woodwork to give their side of the story and explain what she did to them. Naturally she’s panicking about his because these people come with receipts and all she can do is chat her utter bollocks. She can’t back up her chat because she’s lying and she knows it. The innocent people she’s bullied aren’t going to disappear quietly like she thought they would. And her followers are of no help these days. She may have a lot but her engagement is diabolical. No one cares about her ever repeating fantasies. Hence the girl power re-brand, she doesn’t want to be seen as the hater and bully she is so she’s covering her tracks now. It’s all about plausible deniability with her.
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My god, imagine being happy that your step child is on comment cafe defending your online behaviour! She is absolutely reveling in the drama she has created! Unbelievable!
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Ugh, she stitched one of Zoe Louise’s videos who was the creator I referred to previously. You’re nothing like her Mel! She is so much more genuine and eloquent than you - and not a money grabber either!
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I just cannot believe she is encouraging her step child to get involved in her online drama. It's all such a game to Mel. Encouraging her step child to get involved in her conflict is so wrong. It's not how well adjusted adults behave at all.

Children learn how to manage conflict by observing how adults handle disagreements. Thank goodness her stepchildren have their own mothers to guide them through conflict as Mel is utterly toxic in conflict situations.
So the picture below is a list of the sayings said by narcissistic mothers according to Mel!!!

I think many many mothers who struggled with their teenage children's angst & behaviours would take offence at being labelled a narcissist by Mel if they said these words to their child in any conflict.

Know it all Mel and her sweeping generalisations strike again 🫣


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My mum is far from a narc, yes she probably made many mistakes with us growing up and is doing a great job as a grandparent now me and my siblings all have our own children but a lot of these things are just what any old parent says to their moody/stroppy pre teens/teens isn’t it surely saying you’re going to tell their dad/grandparent is very much what is said when a child is being naughty and you need them to behave!!!

Again, I’m going with her and her mom being two peas in a pod and this being the cause of them clashing as she grew older
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This is ridiculous, we all experienced some or all of these phrases back in the day
She forgot, “What’s for tea?… shit with sugar on it” 🫠

Made me laugh that other video about her getting overwhelmed by having to cook and do the laundry for 2 people, she sits on her ass chatting to her phone most of the day imagine if she had actual full time kids
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She also forgot
"stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about"
“As long as you’re under my roof, you live by my rules”

Because according to Mel on narcissistic mothers say these things 🫣
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Using the step kids for content.
She such a fraud. Trying to project this perfect family image. Most children have some degree of trauma from separation and divorce which may not always show until adulthood. She’s very uneducated for someone who did a counseling course. Daddy returned and had another baby with a woman he had already left once. Not confusing or complex at all!
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