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Lizzy 93

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So we’ve ended up separating and he’s moved out. I’ve been doing no contact and blocked him on everything, it’s been 4 days and a very tough past couple of weeks really. I wish I could say more but it’s all very specific and we all know there are lurkers & I cba being outed. Deep down I hope he will come back but also trying to just accept it and go about my life. I’m a catch so it’s not like I can never get a bf if I want one but fml who can be assed with one seriously?! I’m just gonna crack on with me for now.

As much as your story was entertaining I hope you’re okay & good for you for giving as good as you get @Jolie1988

I hope Mr Fletch is okay ❤ @OGJessicaFletcher
oh girl I didn’t wanna ask about it again.
So glad you’ve called yourself a catch.
You’re the prize babe and never forget it.
We’re all here for you
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Stripper Vicar

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School mate 2 is very tender, cock is normal and kept telling me how he has been wanking over my FB pics over the last 15 years and was pleased to be able to shag me 😊. Tbh he's a bit fixated.
Me Joolie this is unhinged 🥴 You’ve got yourself the male LG

RUN !!!!
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Someone’s asked for you on the last LG thread
And I asked today I think it was
I am in SHOCK
Did it go left on the holiday ?
Did you go through his phone?
How did you find out he was messaging others
I know I was just having a good time getting pumped.

School mate 1 we met on 1st day of high school ai didn't fancy him but fuck me he's hawtttt now.

All it was, was I was lying in bed on holiday and we were chatting and a message popped up and he grabbed his phone (Mr j I mean) and he hadn't done that before so I grabbed his phone back and some fat fuck had sent him a message saying something odd, like oh she can't take it up the arse like I can (i have crohns). I was like what and Mr J was mumbling shit. I was like what the actual fuck.

I went full on rage and he was like oh I was only having a laugh.

For 3 days we played happy fams and I drove up to mums.

School mate 1 had bought a house 2 doors down from mum (I was already speaking to him cos School mates) anyway I was angry so me and School mate 1 went glasgow and had a carry on, in the meantime School mate 2 had asked how I was after everything and I was raging still. Found out School mate 1 bought the house with his fiancee and School mate 2 said he was going through divorce so I jumped ship.

Haha what a mess
School mate 1 is messaging me tonight saying he things am a snob and using big words like am better than him 😒
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Morning! Been catching up and loving you all.
Off topic of dick, but hoping to lose weight and get some again 😂 After feeling shit all weekend I’ve buckled and bought my first weight loss jab. Nervous as hell but am so desperate to get my weight down to normal.
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Stripper Vicar

VIP Member
@Jolie1988 so glad to see you & your platinum pu**y are back in town 🤭

Your vibe is giving Devine Femininity, you have the power, you are in control & owning it like a true Goddess!

Still catching up on the GS I’m a whole thread behind but I’ve seen her latest stunts interested to read everyone’s thoughts & opinions, so many jaw dropping moments!

Mr Fletch is currently in hospital he has been unwell with a cold & flu for a few weeks. Earlier today he was gardening with Mini Fletch (who has a ASD) & he collapsed!

It all happened so quickly she came casually strolling in and said “I think Daddy’s Dead” absolutely zero emotion or f*cks given! All the while Midi Fletch is breaking down & in tears with worry!!

It happened again it’s all really odd now I’ve seen it for myself, for a few seconds he keeps loosing consciousness suddenly eyes rolling back, then he comes back round with no memory!

Trying not to stress it’s Midi Fletch’s birthday today & I’ve had 0 sleep & not set up her gifts or written her card yet. Although I do have a few hours before she is up! 😭
Oh no !! Sending love to you all 🧡

Random question but does he have heart issues? It sounds like TLOC (transient loss of conciousness)

Wishing Mr Fletch a fast recovery and midi Fletch a lovely birthday xx
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Hi lovely people. Sorry for being MIA. My life went a bit wild. I'm only just back in London after 4 weeks.

Long and short of it is, I went on holiday, had a spat with Mr J, ended up in a thing with a school mate from Scotland, I snogged him when I was 13. He is hot now, anyway, fucked off to Scotland for 2 weeks and ran into my separate school crush and things happened with 2 school mates. I came to my senses and drove back to London 3 days ago.

I am proper in the dog house. Dunno what's going to happen from here.

Honesty don't do things by half's. I wanted to move back to Scotland, now I don't.

Heads a mess and it's my own fault.

Don't feel sorry for Mr j cos this all kicked off when he was messaging another woman, apparently it was 'innocent'

Lauryn who? 🙄🙄🙄

Just hope you're okay ✨
And also funny how innocent it is when it's them.
Jusy saying ✨
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hahahah this is class you little identity thief 😂❤

I once snooped at a lads bills and he was on a final reminder. He ghosted me after that night, hadn’t been long so wasn’t arsed, a few months later he got back in touch and said he was sorry been in a bad place financially and was now out of it. Nearly went I know you paid your leccy now pal?
Just got to make sure they are who they say they are 😂😂😂😂

I’d hate to date someone famous and not know they had a wife 🌚

we are such nosy bastards love it
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Going for a meeting with my sons new SEN school today and he’s going to meet his teachers, every since having him I’ve had severe anxiety about this kind of stuff so I know I’m going to focus on ‘bad’ over anything and I really don’t want to because I know this is a amazing opportunity and what he needs 😭
It's catastrophic thinking. I do the same. I hope it goes well though and seeing your son meet his new teachers will calm your mind ✨
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I’ve been put on medication and it’s making me off me cake I feel like I’ve had a Gary
Eyes are rolling to the back of my head, jaws twatting off the floor
I’m on a high 🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼
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I’ve just been to pick some uniform bits up for my son, £17 for a school jumper for a reception kid?? Sorry what in the cozzy livz is that, his school he’s in now it’s only a tenner for a jumper!
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He's done this before, I dunno what's wrong with him hun.

I'm really not sure what's wrong with him. I think he got a fright.

Tbh I'm only back in London for my job.

I need to have a think about my next steps xx
He can fuck right off.

I want to message him now. He wouldn't like my messages.

If he wants someone to take it up the arse so much buy him a dildo. Wanker.

Glad you're seeming okay but concerned you're forgetting your worth ❤
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You’ve raised some amazing boys Lottie, the way they are with you is everything I hope my boys like when he’s older ❤
How’s baby girl settled in?

Well today they were out for a walk while I was getting my glam on & they bumped into child 2's old friend & he couldn't believe they way he's gone on 🤦‍♀️ doesn't speak to any of his old mates motwyw.

She's settled in no bother I'm definitely her favourite (haha jokes!) She's so cheeky she shouts so much now but fucking hell when she kicks off there's hell on. She stiffens herself no idea were she gets it from 🤠

She's staying overnight at her nanas on Thursday hope she works her rotten 🤣 eeee that's an awful thing to say really!

So my dad had bands for years & he calls her peaches because shes got the chubby cheeks & the stranglers have a song called peaches so he sings it to her every week bless him he's so smitten.
My aunty messaged the other day & said eee your mam would love her you know & I cried because she totally would 😢💜
Yup bad tummy, always goes bad just before I get my period 😫😫😫
Hope you get a good sleep tonight/tomorrow 🙏❤

What a little angel 😍 You’re raising some good lads x
I just love being a mam it's my greatest achievement in life. My mam & dad were the same I think that's why his royal just fitted right in with my mam & dad he didn't have that his parents always played against each other & he wasn't used to the way my patents were with him he always called mam mam. She used to say he was the son she never had. Like all of is family is everything mind in my dad's eyes I can't do any wrong he still has the chat with my husband every so often 🤣
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