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I'm surprised both Anna and Lily admitted all of those things in the podcast, it's beyond embarrassing... but they have admitted worse before, so what do I know? :rolleyes: This doesn't help Lily's failing brand that is less and less attractive to the advertisers. Who wants to hire blabber mouth, who is rude all the time, flushes tampons down the loo, is bitching about her partner and child publicly...
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Ok, aside from Lily’s always on snorefest content, drab filters and try hard photos with no one gives a shit captions, there is another reason why I despise her.

A few years ago a friend of mine lost her husband. She was 28 and he died just over a year into their marriage of brain cancer. Before the husband died, my friend had started up her own jewellery company. Her stuff is beautiful, very dainty, semi precious and precious stones etc. Whilst she was mourning she stopped making jewellery and about year after the husband died she restarted her business, dedicating her work to him as he has pushed her to pursue her dreams.
My friend has a mutual friend with Lily, so got in touch with her and asked her to support her. She told her her story.
Lily said no.
She said the brand wasn’t established enough (aka my friend couldn’t pay her stupidly enormous fees). Imagine how little it would have taken for lily to accept the jewellery and post on thing on her Instagram? It would have taken her no time at all and meant the world to my friend.
Just shows how horrible she is.
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Chatty Member
You know how some people say they try to model certain behaviours to try and encourage their children to do the same?

And how often the answer to "how did your kids end up liking books?" is "they see us reading a lot"?

Poobles is a dumbass, Grey seems bright but I hope her developmentally stunted parents will know how to nurture her curiosity and intellect.
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OK. This bitch - « more things my mother no longer wants to store in her wedding dress »

yeah? It’s *your* wedding dress. You have a loft. Keep it yourself and don’t make it sound like you’re somehow a victim
She also shouldn't be seeing her fucking mother right now, I don't care if it was just to hand stuff over.
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Whenever I think my life is dull, I look at Lily's content and it cheers me up. I know we are in lockdown but jesus christ. How boring can ya get. Such a far cry from her 2016 self. I can't remember who said it but they nailed it, she's never been an interesting person, she just did interesting things and hung around with interesting people (her sister JoJo seems fun). Now all that's been taken away, and her lifestyle has changed, she's just completely floundering. She must miss her old lifestyle.
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Lol! 💯 gleam asked her to do this beauty haul or she is trying to tell gleam that she is still a beauty blogger. Lol
Hilarious when you consider she thinks it's a stretch to keep her nails clean.

Lily has started doing this to catch views before Anna uploads her video at 9 am U.K. time. Early bird gets the worm and all that but unfortunately Lily can’t even find the worm.
No need to talk about Rich like that 😂😂😂😂😂
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Has anyone noticed how Lily never calls Grey "my daughter/or daughter" or "our little one", or however else normal people refer to their kids? It's always Grey/she/her.
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I think this is particularly mean spirited of lily since your friend has a mutual friend in common. I would sort of understand if it was someone lily didn’t know at all (although would still be mean) but you’d think she’d want to help a small, female owned business of a friend. Hope your friend is finding her way and learning to live again. I can’t imagine what it must be like to lose your husband so young. I hope her business flourishes!
if it was from a random person, I understand her saying no, there's always people coming up with sob stories to get something or fake fundraise for their cause, but it's a friend of a friend and she knows it's legitimate. Really really shitty behaviour and really hope someone calls her out on it.
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I may sound very insensitive by saying this and of course I don’t know what she is going through yadah yadah.

I think the problem with Lily is that her ego is too big to admit that she has issues. Plus she isn’t committed, seeing a therapist isn’t a one-off affair - is an ongoing process that requires ongoing works (Just like exercise).

The last time she went to therapy was to do with something with her book launch, and I think she only went for one session. She also mentioned how therapy is more common in America than the UK - I don’t know how to put it but Lily came across as a very judgmental and narrow minded person. In her own little pea size brain, admitting and seeking for help is a form of weakness.
I had/have PND depression from when I gave birth to my first child in May 2019 and I still see a therapist now. It’s definitely an ongoing affair and something Lily could never possibly commit to. She couldn’t even finish Couch to 5K
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So Anna’s video has 30k views and Lily’s has 17k. A lot of the comments on her IG stories said “make a monthly favourites vlog” which is what Anna has just started doing. Lily doesn’t have a USP anymore. Whilst I wouldn’t buy anything that Anna recommends (not my style or budget) but I find her videos relaxing and I enjoy watching them. I don’t find Lily’s videos the same and that’s why I don’t watch them. Despite having a child the same age as Grey and thinking about baby #2 (If we’re lucky to be blessed with another child).
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So she wants to teach Grey to love her curls, but she's not willing to embrace her own? That conversation will go well. In reality poor Grey will see her mother ironing the shit out of her hair and want to emulate that, as well as all of Lily's other hang ups about exercise and being unable to do basic tasks around the house.
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It’s gonna blow her mind when she finds out we have spin classes in the north!

She’s dead behind the eyes in that reel. Does she find happiness in anything any more? She sucks the life out of everything.
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Thank you for these screenshots. Savage. I always enjoy a good honest Lily & Anna review. I agree with what you say about them and we really shouldn’t be giving them the views, but I have to admit especially Lily is such a guilty pleasure for me. I think she wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for tattle (or GG before it became impossible to use), but she’s just the gift that keeps on giving. And I enjoy all her self-entitled ignorance backfiring. I don’t hate her, I just find it amusing.
I rely on the screenshots ppl post here (thank you to those that do). I don't think anyone here genuinely hates Lily as we don't know her personally. What I think elicits a robust reaction from people on here is how she's a prime example of how unfair life is. Lily has many blessings in her life (a really good income, flexible "job",freebies, a house in a city, a decent husband who actually does the work at home and a daughter) yet is blatantly ungrateful for her blessings (to the point she gives off the vibe she perceives them as a nuisance) especially since she didn't work hard for them and many good people who do work hard will never get a single of these blessings in their lifetime. Lily might not be ungrateful, but the fact a significant number of people have this perception from the content she has been making for years says something. Self-entitled ignorance is expected of ppl who are considered to be "conventionally attractive". Paris Hilton and Kim K managed to capitalise on this for years and wouldn't continue to get away with it had it not been for their looks (no matter how plastic/artificial they may be). Lily gets away with it despite not being conventionally attractive (I've said this previously, I'm no looker and this isn't meant as an insult; she just isn't) nor working hard for it.
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Watched the vlog and will summarise below:

- They go for a walk - Rich pushes the buggy
It does my head in that during lockdown Lily and Rich insist on driving 5 miles to Hampstead Heath when they could walk from their house to Alexandra Palace, which has a lovely park with a duck pond and deer enclosure.
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She seemed to be really annoyed with Grey for falling asleep in the car, when, did they not used to drive her around in order to get her to sleep ?
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Well-known member
Ugh, please make her stop. Is this delusional woman now gunning for an Oscar for her awesome acting skills?

Omgggg I wish I could unsee this! I'm in bed ready to sleep and this cannot be the last thing I see ffs :sick: I can't believe she genuinely thinks people are gonna find this shit interesting or relatable. As if someone is forcing her to workout. If it's that hard and you're clearly not enjoying it, or doing it just to look cool, do something else for heaven's sake. Spinning is not the only type of exercise you can do. Join Rich on his daily fake walk it's not like you're super productive during the day anyway.
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I love how you all have made recommendations that are more honest and insightful that anything Lily has said in her whole career.
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I was single for most of my early 20s when my friends were all in relationships and expressing concerns about me ending up alone because I was 'too picky'.

I got the chance to focus on myself and my job. I met my now husband in my mid 20s and we lived together for years and travelled loads before getting married and having a baby.

I think I would have felt like I'd missed out if I had been in a long term relationship from a really young age but everyone is different.

I wouldn't buy the first pair of shoes I saw in the shop without having a good look around first!
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