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VIP Member
The comments about Sharon looking old and tired are a bit mean- I WISH I still had skin that smooth and glowing! It horrifies me to think what people must think of me if they're bashing these girls for being "Butter face" or "unattractive" or "not being fit enough".
These people cannot win. Some watchers will think they're all too skinny and unattainable, but seems like others think they're not skinny enough or "too normal". If those girls are "normal" or "average" what on earth does a girl have to do to be considered pretty? That's what drives girls to plastic surgery and enhancements, and even THEN people turn on them for having botox and lip fillers and boob jobs.

If you're going on tv you're opening yourself up for critique, sure. It's one thing though to say "Sharon's not my type" or "I don't find lip fillers like Fay has very attractive personally", but to think people who have literally been picked because they're some of the hottest people on Instagram are "average" is just nuts. They might not be your type, but they're not complete uggos!
I agree to an extent, but objectively the only one I'd look twice at in the street is Brad because he's a good looking lad. I feel indifferent towards the rest and thought this was a new angle LI is going for, to see if personalities click. Of course none are ugly or complete turn offs, they've all got beach ready bods. I noticed that most of the girls have obvious boob implants which haven't been fashionable for ages and they still made it on the show.
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was just gunna say this! Faye doesn’t appear to be naturally funny or witty so is just coming across as a twat tbh. She’s making me cringe. I really liked Olivia A.
Agreed!! Olivia she is not! She’s just trying too hard.
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We've seen 2 and a half hours, I've barely heard some of the speak yet. We haven't had a chance to get to know their personalities! 😅 Give it a chance people!
Okay? That's literally why I said in previous years there have been people who stood out straight away... :LOL:
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I’m 15 minutes behind because I recorded it to make a tea and now I’ve spoiled it for myself so here’s hoping I can catch up with you lot at some point I’m already 4 pages behind 😂
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And that's fine if you don't find someone attractive. It's when people start insulting them like they're the Hunchback of Notre Dame rather than a good looking person who YOU don't like. Very few people on there have ever been the kind of guy I like (Jamie Jewett is literally the only guy I'd fancy) , but looking at who they've had before, these people aren't any more or less attractive that previous seasons. They save the absolute stunners for bombshells.

Most seasons take a week to pick up steam. I hated everyone in season 1 that i stopped after a week and didn't even want to look at season 2 until a few weeks in (and then caught up). Season 2 was really boring until Kady came in on day 6 and caused proper drama. Season 3 was a very strong start, 4 was good, but 5 and 6 were incredibly dull the whole way through. Maybe lets give this one more than 2 days! I imagine everyone's forgotten how to talk to other humans in lockdown.
yeah I agree with everything you've said there.

Definitely don't think there's going to be a dumping tonight, someone will walk.
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