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VIP Member
Bad grammar and no punctuation.
"I could of sworn".....ffs.
or people who just write like they talk and it's really hard to read sometimes a little CAPS LOCK thrown in i just can't cope and refuse to read stuff like that.
I agree, I’m always mentally correcting “of” to “have.” In a similar vein are the commonly heard double negatives “I didn’t do nothing” and friends. I try not to correct people and sound like a snob but I’m always secretly thinking “you don’t have to be clever to break that sentence down and realise you’re saying the opposite of what you mean!”
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Speaking of supermarkets.. People that block the whole aisle and stare at a shelf completely oblivious to the fact other shoppers want to pick stuff up too!!
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People who post pictures on FB of disabled children with the caption “Nobody thinks I’m cute. Like and share if you do.” And of course, the people who then go ahead and like and share it over and over again.

Just—yeah. That’s someone’s child fgs. Stop using them for likes you sick fucks. 😑 🤦🏼‍♀️ 🤦🏼‍♀️

That and clearly misinformed, racist morons reposting crap about foreigners coming into the country and trying to ban us using the expression “Merry Christmas” or some other ridiculous shite. 🙄
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Those little things in life that annoy you but you bottle up, let them free here.

My sister's husband always leaves 2-3 mouthfuls of food on his plate. Even if he serves himself. Just seems wasteful and must add up to quite a lot of binned food every week. I know it's not helpful to say finish your plate, but it annoys me that there always has to be waste. He'll help himself to seconds but still leave some food to waste.
Totally get what you’re saying about it being annoying.

But I’ve heard that it apparently an old etiquette thing. That you leave a little bit of food in your plate, even if you’ve had seconds etc. To say to the host that you have been satisfied, you’ve had enough food, and to signal to the host they made enough food, that sort of thing.
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Iconic Member
A dog park??? Sort never heard of it?? So you don’t think dogs should be allowed on beaches or forests?
Off leads no I don’t, there are beaches that allow dogs and that’s fine, but I don’t think any dog should be allowed off a lead unless it’s in a dog park.
I’ve had dogs all my life, we have leads that extend but I would never let my dog off a lead in public. It’s not fair on other dogs or other people or children around, not everyone likes dogs, not ever owner checks where their dog has shit. 😐
So no, I don’t agree with dogs being off leads.
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People that use the word NOM..or nom nom nom :mad:
or the word Lush - cannot stand it.
Bad grammar, like 'his been such a good boy' and 'your so funny!' its HE'S and YOUR'E
Taking the bins out - why do I hate it so much?!
Also, putting washing away! Why do I have piles of clothes constantly around my house?!
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Shop assistants that are stood chatting and ignoring you😡. Went into John Lewis not long ago to buy a mascara, three assistants stood in a huddle chatting away. I stood there for ages, they knew I was waiting to be served. I just shouted "I'll go to bloody Boots then"😂😂. They still ignored me😂😂😂
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Well-known member
Instamums with the stupid letter boards like “busy day send coffee”
Instamums who say “you got this mama”
Instamums where every post is #normalisebreastfeeding.
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Groups of cyclists who cycle 3/4 metres between each other, meaning to overtake in your car you have to overtake the whole lot cus you can't fit in in between them. Damn cyclists
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while I’m here - there are many many things. But the one that comes to mind at the moment is eyebrows. Women with hideous painted on massive dark eyebrows. Shape them, yes - but leave them bloody alone!
I worked with a girl once who had these huge oversized dyed eyebrows. It looked like she’d left the dye on. I couldn’t figure out if they were“in progress” or how that was how it’s meant to look...
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I'm seeing more and more adults using scooters since covid for some reason?? OK I hate people that walk on the right on stairs, platforms and escalators when it clearly says keep to the left. People who wear plastic gloves when their out (WHY?? JUST WASH YOUR HANDS) , people who wear mask that don't cover their nose. Pre covid: hold a position in the que and then 5 other people hop in with them, poorly made cocktails, tourists taking pictures of the stupidest shit (primark), influencers, people who talk on the phone in the quite zone, people who deliberately talk on the phone loud so everyone can hear their convo, having to hug everyone in the room when you come in and when you leave, people who comment on my dog when we're out, ketchup, beans, tea, badgers
Ketchup, beans, tea, badgers 😂😂😂😂
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People that pronounce the J in fajitas 😂😂 really annoys me for some reason ...
Yeah that’s an annoying one. Another that gets me even more and I heard all the time in the US where my ex was from ( it occurs here but not as widespread) is “expresso” rather than “espresso.”
Was so hard not to correct as they already thought of me as a snooty Brit/ European simply because of my London accent.
While we’re on Americanisms...
“Could care less” instead of “couldn’t care less” , arguably the most illogical appropriation of English in history. I feel like someone must have literally misheard the phrase and introduced the exact opposite to America to mean the same thing. It’s so annoying and proof of how little thought people put into what they say. Again though if I mentioned it, I was a snooty Brit, ‘whatever.’
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Two things annoy me above all others:

1) Adults who use a scooter. It's not cool. If you want to get somewhere faster use a bike. If not, just walk like a normal person.
2) Adverts that make it look like babies are singing/talking. There used to be one for a breakdown company possibly The AA with the baby singing Proud Mary. There's a new one for an injury lawyer 'have you had an accident at work' company.

Just typing this out has made me want to punch something.
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This has triggered a RANT!!!!!
There is one reason I HATE shopping during the holidays, parents who bring their obnoxious, bratty, loud little children with them.
don't get me wrong, I don't mind parents bringing their kids 😏
they’re kinda stuck, can’t leave them chained to the lamppost and all that...
My problem is with parents who let their sticky, screaming, little brats run around like it’s soft-play or their own front room.
We ALL know THOSE KIDS. over the weekend I saw a little boy having the BIGGEST meltdown, because his sister was holding the self scan gun and he wanted it, He lost his actual shit, things were being thrown, screaming for everyone to hear, Mummy did absolutely nothing, didn’t even try and stop him, just ignored it all 😐 the whispers and stares did nothing to encourage her to discipline her own child 🤷‍♀️

But best of all.....the ones who laugh because little “jimmy” (who's beating the shit out of his sister with a tiger bread) is just a character isn’t he. So spirited.
No, your child is not a character, your child belongs in a cage.
NOT in the bakery section of Asda.
Had a women in the supermarket in front of me like this. When it came to paying found out why the kids were brats. She couldn’t do the contactless because it was more than £30 and didn’t know her pin so started literally throwing all her shopping at the cashier and stormed out. In the bottom of the stuff she threw was half drunk/eaten food she’d given her kid on the way round 😂😂😂 I had to stand and wait for ten minutes for them to clear the conveyor belt back up
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To be honest, the term ‘hubby’ makes my skin crawl but I am highly irritable....
Wifey, just as annoying.🤬

Idiots banging on about homeschooling their kids when the kids are only about 2 years old.
Know all instamums who have lists.
Basically ALL instamums. DO they really think 250,000 people really give a shit about them, or their kids. NO they are not cute, nor do they sound cute.
Most of the kids sound like they could do with speech therapy.
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Chatty Member
The posts on Facebook declaring they have “the worst migraine ever”

Maybe I have a lower pain threshold than everyone else, I’ve only had three migraines in my life and the first time I didn’t even know what I was, I honestly thought I was dying. My face goes numb, my vision distorts, I vomit, it’s literally the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life, that’s including 2 sections, several broken bones including a fractured pelvis and being kicked in the stomach by a horse. I certainly couldn’t spend the day on Facebook.
I actually deleted someone for this. Trust me, if you had a migraine - you would not choose to sit looking at a screen to let everyone know. You feel like someone is drilling your skull!!
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