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So is she leaving her job or what?
I think so. She’s been dropping vague hints about difficult times for a while now. Her being a lawyer was the only thing she believed set her apart from the other influencers so I have a feeling she’s struggling with the decision.

If that’s the case, this proves that she’s not really the great “wife, mother, lawyer, content creator, and general counsel of a gaming company” (insert eye roll wherever suitable).

I have no problem with women doing it all but it becomes an issue when they are not fully transparent with the help they receive. Anyway, I hope everything works out for her.
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I reckon the new job is more demanding than she thought, I wonder if there’ll soon be an announcement that she’s decided to look for something new….
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Yeah shes left her job at miniclip as that girl she posted praisinf her Rebecca according to her linkedin she also works at miniclip

Seems like shes left her job and maybe wamts to be a fulltime influencer

Also, can millionaires stop saying we sacrificed rhis and that, you didnt sacrifice anything when your millionaires and youe husband works at s football club where he is a director and your kids both go to private school, ypu have nannies, can afford fixing your house after some flood and you live in a £3m house in the middle of hampstead. What exactly did you sacrifice for airline points? Just shut up!
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I am so bored of Lisa just pretending to be something she’s not just to show “hey I’m one of you!”

the whole point why I follow her is she’s very high flying with career, she’s married to someone equally successful in career and She’s a mum. I like her style too. I don’t need her to pretend she’s”poor” or watching her pennies or really scraping her air miles for the business class seat. Also this shit about not buying anything for a month is bollocks as she bought Chanel loafers in the airport just a 2 weeks ago???

I think she’s disrespecting her followed by behaving like this.
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Lisa has been going to events all week for the past month or so. How does she have the time to work, post on instagram, be a mum and attend all these events? Pretty sure she doesn’t pick up her kids from school or make them dinner or even put them to bed. Not trying to be all judgemental, but it’s obvious she’s not a hands on parent like she claims to be. The only time I see her spend time with her kids is during the weekend when the nanny isn’t there and Mass is probably at a game.
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Chatty Member
All that money spent on the house and it looks dire - so dark with loads of random bits of furniture/artwork. She has absolutely no aesthetic sensibilities when it comes to interiors.
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Is she a roving weather reporter? She’s constantly telling us what the weather in London is like?? Who actually cares!!!!
You know when people use the weather as conversation points? In this case, Lisa is using the weather because she has nothing else to talk about.

Her appeal was being a lawyer, majority of her stories were about working and juggling it all. Now the job is gone, tune in for more weather updates by our lovely ex GC!!!
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Lol, Lisa’s stories crack me up. She desparately wants to portray herself as the woman who has it all, multiple careers, fabulous house, children, money, holidays etc. She just comes across so try hard and disingenuous when the clothes she is showing off are so expensive. Her constant need to say she has no budget to buy things is pathetic while she shows off her chanel, cartier, van cleef jewellery.
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Yes there is a thread! I feel exactly the same way! I actually really like her fashion, she does over engineer her outfits sometimes by overexplaining everything she is wearing but I don’t mind that tbh. What does grate me is her going on about her house renovations and saying she can’t afford to shop and always alluding to how she buys things discounted and can’t afford certain things. Hello lady! You are a successful lawyer, your husband is an Investment Banker, your wardrobe is full of designer clothes, just own it ffs! Don’t apologise for what you have. She makes everything so serious by over explaining why she buys stuff, how she styles her clothes, just have fun with it!! Also tbh I wander how long she can keep up her career and instagram. If indeed she is a general counsel and manages a lot of people, not sure when she has time to take a gazillion outfit photos. Okay rant over 😂
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I used to really like her as I felt she had an edge to the rest as she had a busy career so it’s not her main focus. Now she is a walking advert like the rest of them with no substance.
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Her most recent stories make me laugh. If I worked with her and saw the stories she posts on work time I would not be impressed. She seems to have a lot of non work related lunches and breakfasts. Today she goes for an early evening spin class as she feels overwhelmed with work. Here is a top tip, if you feel overwhelmed why don’t you try actually doing some of the work so there is less to do. I get the impressiom she took the General Counsel role for the title as it looks impressive but doesn’t want to do the work. I find when you are busy with work you don’t have the time to post and say you are busy 😂
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I get that we only see a snippet of people's lives on insta, but there just seems to be zero chemistry or signs of a decent, fun, happy marriage. They both just seem super serious and controlling. I like that youngest kid of theirs, he seems like the only one with a bit of personality!
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Please, please, please can a company gift her an iron? She either doesn’t have one or can’t use one but how can she be a legal professional/professional influencer in these outfits that look like they have been packed at the bottom of her luggage for weeks? Am I too picky?
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Lol I think I am one of the few people who regularly watches her stories. She has started her new job where apparently she is General Counsel and she is whinging about how busy she is but somehow still manages to gym, do influencer stuff and she paints her meetings while on a call! I don’t get it, and she barely goes to the office! Also I would have expected her to work late hours but doesn’t seem like it. IMO I think she is overplaying her look at me, I am fulltime working mum but also an influencer card and over exaggerating just how demanding her actual role is!
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Where does she find the time to be a GC and attend daily evening events? I’m starting to think that her legal job isn’t as busy as she makes it sound!!
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Shows how rich her family is and where her aunt lives amd who designed her apartmenr and lives in the middle of DT Vancouver but says she cannot afford to spend money, cry me a river!!!!!!!!!
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