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As promised, my long post detailing my thoughts on the verdicts. I will do another post soon regarding today's sentencing and some other matters arising from the trial

The 8th of August (Tuesday) was when the first verdicts were delivered. I had come back from lunch to see through the doors that Court 7 was in session. After they had filed back out I asked a reporter who I have been on speaking terms with what had been going on and I was informed that the was going to be called back in about 45 mins, asked if they had reached any unanimous verdicts and to be directed that majority verdicts would be accepted. From that point you could almost feel the tension building amongst the Hummingbird team and my fellow members of the public who were within Court 8, so I can't even imagine what the Court 7 atmosphere was like.

When the jury foreman was asked whether they had reached any verdicts upon which they had all agreed, I was saying to myself in my head "please be the right verdicts, please be the right verdicts" and right they were, two guilty verdicts on the two insulin poisoning attempt murders. I felt a strange combination of relief and numbness after those verdicts- relief that every member of that jury had seen straight through the "Nice Lucy" facade and numbness that I had been witness to such important verdicts, but I couldn't say a word to anyone outside of court about them- this feeling of numbness was to become a familiar feeling during the period in which the reporting restrictions on the verdicts were in place. I left court that afternoon and went to watch my beloved Blackburn Rovers that evening and can recall sitting in a beer garden with my pre-match pint and thinking to myself "literally nobody else here is aware of what has happened at Manchester Crown Court this afternoon" surreal doesn't even come close.

The second set of verdicts were a bolt from the blue, as soon as the court began sitting on the 11th (Friday) and were the verdicts on four of the murder charges. I can safely say that it was the closest I had come to tears during my time attending the trial. Although I had been convinced of her guilt for some time and especially after the attempted murder convictions knew what was coming, to hear the jury return those verdicts was utterly overwhelming. I must have looked horrified and shell shocked when I quickly returned back into Court 8 in order to escape the truly awful sound of the defendants mum whaling uncontrollably, two of the detectives asked me if I was ok- I just replied that I was glad the jury had seen things how we had all seen it. Further guilty verdicts were returned last Wednesday and although the jury acquitted her of two counts of AM and failed to reach verdicts on others, I fully respect the jury's decision making- we have all made jokes about the absences and whatnot, but to undertake 22 days of deliberations after hearing nine months of evidence and only need to ask three questions to the judge was proof of their intense concentration and diligence throughout.

I would like to say thank you to the Operation Hummingbird team, many of whom I have had the honour and privilege of speaking to over the last few months- particularly the one who shook my hand and told me I was a "good man" on the Friday afternoon after the first murder convictions had been returned. Your professionalism and dedication to ensuring justice for those babies and their families has been nothing short of awe-inspiring and your decency and compassion stand in stark contrast to the vile and inhumane creature that all of your combined investigative efforts have helped to secure the conviction of. Another massive thanks of course to Nick Johnson KC and his two juniors, Phillip Astbury and Simon Driver, for their work in exposing to the jury the real, calculating and heinous nature of the defendant.

As for the babies and their families, I simply say that you will forever be in my thoughts
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The thing is, anyone following closely from the beginning or understands how she came across in court knows that the narrative of sweet innocent nurse except for all the murdering she did, simply isn’t true.
- she absolutely had fallings out with other nurses there and maybe more will speak out or they’ll want to never be associated with it all ever again. Letby refers to the “not so nice things” people have been saying about her capabilities and her insistence on always being in room 1 which definitely pissed people off
-something happened with Dr B the female doc from the Gang of Four as letby said on the stand she didn’t have a good working relationship with her. I imagine this doc saw straight through her and letby didn’t like it.
- ‘at least there’s some nice people on tonight’, the faces that don’t fit, slagging absolutely anyone at any opportunity. The idea she was sweet to everyone is bollocks. Including texting snidely about parents of the babies. She would belittle people regularly.
- on more than one occasion in the case, she was overriding and being snappy when others suggested babies needed to be moved to nursery one (babies that would soon be dead). Why would a good nurse do that? Why would they ignore advice, why not reflect on their opinion? The people describe being put out by it and being shocked by her tone. Her mask slips. She wasn’t nice.
- she made herself a nuisance on a number of occasions. Had tantrums over which room she was in - shown in texts and the accounts of the shift leaders. She told them the other nurseries were boring - what nice nurse says this? The babies aren’t there for your entertainment. What made her think she was special and didn’t have to work where she was placed? That’s not something a nice or quiet person kicks off about. She thought she was special and superior. Her needs should be met at all times and when they weren’t she would take it into her own hands.
- she told off student/younger nurse for (correctly) shouting for assistance when a baby was deteriorating. They were shocked and taken aback by her attitude.
- the day after baby Ps death she is texting laughing about everyone being in chaos at work and running around and being stressed “lol” she didn’t have a caring bone in her body.
- she CONSTANTLY text and checked Facebook at work. There is no way she was a dedicated committed nurse. She either skipped that feed that NJ called her out on or she shoved it down that baby. I expect she was skipping feeds or inappropriately feeding babies at every opportunity in favour of texting and doing things she found more entertaining than “just feeding and changing babies” her words again. Vile. That means those babies are well and progressing- you’d think she’d welcome that kind of care given she’s been around 13 deaths and scores of near fatal collapses in a short space of time
- several times texts with “friends” were tense. Some calling out her utter weirdness and bitchiness and then at the other end of the scale many times people replied with “get some sleep now”(eg shut up and get the message that this is too much) “well you should get counselling if you’re just crying then, why wouldn’t you” etc. I really don’t doubt that many people found her draining, annoying and self absorbed. Jesus the way she went on about her needle prick - after two healthy babies had died, lord above. There would 100% people that saw her for the attention seeking narcissist she was. Mel Taylor I’m sure did.
- she constantly draws everything back to herself. Now maybe Dawn and Janet enjoy that in a friendship, they could be sweet and look after her. Please Lucy, tell me your traumatic birth story again so I can hug you and feel wonderful about myself. Same vibe as to why Noname got his rocks off being her saviour. Some people enjoy taking that role in a friendship. She played the victim superbly. However many noticed this behaviour. Screeching “it’s always me” and wailing on after baby I’s death shocked the trainee GP. Everyone on that unit knew baby I well and were mortified by her death, they wrote a letter to management about how hard it had been. How many times does she text people to tell them she’s crying, she’s sad and then if they point out anything about her bad luck she snips and shuts it down and gets shirty.
- that’s because she’s not getting the response she wants. She kills baby C because of this. She even says in police interview “I hadn’t gotten the response I wanted” from her friend that told her yes you’re being mean and weird demanding you should be back in room one. People serve her needs and when they don’t she is frustrated and rude. The babies don’t serve her entertainment needs then she forces them to. She was cross with baby Ms parents once their baby had survived. How could they take away her special moment? Her sympathy. Her attention. imagine being a parent in that situation and recognising the nurse is being rude to you 😵💫
- the nurse that believes her baby was attacked by letby (I fully believe this) said she made a FORMAL complaint over Letby’s comments to her. And you have many of the parents noticing her bad and inappropriate behaviour. She wasn’t nice and she wasn’t kind.
- call me old fashioned but nice people don’t engage in months of late night texts and meals out with married men - puke. That’s why she found these revelations excruciating. She probably desperately wanted to say the real reasons she was doing these things - because she could talk endlessly about herself and the baby deaths.
- she’s been described as quiet and awkward. She went out but left early. She did salsa and concerts but did she engage much in social situations that actually require in-depth conversation or complex social cues? No relationships. Her friends could come to drink but they couldn’t stay. Did she ever not just switch things back to herself? Alison Ventress was moving to New Zealand and yet somehow letby managed to make it about her and the distance for her parents 🥴. Did she ever have interest in her friends if it wasn’t just to support them (get off on their grief and stress) over the deaths that she repeatedly wanted to engage in conversation about even when others were tired of it.
- she even made it about herself at the triplets death, so much so it sounds like the parents felt the need to console her. It was picked up on multiple times that she enjoyed this aftermath, having to be forcibly told to leave parents to grieve, acting excited about taking the triplets photos as if it was a bounty pack, buzzing at baby Ps debrief when everyone else was distraught.
- She’s quiet, shy and awkward because she’s a shape shifter with no actual interest in anybody not because she’s a little sweetie pie. Everyone is a pawn in her game. Obsessed with real people and their raw real emotions because she has nothing inside her at all.
- how many times in court did the mask slip? Baby E&F’s mum thanked her for taking the stand and used that exact phrase 💕 the truth came out. Petulant. Snippy. Barely able to control it even with her whole life on the line. Not able to emote for the babies. Only for her room. Her life. Her cats.

“I’m a problem to everyone that knows me”
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I’ve popped in and out of this thread but omg whoever has done that WIKI should be given an OBE, the keys to the city and a bloody knighthood. That is an amazing piece of work, so clear, organised and comprehensive. Thank you so much whoever you are that is perfection and I take my hat off to you for taking the time to document everything, including support links, so forensically and user friendly. 👏 Bravo, I really don’t have the words to thank you enough.
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I have realised something after hearing judge G statement. How she targeted the babies who were most Ill, she also got annoyed when she was given babies who weren’t as poorly as others. I think this is because she could do what she wanted to do and use their illnesses as cover up as she did for one of them
Babies in the 'nursery' are there to fatten up & prepare for home. My daughter did 10 weeks ITU then 3 weeks nursery 1 then 3 weeks nursery 2.
Letby complained nursery was boring as its just feeding the babies.
I was a midwife & worked in NICU sometimes always in the nursery. It was lovely helping parents learn how to feed their little ones and having cuddles when they weren't there.
ITU NICU is obviously much higher risk & babies have crisis throughout the day. She thought she wouldnt be noticed amongst all the others. But like all serial killers she got careless.
I do believe shes killed elsewhere & there is more to discover. Photos of my daughter Jemima now 13 in ITU NICU and then nursery room
My heart breaks at the thought someone would hurt such tiny souls
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Chatty Member
So what, neither of them have been charged with an offence and we don't need to know their reaction or indeed have any media coverage of them at all

You can expect what you want, different people have different emotional reactions, neither you nor the media need to report her parents' reactions or indeed provide any details of them at all
And you don't NEED to join a popular 'gossip' forum to defend the parents of a child killer. But you have. The only people guaranteed anonymity in a court of law are the victims, their families and witnesses (where agreed with the judge) - everything else is fair game. If her parents didn't want to be reported on, they should have stayed home and not acted like cunts in front of parents of dead babies who had to hear a NG or H jury.
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Well what do you expect her mother to do after her daughter was jailed for a whole life time as a serial killer. Why do we need to know anything about her parents quite honestly, they are not on trial, only their daughter was? I also don't think the media should have taken photos of her parents entering court either
I’d expect her to contain her emotional outburst until she’s out of the court building. Just like those poor parents had to do every day for 10 whole months, hearing every minute detail before, during and after every single event of how their babies were hurt and murdered.
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I've still not read any of the threads, signal is awful. But I did just open tattle onto a comment about her mum crying. At the time it was horrific, we couldn't hear her shout out in court 8 but we could hear the gutteral horrific wailing, as a mother myself it was horrific to hear- I was crying too. But afterwards I was so cross it made it all about the Letby's they still have their daughter they can call and visit! One of the babies parents put her fingers in her ears and walked out and good for her! I'm struggling with it all tbh, her 'lovely' innocent girl next persona and yet there's pure evil running through her veins. Beautiful innocent wanted loved precious little miracles harmed and murdered to give her attention and boost her already inflated self richeousness. I don't agree with violence, I can't even watch boxing I'm such a wimp. But taking away her freedom just isn't enough, I know it's as far as the law can go but... she needs to live in fear she needs to suffer just like those babies did... as for not watching her verdicts and sentencing- stop the world I wanna get off 💔
As promised, my long post detailing my thoughts on the verdicts. I will do another post soon regarding today's sentencing and some other matters arising from the trial

The 8th of August (Tuesday) was when the first verdicts were delivered. I had come back from lunch to see through the doors that Court 7 was in session. After they had filed back out I asked a reporter who I have been on speaking terms with what had been going on and I was informed that the was going to be called back in about 45 mins, asked if they had reached any unanimous verdicts and to be directed that majority verdicts would be accepted. From that point you could almost feel the tension building amongst the Hummingbird team and my fellow members of the public who were within Court 8, so I can't even imagine what the Court 7 atmosphere was like.

When the jury foreman was asked whether they had reached any verdicts upon which they had all agreed, I was saying to myself in my head "please be the right verdicts, please be the right verdicts" and right they were, two guilty verdicts on the two insulin poisoning attempt murders. I felt a strange combination of relief and numbness after those verdicts- relief that every member of that jury had seen straight through the "Nice Lucy" facade and numbness that I had been witness to such important verdicts, but I couldn't say a word to anyone outside of court about them- this feeling of numbness was to become a familiar feeling during the period in which the reporting restrictions on the verdicts were in place. I left court that afternoon and went to watch my beloved Blackburn Rovers that evening and can recall sitting in a beer garden with my pre-match pint and thinking to myself "literally nobody else here is aware of what has happened at Manchester Crown Court this afternoon" surreal doesn't even come close.

The second set of verdicts were a bolt from the blue, as soon as the court began sitting on the 11th (Friday) and were the verdicts on four of the murder charges. I can safely say that it was the closest I had come to tears during my time attending the trial. Although I had been convinced of her guilt for some time and especially after the attempted murder convictions knew what was coming, to hear the jury return those verdicts was utterly overwhelming. I must have looked horrified and shell shocked when I quickly returned back into Court 8 in order to escape the truly awful sound of the defendants mum whaling uncontrollably, two of the detectives asked me if I was ok- I just replied that I was glad the jury had seen things how we had all seen it. Further guilty verdicts were returned last Wednesday and although the jury acquitted her of two counts of AM and failed to reach verdicts on others, I fully respect the jury's decision making- we have all made jokes about the absences and whatnot, but to undertake 22 days of deliberations after hearing nine months of evidence and only need to ask three questions to the judge was proof of their intense concentration and diligence throughout.

I would like to say thank you to the Operation Hummingbird team, many of whom I have had the honour and privilege of speaking to over the last few months- particularly the one who shook my hand and told me I was a "good man" on the Friday afternoon after the first murder convictions had been returned. Your professionalism and dedication to ensuring justice for those babies and their families has been nothing short of awe-inspiring and your decency and compassion stand in stark contrast to the vile and inhumane creature that all of your combined investigative efforts have helped to secure the conviction of. Another massive thanks of course to Nick Johnson KC and his two juniors, Phillip Astbury and Simon Driver, for their work in exposing to the jury the real, calculating and heinous nature of the defendant.

As for the babies and their families, I simply say that you will forever be in my thoughts
@O'lee all of this ❤ … what a journey it’s been, it wouldn’t have been the same without you, glad we could offload to each other at least, those 10 days were the strangest in my life, all the emotions, happy relieved sad disappointed (on the hung jury ones) and everything inbetween.
You see all these celebs being knighted etc but honestly team hummingbird the CPS, press, barristers lawyers and all involved should all be, they couldn’t have been more professional, thorough, friendly, welcoming, hardworking if they tried and absolutely lovely too. It’s literally the end of an era with the right ending for almost all ❤
Bring on round 2…
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JFC I’ve never been so behind on the threads ever in the past ten months. I’m still catching up on thread 64 but I’ve read every single post in the past ten months, I’m not going to skip any now. I will try and do it alongside reading this thread.

thanks for the wiki love. Do you think I should add links to victim impact statements, sentencing remarks etc? Might need to reorganise the first page which isn’t a problem apart from space.
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This is wild, I come back to the threads after a couple of hours and there’s a big uproar over whether teddies on beds and cards from cats are signs of a killer!
That’s like saying if you drive a red ford escort you’re a wrong’un because once a serial killer owned that car. The only thing that definitely makes you a murderer is if you’ve killed someone. That’s the only reliable indicator I know of.
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Chatty Member
Wow, I'm a bit shocked at some of the comments I've seen in these threads since the sentencing yesterday.

Anyone who continues to defend Letby really angers me. The jury has spoken and she's been found guilty of murdering tiny babies who were at their most vulnerable. The parents statements have shown that these babies weren't at deaths door like her defence tried to make us believe and all of them would have been enjoying their 6 weeks holidays if they had never encountered Letby's evil.

Her own parents behaviour is disturbing. I agreed previously that they are victims in what has happened, but now I'm don't think that's the case.

Her father attended meetings with the hospital execs and bullied consultants himself. They moaned about the length of the trial, the media... When the verdicts came in, the mom made awful comments and was loud in her reaction, which must have been incredibly upsetting for the families of these little babies who have had to relive the worst moments of their lives.

Sadly, there will always be people who believe she's innocent and it's all a miscarriage of justice.

I wish the other families had the same sense of justice and I can't imagine how hard it would have been for those families who had hung and not guilty verdicts yesterday not being able to have their stories told.

I have spent quite a bit of time crying for these babies. So much life cruelly taken away and so much damage left. I hope these families can now start to get some sense of peace.
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So what, neither of them have been charged with an offence and we don't need to know their reaction or indeed have any media coverage of them at all

You can expect what you want, different people have different emotional reactions, neither you nor the media need to report her parents' reactions or indeed provide any details of them at all
Well, we do know their reaction, it has been reported, and I’m allowed to have my unfavourable opinion on it 👍🏻

If you don’t think it should have been reported then perhaps take it up with the relevant media complaints service. In the meantime I, and many others, will continue to comment on what’s been reported.
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Chatty Member
She’ll go down the mental health route.
Sorry not to be rude but are you actually listening to what anyone’s saying? To go down that ‘route’ she’ll need to be intensively interviewed and assessed. It’s not easy to pull one over on psychiatrists, they’ve seen idiots try and pull a fast one loads of times. Plus considering she already has been assessed for mental health conditions and she only has PTSD, she wouldn’t go to Rampton. AND you said she’ll go as she’s at risk of being attacked. That’s not why you go to Rampton ffs. Had enough of these stupid questions and then people not listening to the answers.
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Chatty Member
Continue your discussion here.

Please READ THE WIKI - your questions have most likely been answered and it’s very grating having to read the same thing being asked repeatedly. Thank you.
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Did someone seriously ask if she’d be working on the maternity ward in prison 🤣 christ

Just want to say whoever made the wiki is a genius, it’s so concise. I’ve been sending everyone I know who is interested in this to read it
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14 WLO’s are only a small victory in this harrowing case.
The families will never have closure from what has happened but hopefully knowing she will see out her days without an ounce of freedom goes a little way to easing the burden on them.

I’ve joined in this thread occasionally, but mainly read from afar so thank you to all of you who have contributed your opinions and facts throughout this trial.

As Operation Hummingbird is still on going I don’t think this is the last we have heard of LL and the horrific crimes she has committed. I think she will be found guilty of more murders in due course unfortunately. I did sway back and forth for the first few months the of this trial but I fully believe now she is EVIL.

I like the idea of renaming these threads Operation Hummingbird so we aren’t giving her any more airtime.

I’m checking out of this thread for now. The victim impact statements have broken my heart today.
Love to everyone here. Look after yourselves. ❤
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Errrrrrrr sorry to ask, hope I'm not interrupting but has anyone got a Matalan card I can borrow?
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I’ve only just caught up, mainly because I wanted to know if our regular court goers had posted their updates yet and I’m glad I caught one.

I can’t deal with the arguing/the generalising and the talk of her having ADHD or mental health issues and being put in Rampton based on absolutely nothing. She was assessed prior to standing trial, she is & was at the time of sound mind. I’m baffled that these are even being mentioned. So I will be bowing out for a bit and will check back for the other in court visit update.

Just want to say thank you to all the regulars that have been here since the trial started and to all those who made me question my own opinion throughout the trial and discussed the evidence plus explaining medical things too. The wiki is genuinely amazing.

I’m heartbroken reading the victim impact statements and am extremely pleased with judge Goss and his sentencing. She is vile. For me, I think she did it because she could - sometimes in life there isn’t a reason for things. You’re looking for rational explanations but she isn’t a rational person- she harmed and murdered babies and I believe she did it because she enjoyed it and because she got away with it. Horrendous.

Thinking of those little ones tonight 😔 sending love to everyone. Been a heavy 10 months and an even heavier day today 💔
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VIP Member
So what, neither of them have been charged with an offence and we don't need to know their reaction or indeed have any media coverage of them at all

You can expect what you want, different people have different emotional reactions, neither you nor the media need to report her parents' reactions or indeed provide any details of them at all
Is that you Janet?
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