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‘some of these footballers will be staying in the same hotel as her which will obviously be of concern to their partners.'

That was my fave bit 😂
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Her latest story, changing the word ‘dad’ to mum in the storybook she’s reading to Kairo.
fine if you want to do this but why show it off. I’d be so embarrassed for everyone to know I have nothing in my life besides making digs at my baby daddy.
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Exactly...not seen our daughter full stop...abandoned is 12 weeks pregnant. Would not piss on him if he was on fire, nevermind bend over and show him my 🍇

Kids... every time, sending solidarity 🩷
I'm with you sister ❤

Once our children are affected you no longer exist and not even a passing thought will be granted of you, and that's the power of maternal love 🥰

Something Lauryn here fails to possess and those kids will suffer for it their whole lives 😔
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First time I’ve ever seen the card that is sent out with the moon charging jingle jangles. What utter shit!

View attachment 2933335
Um there is a screenshot on here of her replying to comments when miracle baby 2 was outed.... Saying she never said she was infertile but here she's said she was told she couldn't get pregnant so which is it?
Also 'I want to be able to enjoy the only pregnancy I've been told I'll ever have'
She's full of shit!
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Also ‘the best day’ babe you went football training and the beach when you live in Brighton. You could take them to the beach all the time if you didn’t shove them in nursery to do pap walks, stalk Annie and Kyle, run a million burner accounts, take bum pics, try and shag the postman etc etc


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I don’t believe Kyle sent any kits to Kairo, if he did why didn’t he send the 23/24 V neck with blue/white trims instead of the 22/23 with burgundy trims!
Embarrassing 🙈

Liaryn has bought her son that kit, had it customised to say Dad2 & she has definitely bought him more than one set in different sizes just to wheel him out in an attempt to remind everyone Kairo Walker is Kyle Walkers son.

It’s pathetic, embarrassing & emotionally damaging her child further by making him pose up wearing a vintage kit from Amazon! Along with Puma socks 🤨

When will it end Lauren? It has to end!
for the welfare of all the children in this mess! 😔

If there is one thing she should copy from Annie it’s this!
Every time choose your children


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Professional’s needs to step in here, she may be doing the bare minimum as a mum by having them fed, clean, dressed etc (all funded by daddy) but she is ruining them emotionally. They are going to grow up to be just like her because she’s pushing this life onto them, imagine what goes on behind closed doors if she acts like this online 💔
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I'm convinced that the Walker side are staying quiet to let Liaryn do all the damage to her own case. Surely that's the only reason she's allowed to continue? To gather evidence of her ongoing harrassment? I know plenty have said it but the Kilner sisters deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for not knocking that horror out.
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She chose that house then moans that it’s hot, obviously it’s gonna be hot. Buy your own air con ya beggy bitch, or buy your own pool! Get a fucking job
I’ve never known someone with such little regard for their own reputation, their principles or morals. She’ll turn up in court asking for more and to do this she’ll need to list all the things she wants/ needs. Then the judge will be right Lauryn Goodman, let’s look at what you’re doing to earn money for yourself, and it will be a list of stories she’s sold on the person she’s begging from. It’s fucking madness! J
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What the actual fuck 🙈
Im sorry but there is no way in hell kyle has seen kairo this often for them to be this close fuck right off!! I love my daddy? Awwww the way shes using that boy is beyond disgusting!!!
Hes fucking 4 he would have forgot him by now if she didnt keep reminding him!!
And FYI YOU and YOU alone are the reason kairo doesnt have his daddy bcz YOU decided to lie on ur back and create another kid instead of letting them bond and letting kyle gain trust so he could take him himself possibly even annie and the boys too one day
I duno how much more of this i can stomach
Exactly! We've only ever had 3 confirmed meet ups after the solicitors meeting (I'm sure if there was more Loopy Loz would have shown the proof) and only 2 that Kairoon was likely present for..... the knifepoint hostage situation in the park, the knutsford mere air BnB, and the Travelodge the night before Kyle's op.... surely Kairos seen the fucking postman (Lauryns only mates 😂) more than Kyle!

I've got a question Prozza, what do you answer when he asks where his original "role model" uncle grunt is? 🤔 He actually had a relationship with him, went on holiday with him, could go out in public with him as he wished, lived close by, was always in his house etc. for approximately the entirety of the first 3 years of his life.

But noo he's asking and crying about someone who lives 250 miles away who he had no contact with up to September 2022 until, (in the very best case scenario, but unlikely) Autumn 2023 at the absolute latest.

Pull the other one.
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You’re all talking about Kyle and John and I’m just in the corner here silently fancying Haaland👁👃🏻👁
just me? I’ll see myself out….
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In all the years of my sons playing grass roots football I have NEVER saw any child with a shirt saying dad on !!! I’ve saw men with them on but never a child
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I don’t believe Kyle sent any kits to Kairo, if he did why didn’t he send the 23/24 V neck with blue/white trims instead of the 22/23 with burgundy trims!
Embarrassing 🙈

Liaryn has bought her son that kit, had it customised to say Dad2 & she has definitely bought him more than one set in different sizes just to wheel him out in an attempt to remind everyone Kairo Walker is Kyle Walkers son.

It’s pathetic, embarrassing & emotionally damaging her child further by making him pose up wearing a vintage kit from Amazon! Along with Puma socks 🤨

When will it end Lauren? It has to end!
for the welfare of all the children in this mess! 😔

If there is one thing she should copy from Annie it’s this!
Every time choose your children
it’s not that though, Kyle brought the kit whatever, he put his name on the back whatever. That was in the past which we are moving on from before he came and called them mistakes etc.

IF giro is genuinely into Man City and wants to wear the kit why not go out and buy him this seasons. Why not the new season? My LO gets the new kit every season because kids actually into football want the latest kit but she wants to bring out last seasons because it has dad on the back. Have some at least some self respect and at buy him the latest kit ffs. Or you not buying the latest because godforbid it’s not “designer” and you can’t pass it off as your own Lauren.

And this bullshit he chooses that kit which was in the blog.. it’s not hard to dangle something new and shiney in front of a toddler and they soon forget the old.

edited to say and better yet if the kid is genuinely into football and it’s not forced. Get him into Brighton and take him to the game or been a local smaller league team. It’s affordable on 8k a month. A team he can go to and support and watch when he’s older that’s achievable becuase his mum hasn’t got him banned from the stadium. Not a team he’s being forced to support because his sperm doner plays for them
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hello from me

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So are you making him coffee and forgetting the pods or is he running a campaign against you? Which one is it hun?
Need to proper catch up but fuck me, it really baffles me at these people's comments.
Seriously some mental people out there.
If you support lauren you are not a woman's woman. Not in the slightest!
If you have an army behind you Lauren, Annie has battalion. No decent woman likes a homewrecker.

Why does she always pull this woe is me act.
You had kids with a taken man with a family already. Was never gonna end well was it.
They don't need Kyle it isn't the end of the world, just crack on!!
I thought she already told her 'truth' with the Austin piles interview?
What more is to be said other than a few Snapchat secret blackmail msgs and Kyle having pics taken at knifepoint?
Oh and nobody gives a shit about who joined you for coffee, Sian (who you don't know) wiped the floor with you on that one so let it go!!!
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