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She has just stated on her stories she took the twins to toddler groups pre Covid ? really ? pre Covid was February, they would of been 2 months old ... plus they were ill every other week, because of ‘reflux’ or being in a cold garage in winter (Thanks to Jordan’s stupidity)
I don’t recall them doing anything with the twins ....
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Its a bit insensitive saying smears are pain free and very simple when many women have different shaped cervix and find it quite painful/uncomfortable. If she wants to educate she could take about it more practically provide links of info etc but instead like everything with LJC it's how easy it is for her
She’s a joke honestly. I have a titled pelvis and anything going up there hurts! I have had a letter for my smear sat on my cupboard for months and I’m so ashamed that I haven’t gone for it when people have worked so hard to raise awareness. I have a high pain threshold and I couldn’t care less about the pain, but I had a bad experience when I was younger with an intimate examination and it traumatised me that much that it’s contributed to me deciding not to have children because I have a fear of being examined.. but of course it’s dead easy isn’t Lucy, just because you’ve dropped your knickers for half of Trowbridge.🙄
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Chatty Member
When does Lucy ever use oven dishes? It's slow cooker or a takeaway
It’s all really just because she cba to wash the girls bottles so she throws them in the dishwasher. I’ve never known anyone else to do that 😂 also never seen a steriliser in that kitchen
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It baffles me that they post photos with their clothes hanging off like that and see nothing wrong with it I would be MORTIFIED
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It’s almost like she’s trying to prove to herself that she’s a good mum. Not everything needs to be perfect and great Lucy.
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Im just saying what I see! Yes I agree that she is a lazy ass parent, but I do see loooooads of floor play and surely even if they were under stimulated they’d be quicker to walking to get what they want 🤪 no ones getting nippy here, I just think making SWEEPING statements about how kids under 1 are slow to walk is slightly (very) unnecessary and can be damaging
I'm a busy FRONTLINE worker with a background in children's healthcare and from what I have observed from this selfish slob of a mother is that her parenting standards are abysmal, she cannot even bring herself in 2020 with herself and her dope of a husband at home 24/7 for the last year to provide basic sleep safety for her two precious baby girls. And in my job where alot of it involves the safeguarding of children that boils my fucking blood. She's a disgrace and that's all I'm going to say.
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Those take away roast dinners are just the epitome of laziness to me, not to mention they look gross. I know pubs are shut etc but surely a roast pub lunch comes 2nd to a home cooked Sunday roast? Isn’t that the point of it? Ok, can’t get to the local pub, so cook it yourself Lucy, I think Sunday roast was the first thing my Gran taught me to cook & we did roast chicken in first year of Home Ec! Between them both they could do the prep on Saturday evening/Sunday morning & just bung it on after motor cross or whatever. She makes Hinch look like Gordon Ramsey 😂
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I’m sorry but I’m their promotional pictures is the background just a creased bed sheet? I can’t cope
Everything about it is cheap and effortless. Cheap clothing, no thought put into it, basic photo shoots, an Instagram that was launched with a few photos of LJC and co in slightly matching/similar clothing and some quotes she found on Pinterest.

I know it's all a money making scheme but she hasn't bothered to put any effort into it to make it look like she's actually particularly even interested in what she is doing. Clueless and as greedy as ever.
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I dont want to sound mean but does anyone know what kind of ears lucy has? Her twins ears and her boys ears are pointy and fold over? Dint think tim nice but dim (Jordan's ) are like that???
While I don’t want to bash the way a child looks, in the environment that the Carters and their extended family live, where looks and appearances are everything, I think there’s going to be some cosmetic correction taking place. Cosmetic dentistry 100%.
It’s sad that these children have undue pressure on them, having a camera in their face all the time, understanding they have to ‘look right’. I’d stake my life on the fact that they’ve had to re-pose or go and get changed because they didn’t ‘look right’ the first time. What does that do to a child’s psyche?
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It gets me how unaware she is, it’s like she’s totally lost with the whole concept of looking after the babies.
One thing that stands out to me is that quite often they’ll put the twins down to sleep, one or both will sleep for about half an hour and then wake up, that’s because they’re overtired and their brain is basically treating their sleep as a power nap.
She doesn’t seem to realise that although the twins don’t seem tired and like they need sleep, they actually do and because she misses that they end up being over stimulated at what should be their bed time and then their brains release chemicals to give them a “second wind” and that’s why they end up staying awake past 9pm and only having a half hour sleep.
Exactly 💯 it's something that most mothers learn with their first baby, it's to know the cues, after 4 you'd think she would know her babies needs etc it's a mother's instinct, but she doesn't have it she never did and if she doesn't have it by now she is never gonna have it, i think she is so cold with those little babies, and comes across like a first time mum who has literally no idea what to do.
India is always a problem to her anyways, and Rooty gets all the attention, it tells too, she is quite miserable looking alot of the time......

Maybe the baby was teething?! The sleep thing is so odd I could understand if it was Few bad nights of one of the babies not going back to sleep but everyday she posts that they didn’t want to nap or that one woke up at 9pm.
I know it’s hard to get one baby to sleep never mind two but if you go off her instargam they seem never ever sleep!
This is it, moaning every day about the sleep but too lazy to instill some structure, I feel sorry for those babies they must be exhausted, babies thrive when they sleep well, it's so important for development

As much as we can criticise Jordan, we will never criticise him for that 😂
I'd be fuming if my partner posted really unattractive pictures of me but I genuinely think Jordan doesn't have the intelligence to realise that it might be hurtful for her
The odd one for a joke fair enough but he basically kind of fat shames her
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Chatty Member
I don’t mind any of the names separately;

Winter (wouldn’t pick it myself but it’s ok for a middle name)

But none of them go together!
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think shes blocked me on my main. she was asking for recomendations for small businesses that do personalised xmas sack and a wooden sleigh. i told her to google it and stop begging. i did recommend studio 21 though.
she mentioned 'some people have said to google' when she showed a few suppliers who she 'claims' to be purchasing from, more like expecting a freebie. Her and Jordan cant take any criticism, can you imagine them at parents evening when the feral kids kept told off by teacher, it will be teachers fault for been jealous!
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Is she going to lower the cots when one of them falls out and breaks a leg? Is she going to buy them suitable fitting clothes when one of them trips and smashes their head into something? I’m sure she thinks babies can bounce, they are quite robust, but they aren’t immune to broken bones and cuts. I don’t understand her at all.
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I am dying at her IGTV on the topshop jeans OH MY DAYYYYS every fucking pair looks the exact same and they are meant to be different types and styles of jeans
They are literally so tight bet onto her that they all look the exact same skinny fucking too tight jeans she is squeezing herself into mom jeans etc that are meant to be baggy ish in areas and they are all stuck to her she is a dose I can't cope with her i am done with that IGTV topshop need to sack her
Lucy your not a size 10 hun wow 12 or 14 at least those jeans aren't meant to be painted on so embarrassing
The Darby sisters don’t conform to regular sizing coz they’re special, they just think up a size in their heads & boom, that’s what they are. Lucy is already teaching the next generation to be the same, we see clothes that the kids are swimming in coz they’re way too big, she see’s the perfect fit 🤪
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