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Gosh! I’d forgotten how much I LOVE reading this — Caesar’s Gallic Wars was always my go-to. So great to be getting back to it. It’s so ME.

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I see La Fraser is still spending huge amounts of time sitting alone in the parents' hoarder house attic, gazing at photographs of herself and marvelling that she was once a little girl, who wore little girl clothes of the era, and did little girl things ....... just like everybody else. Has childhood trauma made her blank out her early years or something? Does she need these photographic props to remind her of a time she can't even remember?

It is beyond bizarre for a nearly-50-year-old MOTHER to spend endless solitary days alone in her parents' empty house searching through thousands of old photographs of herself as a kid. I don't know about YOU LOT, but my days are busy either working or spending time with friends and family, INCLUDING my grown-up children (with whom I still have a warm relationship). I wouldn't waste 5 minutes on looking for crappy photos of me, especially ones of me doing nothing of any consequence. Did chiselled-jawed mother spend her every waking minute taking photographs or something? Even when the subjects were doing nothing remotely interesting? Is that where Liz gets the habit from? Is it just learned behaviour which she can't manage to overcome? (If so, I wonder who the infidelity habit came from, if that's also learned behaviour. Now, there's an interesting one ...........)

And also, one of you lovely lot posted up-thread the other day about how the Venice Writer Retreats were 6 years in the planning. I don't want to sound mean, but that was some pretty dismal planning, if they've already fizzled to nothing after one pretend customer last month. I know an inability to plan for actual success LF's USP but still. Could she not have got her act together and actually done something properly? For once? I think what really happened is that for 6 years she fantasised about the attention and adulation such a venture might offer to her, then finally announced to the world that the retreats were happening, yakked on and on about her excitement about them in her usual OTT manner, changed her bio yet again, provided some dates (though got a bit mixed up as to how many days there are in a 4-day retreat - that would be FOUR, Liz, not three!), wrote some snarky blurb about what they WEREN'T going to be (loosely translated as 'value for money'), then just crossed her fingers and hoped for a miracle.

Then talked about a lot of other things to divert attention from yet another failed venture.

I mean, there have been 'retreats', but they have all been Liz's. Retreats from actually doing anything to make her fantasy ventures actually happen.

When it comes to retreating, she's actually a bit of a master!
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Reminds me of when she books a couple of hours spa at a London hotel to pretend she’s staying overnight for sexy time complete with bags from a naff underwear shop. Then somehow transports herself to run at 6am in Oxford. Hence unravelling her own porkie pie


She is a seriously duplicitous person.

If she put half the effort she does into lying and fabricating things into her real life she would be genuinely happy!!!
Do you remember when she live streamed herself doing a couple hours long run of Venice slap bang in the middle of one of her ‘retreats’ in Venice. Then, made a video prancing her house pretended it was lunchtime when the clock showed it was morning.

It’s honestly tragic. She’s so blatant in her lies
this is quite interesting:


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Chatty Member
Is she having a pop at Mike’s gf? B looks fabulous in a pair of dungarees 🔥 even.
Poor Scout, all set to endure a trip to Prague with Liz this week.


Prague - you mean ‘home’? Anyone notice that Prague is suddenly now ‘home’ to this sexy 🔥🔥 citizen of the world in her age 13 clothes despite being a 50 (sorry, ooops!) 49 year old MOTHER
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Chatty Member
Things Liz will eat apart from air:

Petals in a bowl
Melon (carefully choreographed, camera, tripod, bra)
Cherry tomatoes
A scattering of sweetcorn
Pork knuckle
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Oh no such a shame

What about that bbc selfie ?
Very good point, @intriguedbythis . What DID happen about the BBC selfie?

Wasn't it during the period where LF thought she was writing a world-changing book about Trolls. (Already been done by Tove Jansson, tbf.) She was tagging authors and minor slebs left, right and centre, and even used the child as part of the PR campaign. ("Yay for you") And wasn't there some fantasy about having a publisher, along with the usual tedious references to "meetings, meetings, meetings"? And, yes, something about film rights. (If I recall, us cleaners were planning our opening night outfits - mine was Bjork's swan dress.)

Only slight problem is, that - as per bloody usual - she forgot to write the bloody book, and just veered off to Bicester to rhapsodise about classic cars., then went on to her flirtation with communist wallpaper.

Wonder if/when the child will realise that this world-changing book never will be written!
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I see Liz is firmly ensconced in the hoarder parents' house, spending her days alternating between trawling through photographs of herself and skinny-dipping in the pool. Same as last summer. And the one before.

Also, "knowing when to interact" - eg blagging her way into some peasant family's home for Christmas lunch; or "when to stay silent" - eg lurking down some damp and dreary back passage to photograph old peasant men's lemons ......

@Needham - I'd say she is pretty skilled at it, tbf! 😉 😂😆
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Another MAN who was just leaving her house (there's a lot of those, aren't there?) has told her that she looks exactly the same today as she does in that photo from ten years ago that she just had to post up so that all the desperate Dereks will send her DM's to tell her she's hot....erm, except, she doesn't look the same as she did in that photo from 10 years. She has aged, like we all do, and now looks like an older version of that woman. That's normal. Not sure why she can't accept it.
Meanwhile in venice
Oh yes. Wonder how the 'fully-booked' retreat will go?!
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That drivel about her new fiction… “that’s the way it is with writing…”. She has not published any fiction at all, ever, but you’d think she was a seasoned novelist from the way she talks about herself. Am not sure the terrible Yummy Mummy’s Guide counts!! She thought she was ‘yummy’ way back then. From yummy to hot 🔥 in two decades.
Not true that she hasn't published any fiction, @Needham . Coming Clean? There were a lot of errors and omissions, recollections definitely varied, and if it wasn't completely true then surely that means it was fiction?

And she regularly publishes fiction on her SM. Top hotel jobs? Owns a publishing house? Goes to work? Has written articles for Italia magazine?

Most of her life is bloody fiction!
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Absolutely! No doubt she can still fit into those clothes she wore in that pic of her as a toddler too #SAH🔥
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I'm always chilled by her total lack of empathy. Towards anyone. I spend most of my life being very anxious about people I love and yes, the anxiety is tiring and no, I don't have two houses and money and the choice of living a fantasy life divorced from reality, but by God I'm glad I am the way I am and not like her.
One hundred per cent this. Chilling is the word. I don’t know anyone like that.
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I read that thank you note from S as if it was such an unusual situation she felt compelled to write it. As in she doesn’t spend much time with the Mother of the Year* nominee anymore

*Previous award winners include Joan Crawford & Livia Soprano
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It’s the captions that are just so me, me, me & OTT. So thirsty. The constant contortions to find plausible, credible reasons for a grown up woman to be posting provocative pics - a race, a swim, a bunch of flowers, a re-birth (again). Or trying to hide subtext, veiled messages & hidden agendas - a MAN, a coat, an extra wine glass. It’s exhausting. All that point scoring and one-upmanship when no-one actually cares. It was the same when she’d post herself crying. It’s so performative & forced.
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Don’t forget the hand dryers (although tbh my two loves nothing more than standing under Handdryers and blasting their heads at S’s age!

I think her mum and more than one child is with her from a cryptic post ages ago but who knows (/ cares?!). It’s all just constructed nonsense by this point - an act of constant self (re) creation that is only really interesting as a process rather than in and of itself. Any of the posts taken on their own are just a normal degree of insta-narcissism. It’s only when you follow week on week though the running, the travel, the retreats, the 6th book that wasn’t, the next sixth book, the endless quest to claim a ‘home’ in every place she visits for 5 minutes etc etc that it becomes interesting in a way I don’t think she can see.

i am awaiting the insta bio update post this trip…
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VIP Member
Us: The Retreats!

Liz: You absolute jealous trolls, I never said anything about Retreats. Bite me.

Us: We're all enjoying real and delicious food, thanks.
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Chatty Member
She probably cries tears of frustration under her special lamp, nightie arranged just so, hair tousled and tripod set up every morning now when she has to say to herself “no, that was what I did every ten minutes in the past. The past is a different place. The person formerly known as Liz Fraser did things differently there” 😆😆
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I'm not too sure about the white uniform - it's a bit Liz Hurley 1990 crossed with Prince William's disastrous Colonial tour crossed with a pharmacist.
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