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Chatty Member
Ironically I suspect she wont know how to use her own washing machine. She will 💯 be sending that to someone to do all the time - she is far too busy to do it guys
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Jesus fucking Christ she creeps me out. Something about how she looks which I can't put my finger on. Her body is weird AF and she has this gigantic bobble head.

Also, loving the new photos she posted on her insta. Let's compare what she posted to what we saw live on Lorraine.
Being a bitch which is rare for me ;) but she looks pretty old for 34. Weird as she's been big on healthy living for a number of years now? Must have been the stress
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Bravo 👏👏👏
Love how you've summed up all her Instagram posts in one hilarious post...take note Louise 🤭🤣
Right, I needed a wine for this one.

The last thread HAD NO TITLE because we’d all had it up to here with loopy’s absolute bullshit which is obviously still ongoing with no sign of stopping. On the back of her being a self proclaimed birth warrior and literary force, she went to stand outside the houses of parliament in a grey cardie. She revealed the book was so called ‘lucky’ after she chewed a hapless taxi driver’s ear off about her trauma. He actually said ‘fuck me’ in exasperation but she hears what she wants- and thus the title was born.

We’ve all shared some extracts from her book, which go along the lines of ‘the surgeon’s hands shook as though I was a shrapnel riddled soldier thrown into the mud of a field hospital in the Somme in 1914. Or it may as well have been, such was the fear in the staff’s eyes and hands as they hastily tried to stem the 16 litres of fluid that gushed forth from my severed uterine artery (Ryan later learnt after watching a particularly apt episode of Holby a few months later) never had they seen someone in this state after birthing a child, all were completely unprepared. I lay there bravely taking it all in, wide awake and staring at the blood splatter on the ceiling, as they had thoughtlessly not supplied me with a general anaesthetic. I thought briefly of the baby with a large head I’d apparently birthed, cocooned in the NICU totally unaware of my bloody sacrifice’

In other news Ryan still hasn’t produced the final animal in his little clip art book collection, the Highland Cow, and I know we are all disappointed about that, but you can’t say the man hasn’t been busy. Loopy has had him up and down the King’s Road planting her book in Waterstones front window, hosing the dog piss off the patio, pretending to camp on top of a van, proclaiming Leo was potty trained and proudly strutting to the Johnny with the Sunday Times, (he’s very much still in a piss-soaked baggy nappy in the days he’s not at nursery ) and has just filmed his chin eating crisps in Dubai airport. Oh, Sam did a charity football match at Chelsea but it means nothing because Louise used to mess about with the lads at football practice when they were kids, or something.
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Toad in the Hole

Chatty Member
Also you could see Louise and Ryan gave it their ALL during those sports day races. They’re supposed to be just a laugh. And they ran as if their lives (and egos) depended on it. No wonder Louise won and Ryan came second - A for effort folks!! Now just try to put that much effort into parenting…
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I think a lot of people were disappointed by the book. The hype before it was published far outweighed any reviews, chat etc a week after it came out
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Soapy Dolphin

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I'm a little bit scared.
What did they say? Did someone mention the completely covered up and not on display arms? Or suggest they have also experienced TRAUMA?
That would be wrong...very wrong. 👎✋

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Also I love the fact that they will read here soon and we will have Louise stomping a tantrum and a very very angry bear.🤭

No. Louise went with the girls. But still called it date day 🤔
Hahaha yep one breakfast with the girls (that actually worked for the book publishing company) where you could buy a kilo of roasted fish.. and one breakfast that Ryan did at home. He did make invites that he shared with the whole of instagram though
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If you suffer from chronic fatigue, you won’t be doing all the stuff she has been doing 🙄 I have fibromyalgia and this heat has set off the fatigue side of it something rotten I haven’t left the house since Saturday and can’t see that changing anytime soon. I certainly wouldn’t be able to planing it up to various places and socialising with other insta twats.
aww i feel for you so much. You're a trooper for getting on here to join us! keep going.
shes such a bellend. she's tired because she has done the social life in this month, that all those knobbers do. which is more than all of us lesser than povos do in lives! its kind of a biological thing that this might make you tired. but dont you dare come on and wax lyrical about it. they all do it. ive seen a air ew recently. "gosh im so glad im home, im so tired" from all the parties,events, free holidays etc etc. That is YOUR choice. and YOUR privalage. and they genuinly do lie there proceeding to moan about it and want their audience to feel for them too. and then often get angry and " dont get at me in my dm's okay. i know its nice things but this is my job innit." fuck off.
My God he’s made a meal of that 😂
It’s definitely not meant to look like that Bryan and you definitely don’t need to take the whole thing apart. What a hopeless individual. And sort the f*cking wire out. Kids have died strangling themselves on baby monitor cables.
" but but but i put that mirror up there, and there. and and i put a peg up. i i i also did a bit of painting" haha useless grifting twat.

that wire is given me the jeebies. why when they know they are doing wrong do they always say "dont dm me" then get off the fucking internet and stop publishing your cretin behaviour.
This fucks me right off. Stupid little Munchausen.
I’m having my worst ME relapse in years. I can’t eat anything (I even threw up vitamin water earlier, because the CFS makes my gut so bad - and I’ve torn ligaments in my knee, which tore again when I shot to the bathroom: it’s going to mean weeks’ more recovery). I slept from Friday to today, waking for an hour here and there, as exhausted as if I’d been up for 60 hours. If I try to sit up, I feel unbelievably faint. It’s taking me ten minutes to reach the bathroom, holding on to things. My head is full of clouds and I’ve had a throbbing headache since last week.
Because of ME, I was in bed from the ages of 22-27.
So, you grifting liar malady-seeking attention-seeking grifting vapid and dull little shit, AND your live-in Chin, can fuck right off.
aww luv, im so sorry. this is fucking shit. do you have support at all? im sure youve got this covered with your knowledge. but try and surround yourself with what you need both for comfort and ability. little things like a fan going. those towels you can get where you snap them and they instantly go cold? snack kaddie for things you can stomach. and of course wathcable tv on standby, music and books. there are loads of apps where you can read mag and books online now for free? and have you heard of flexiseq. And i know its must seem like a pitiful thing to help such an extreme condition. but for when it gets really bad, and the muscle spasm and nerve stuff, also the injury. its a really game changer to rub into the effected areas.
keep sipping i you can. and what about ice lollies? even slushying up your bottles of drink. Managing frozen fluid can sometimes be alot easier.
im sure you know what helps. just sometimes when its really bad its helps to have little reminders because the head so full of pain fog.x
and pay no attention to this woman bouncing about the country. shes no fucking idea so deserves not one bit of spare brain space you have.
It’s the way he only posed with people much shorter than him so we can all see how big and tall he is 😂

View attachment 3014770View attachment 3014772
ahhh being with louise makes so much more sense now.
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Chatty Member
Her body is 10 times darker than her head….is this a thing?
Well a trick I got told once was to put bronzer around your jawline to make your face appear more slim...Louise has taken that trick and multiplied it by 1000 😂
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So what was the thing Brian stopped talking about as soon as he read it in the card? He started reading saying Louise has organised .... then saw what it was and suddenly stopped. Knowing he can't read it? Shouldn't?
And also how the twat is making people guess for content. Fuckfaces the pair of them.
I tried (and failed) to make the card easier to read but I think it says:
……For Father’s Day I bought you and mummy a nice little experience to enjoy together. I know how you love music, especially Andrea Bocelli and Hans Zimmer.

whatever it is he seems as thrilled as ever 😂



ETA Maybe it’s this? 🤷‍♀️

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