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I don’t get why she was on her phone so much at work. Surely she had better things to do other than scroll through her phone. Hardly professional.
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Seems to me she’s trying to make it appear that Baby G has a digestion and vomiting problem. That could be why she persists.
I don’t understand why you think she’d ‘get better’ at murder. She’s trying different MOs. She increased the insulin dose for the 2nd murder attempt.
Who says she always has to kill? She’s still getting the excitement and drama from severely harming them, possibly the sick satisfaction of causing permanent brain damage. Sick fuck.
I just assumed she was purposely trying to harm but not kill on most first or second attempts (especially when she realised people were maybe getting suspicious), but gradually leading up to the (alleged) murders so it wouldn't be such a shock and be less suspicious when the poor baby eventually died. Then it just looks like "well they had loads of problems beforehand, it was pretty obvious this might happen, they collapsed before, nothing suss about it..." rather than just killing a healthy baby right off the bat which would have people scratching their heads why this would suddenly happen. She's sowing the seeds that these babies could go at any time, she knows exactly what she's doing imo each attempt/murder. But then I'm not so up on the details as others and obviously some babies survived and left the hospital, but was that because LL couldn't get access to do her planned final attack on them? Sorry if this is super obvious or already been mentioned loads! I do miss things as I skip the medical details if I can (heart-breaking) and I can't keep up with the sheer number of attempts there were or on what babies so I could be completely wrong.
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very normal and innocent, I have those ones about my toddler ALL the time,
I’ve also experienced ones much darker 😄 about family, strangers, colleagues… violent ones, sexual ones all sorts .. I thought I was evil, but since have found out so much more about them and know I in no way wanted to act on them and they repulsed me. They’re very common.
I’m so glad you wrote this because I get the same about my toddler and I thought there was something wrong with me 😢
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And the comments about ‘fate’…could that be a warped reason for targeting IVF babies? Ugh, today has been horrible.
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Fml right everyone get your fingers crossed and hope that ben myers can be arsed to turn up
to court today so we can hear some new information at least
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I wonder who they’ve aimed that post at:unsure::ROFLMAO:

people say it’s mean, which yes it may come across as that. I have never participated at all in those FB groups for a reason.

I find it mean that there are people out there, showing no thoughts for the family/babies, instead they need to prove Letby is innocent. I think they’re fucking morons.

The screenshot I shared last night was of a particular contributor I feel to be a complete moron.

If it’s offending people that badly, I’ll refrain from doing it in the future.
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From the prosecution:
The overfeeding "doesn't happen by accident," Mr Johnson told the court. He added similar cases will be heard with other babies.
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Interesting, so 2m for the stock bags.
I know some people think the second bag isn't important but I massively disagree. If there's no realistic way of explaining her poisoning poisoning second bag then I don't think I can believe she did the first one.
But what’s the alternative? The first bag was hung on the night shift. The second bag was hung on the day shift. Unless there are two murderers, it had to be tampered with by the same person. So who worked a consecutive day and night shift? That sounds less likely than Lucy tampering with a stock bag before she left for the day.

the first bag is the most important because there was a smaller window for it to be tampered with due to it being bespoke and time between it arriving on the unit and being hung, compared to the stock bag so you can eliminate a lot of staff.
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When you think about it set out like that it’s truly is horrific isn’t it 💔
It truly doesn't bare thinking about.
She survived the worst odds & then danced with evil.
My twin 2 has cerebral palsy (prematurity related), but not to this degree, her parents and her have been on my mind all evening. Baby G truly is a miracle.
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I’ve worked in some places that had awful practice that we had to change as managers etc when I went into a role but I didn’t start using it as a cover to kill people. Bad practice or not she’s an evil killer. I’m starting to think she’ll get off but on a technical factor rather than her being innocent. I’ll never not think she didn’t do it as it’s far too coincidental that similar things have occurred in her shift.

Crash in Chester might mean a delayed court today

The nmc also have strict guidance around the use of phones and social media platforms so that won’t go well either if she’s found innocent and try’s to get her pin back. Not that she will get it like
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I mean that's within the legal abortion limit - it's astonishing she survived the first few weeks
Yeah more and more babies are surviving now when being born at 23 weeks. It’s amazing to be honest and it’s something that wouldn’t have really happened 20/30 years ago.
There was one 23 weeker on the doc Tiny lives. Totally amazing.
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I'm not sure what's so hard to understand what @slingo16 is trying to say - basically the prosecution are standing up there and saying IN NO DOUBT this child was poisoned by insulin, it's so indisputable by the c-peptide levels etc etc etc - BUT - these blood results came back how long ago? And were left unnoticed for such a period of time that more babies were hurt.

If I'm understanding correctly, the argument question being raised here is how can they be so SURE now, when back then, it didn't get taken any further?
That’s exactly what I’m saying, I don’t explain myself very well but I’m glad someone gets what I’m saying
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I'm still in the unsure frame of mind only because I haven't heard the full thing and things just haven't fully 'clicked' for me yet. The Facebook searches, photos on her phone and paperwork, to me, are just background noise - because I bet if they investigated the other members of staff they would also find the same (some posters on here have already said they would probably have a sheet stuffed in a pocket etc). I guess the context is what is missing for me. Are they talking box files upon box files of babies sheets organised in a system, or some crumpled up pieces in a drawer? Are we talking multiple pictures of irrelevant things, or one picture of a card which really, proves nothing? I think the bigger picture for those things are missing, it's just adds a wee bit of speculation for me.

It may well be that once the defence have had their say, that will be the 'click'. I just haven't heard the full story, and I don't like to make a judgement based on one side.

A good example of this is the Star case - the prosecution said they had video evidence of Savannah hitting Star in the car ( :( ) - lots of people said the video evidence was really grainy and couldn't really be made out. So when the defence came and Savannah claimed she was doing 'the claw' from the Jim Carrey film because Star liked it (Star being 16 months old and the film being about 16 years old), it locked and loaded that that was completely untrue. Does that make sense? Had the defence brought out videos and pictures of Savannah doing 'the claw' with Star at other points in time, it wouldn't have rung quite so suspiciously.

It seems like background noise on the surface, but it needs to be looked at in context. I agree, I am sure other nurses have facebooked searched, the texts seem innocent enough on the surface, but there is a reason why they are showing them as evidence. It’s about building a picture and you will see a pattern forming. Now of course if you investigated all the nurses they may have gone home with a handover sheet stuffed in their pocket, but in relation to a child that had just died on your watch it could be deemed as highly suspicious. Why was she Facebook searching other families - yes you could say she “ does it all the time, I bet they all do “. But I expect most of them did not do it to the extent she has.

They would not be showing it as evidence if it was not relevant. Of course those things alone can’t make her ‘guilty’ and yes none of us know until we’ve heard all the evidence. Criminologist and profilers are looking at exactly those things, t they see things in the searches, texts etc that a lot of us won’t.

We don’t know enough yet. I won’t say what I think.

But to say it’s ‘background noise’ when it’s obviously a huge part of the evidence and the trial.

How else would she be put on trial? No, you are right it doesn’t make her guilty but it certainly doesn’t make her innocent.
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The chaos and poor practise on the ward created the perfect environment for her. It's just sickenening.

I wonder how much has been covered up to save the arses of others? We will never know.

No bloody wonder they want anonymity in court.
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First time I’ve ever seen this case referenced on the news (tv wise) but it’s just been on the main ITV news. It’s nearly broken me a few times but the talk about baby Gs condition now made me cry for the first time.
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I know you’ve not caught up so you won’t have seen my follow up post but I was replying to the OP’s question about LL having IVF herself not about the babies xx
Just caught up now and have seen you answering this and realised it was what you were actually answering, sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️.

Also all these posts about the 100 day thing not being significant 🤯🤯🤯 I honestly don’t know if poster is reading/hearing the same as rest of us. I honestly can’t tell if the post is genuine or what. It’s already been posted numerous times the significance, as have posts all day showing yet more patterns. If it’s a genuine question then fair enough but it seems there’s a few other posters that are not understanding the question/ point
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it’s heartbreaking that she beat all the odds and made it so far despite being a 23 weeker, only to seemingly be attempted to be murdered by LL multiple times. Can’t even begin to imagine what the poor family have been through.

if she did this as I believe she did then she is one spiteful & evil person.
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I think her obsessive feeding off the pain, grief, and loss of others, and her progressively sadistic methods of achieving her malevolent intentions, combined make for a cold, calculating killer with all the terrifying traits of our most fearsome monsters.
Couldn’t agree more, well said. The more we hear the more obsessed with the parents (especially the mums) she seems. I know many of us on here really want to know the psychology behind why she may have done this (jealousy/sadism/psychopath/couldn’t see anyone else happy), or whatever it may be. But even if we hear the psychology behind it, it will still never make sense to, us as we don’t think the same way SK do (at least hope not😱)

But there has to be an element of all those traits in her I think, she’s shown examples of most of them in evidence we’ve heard so far, and I think there’s still much worse to come. Sadistic, cruel, obsessed, jealous, monster, cold, calculating. I see all of those in her. She’s going to be UK’s most prolific serial killer I’m sure of it 😩
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