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Maggie Moggy

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I hope it doesn't end with a massive cliffhanger, like one of AC12 being shot and not knowing if they survive. We might have to wait a couple of years to find out. Or forever if Jed decides he's had enough. It'll be like 'who shot JR' all over again.
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Does anyone else think it’s strange that Carmichael put trackers on officer’s private vehicles as well as their service vehicles? Who authorised that and who phoned her to tell her that Steve’s car was on the move? And how did she know that Steve didn’t have a girlfriend who had access to his car? So many questions just on this one tiny bit of tonight’s episode.

another question just sprung to that why she removed surveillance?
Also curious that she immediately knew it was Kate in Steve's car. Okay, they were partners but to break out the helicopter? She had to be so sure? AC is already being scrutinised for wasting money? She also pretends to Steve that she's just found out it was his car - is she just trying her best to be difficult?
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I wonder if Jo is H, and has been taking orders from whoever took over the OCG when Tommy died. (Thurwell? Morton? His garden was HUGE).

I predict that the nasty guards/OCG are trying to break her OUT of Brentiss because she is the HEIR of Tommy Hunter. Her real name is Jo Hunter.
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Do you think there will be another series? If there is I want this who is 'H' to be finished in this series so we can start afresh in a new one.
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Just want to say I'm extremely jealous of those of you that still have Easter eggs for your snacks.
I have a Percy pig cupcake, mini colins, a Colin face & dairy milk orange buttons. I’ll be rolling into the gym tomorrow morning 😂
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Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
If Ted didn't give Steph £50k, what was in the brown envelope he took to her in the graveyard? That's one of the loose ends to tie up in the final episode, unless Jed is going let it ride until (hopefully) Series 7.
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I am equal parts exhausted, fascinated and utterly baffled by this thread 😂
This is exactly it. Half the time I'm left wondering what people are watching, or why they're bothering to watch it.

I think the speculation is more exciting than the actual show for some people, even if their speculation is clearly implausible, already debunked or just completely way out there insane.
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Ok as we go almost into the weekend
Who’s the fave for H?
Andrea Wise
Nigel Morton (gaining traction on social media )
Anyone else?

I was a firm Kate as H but now thinking Steve and it all circling back to Season one ep 1)
I know a lot of people think one of the big 3 would be awful. I think it would be a fantastic twist.
Although I think Nigel Morton (the slacker benefits cheat with a sinister background and mean streak would be an inspired choice)
I would hate it to be Osbourne or Carmichael- there would be no shock factor whatsoever. Wise too. It had better not be Thurwell, I want it to be someone we’ve seen from day one. Someone we can go back and try to see everytime we were deceived. I truly believe it’s Kate from what I’ve seen. I would like it to be either her or Buckells for shock factor. My dream H would’ve been Nige though, miss you Nige x
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I really don’t think Carmichael is bent, that would be far too obvious. I don’t think she likes Ted and she makes that clear, she doesn’t trust any of them. If Kate is happy for another copper to take the fall for a shooting she actually did then she is bent in my opinion.
I hope they wrap up this whole H thing this season, it’s dragging on now
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I agree it would be completely hilarious for Jimmy Nesbitt’s starring role in LOD to be as a corpse - and it would certainly be commensurate with his acting ability.
I know a few people have been saying that the Spanish policeman was Thurwell, but how would that happen? Could he seriously infiltrate the Spanish police force to such an extent that he would be conducting a raid? If he knew they were coming for him, why wouldn’t he just leg it? And as there were two bodies found, who was the dead woman?
Jos mum? Maybe she didn’t commit suicide but faked her own death and moved to Spain with Jo’s ‘bent copper dad’
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I feel like there’s too much to wrap up in 60 minutes? Steve’s drugs, Ted retiring, the bent prison staff, why is Steph Corbett featured so much? Who killed Gail, The racist murder, James Nesbitt. They can’t possibly do it all?!
Plus what Lakewell said to Steve, what happened with Ryan at the lorry park, what Jo said to Kate in the car, What’s on Gail’s laptop, what’s on Ted’s laptop, what’s on Terry’s camera, the connection to the RUC and why Ted’s wife was targeted, who Jo’s surrogate police dad was, the 50k, Farida released? Buckells released? Whether the racist thugs will be locked up for Lawrence Christopher.
AND Dot’s full dying declaration....
How will they do it?
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