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Chatty Member
I do that I say a few weeks ago it could be 5 years. From What has come out about Hannibal the cannibal already it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

He changed his name i can't think of what it was but I find it.
Yeah true it could just be something like that then. If he's been robbing off old dears I hope people start to wake up as that's very low to take off the vulnerable.
I didn't know he had changed his name maybe that's why it's not coming up on Google might need to search his old name
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He was on live at lunch time yesterday (I think it was around 1-1:30) and did say he was going for lunch but if he did actually go yesterday then it didn’t really give him much chance to get showered and changed before the wedding, unless it was quite a late wedding? Or maybe they wanted Lawrence out the way for as much of it as possible 😅
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How much shall we all bet Lawrence starts a go fund me soon for lose skin removal? He knows he's not as popular and will only get worse soon, bet he sets one up soon!
Wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Cash in while he can
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Mel I thought you were getting married today ?
So now I'm Mel lmao. First I was Lawrence now Mel. What's next Nick maybe 🤦‍♂️ surly if I was Mel I would have written some lame song about it all 🤷‍♂️. Like what is it. I cant be Lawrence's and Mel. Bet guess what I can be neither of them. Because I'm me.
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I think grooming is a thing with adults without a doubt. But I think the problem is people are calling zac a boy which he isn't he is a man and don't think he would appreciatebeing called a child. I dont agree with how Lawrence tried to pressurise zac into things at all but I also don't agree with people near enough calling Lawrence a pedophile because he tried to get zac to do things.
That's the point I was trying to make. If someone was to say to me oh he's a groomer he is i would automatically think he has done or is being accused of doing something to a child. I wouldn't of associated it with an adult at all. It can cause a person to be seriously hurt.
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Are you done, what a load of crap
Wow, love the way you went through all the points made and gave an opinion on them. Such a word smith.

What I don’t understand is why has all this been aired on tiktok but Zak’s family hasn’t gone to the police. There’s screenshots of sexual harassment and then there’s also pictures from the injuries that has been caused
Yep and the fact they took Lawrence away on holiday two weeks later.

It all just stinks. There I as many holes in the story as there is with Nicks. Starting to think they all have the same management that comes up with these ideas.


Just had a thought about the wedding. Was watching dhb live this afternoon and apparently that idiot roadman doll dosser had messaged dhb and that Dan saying he had their address's and was going to go around and beat them up. Or something along them lines.

I wonder if it's true and it's kicked of with him and Lawrence.

Just a stab in the dark. But definitely seems strange he is not at the wedding especially as he only got the suit last week. 🤔

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Active member
Lol, bit over the top isn't it? Couldn't they just block them? :LOL:

I understand them getting fed up with it though. The drama has been fun to watch but it's getting stale now and every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to chip in their vacuous tuppence worth in the hope of gaining followers. I've just blocked the whole lot of them and my #fyp is all the better for it. If I want to keep abreast of anything juicy I'll just look on tattle.😁
Yeah thats all I do as well. I would leave because of someone else's drama. I would just block those pages.

To right. As they say "you have to be in it to win it" lol
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Just because he swears don't mean isn't telling the truth I'm from the London area and I'm the same I think I have tourette's or something. But Iam bit rough around the edges. But I know right from wrong . He own cousin said he was a total wrong un . That 16 year old kid was his biggest fan has turned against him now they all can't be wrong
Oh I know. I just wanted to warn people of the language before they opened the link
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Well-known member
Lawrence mum said he wasn’t gonna go to the wedding until presumably Ralph ask him too, wonder why?
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Seeing as restrictions on wedding size has lifted now .... the few there are taking social distancing to a whole new level. Oh look Lawls right by the food

i think they had around 40 people invited but they never all turned up


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Active member
So you're not losing people on TT because of their own actions, you're losing them because of the people that revealed them? Is that your argument?

At the end of the day, your subjective view on DHB, doesn't take away from the fact he's allowed to say whatever he wants. He's free to express himself and a few TT's getting the hump doesn't change that.

It's also very ironic that you've just said 'first lesson of being an adult is taking responsibility for what you've done.' Erm, you mean like Lawrence has refused to the entire time?

I think the point you're missing is that this is a more serious issue than simply a man filming himself eating his dinner. He was abusive and abusers need to be called out.

The jealousy nonsense is getting old too. I'm not entirely sure what you think people have to envy about Lawrence?

I just cannot get my head around people rushing in anger to complain about a man revealing an abuser rather than the person actually being abusive. Baffling.
No. The creator in question has never been involved in any of out. They are just sick if seeing as it's taken over tt. It seems everyone and there dog is making some kind of video regarding the drama as they know it will get them views.

There is no ironing. Don't put words in mouth ive not said Lawrence was in the right. If yiu read what I said. I said I don't condone any violence from any side. Its disgusting from anyone. That's why if it's true and it was reported to the police then it will be dealt with and be published for it.

Thats the point though isn't it. None of us know anyone that was being abusive. We have seen texts from both sides that have clearly been edited.

Thats what I'm saying is that dhb made a video without once ever even trying to get both sides.

Thats not how you go about doing things.

If you cannt demonstrate or prove what you have then you simply don't use it.

Thats why i said we will never know the truth. We can't trust what Lawrence or Zak and his family jave said.

As for saying I'm just defending an abuser. I'm not defending him.

I would be saying the exact same thing if someone did the same thing to dhb.

You dont get to decide what is truth just because you can make tiktoks out if it.

If he wants to call out people the cool I'm all for that but not when you have a one sided story.

Its also something I find strange is that nobody has called out the violence from zaks family. You cant pick and choose. Both sides are guilty of violence and should equally be called out for it.

Its all very one sided.
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