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@Interspaced - All very good points.
She's the twin to 🐖, from Fathering Autism in every way.
I am not a fan of hers. At all.
Lauren is such a bitch to John and i used to kinda feel sorry for him but he quit his job and I lost respect for him. Sympathy too.
If he is ok not being the man of the house and having a 400lb momster push him around, that's his business. 😛.
I just can't get on the John bandwagon. Or support 2 lazy, uninspiring people who think it's ok to not work and live off of others.
YES! Lauren bothers me mostly because she will be a complete bitch on John's videos and disguise it as 'humor'. It really rubs me the wrong way. I liked John's channel at first and I am glad he is doing well...but lately he has been doing a lot of clickbait-y titles and I just don't know if I can do it anymore. Part of me is excited and encouraged by his efforts, but then I feel like they think anyone who clicks on a video is 'falling' for their clickbait. I usually actively avoid that kind of stuff because I can see right through it. I try to follow people online who I think are as genuine as they can be. I felt like John was doing that but then quickly changed after he got a few thousand subscribers.
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Chatty Member
I also think she is giving OFF the pigcilla vibe & look what she posted on her Instagram …
Will she be busting some moves with the strippers ???
Making the list isn’t really that difficult!! Is she there as a friend or an influencer as I’m sure A &P expect her to vlog and post how amazing it was!
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There is absolutely no way on Earth that child didn't gain weight. And watch out if she goes on meds, that will also exacerbate the poundage, at least in my experience. I will say, I am minimally edified that Lauren seems to have learned SOMETHING from the cautionary tale of Priscilla...
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For her birthday she asked for a night in a hotel on the beach alone. Cool. I'd love to do that right now. But, she's doing a "hotel room tour" of the most basic hotel room ever and a "suitcase tour" of what she packed. How F'ing boring?

But what really got my attention was she said she had never in her life been along for 24 hours. Never in her life. What???
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According to her reply to a poster in the comments on the last video…“John has a job and has had one for over a year”. 😂 I’m assuming she’s considering the No Skinny Genes blog his “job”? She called the poster “dumb” and when the poster then replied and asked what his job was and of course….crickets. The delusion of these people knows no end.

It’s sad to think that couples like this actually exist out there…probably more commonplace than most think here in the US. In one way you can’t really blame them for being so unhappy…can you imagine being unemployed, overweight stuck in a tiny house all day with your spouse doing nothing productive? I’d need antidepressants to deal with my life too if that was the case!

I’m rooting for John and hoping he can motivate to get out of that toxic situation…he is so brow beaten and controlled by her. He seemed much better off when she first started vlogging and had his own job/life outside of the house.
In yesterday's vlog she alluded to John having to be gone all day and threw the word "work" in there. So maybe he has gone back to an actual job. Honestly, I don't know how they could buy groceries if he didn't. And health insurance. And everything else! The only thing that makes me think he hasn't gone back to work is this girl cannot keep anything private. She is unable to NOT share it all. If he truly has been back to work "over a year", when Everett was born. For John's sake, I hope he has.
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I truly don’t know how they survive financially. She rarely puts out a video, her hubby stopped his weight loss vlogs altogether. No one has even commented on this site in a month, which is truly telling. How are they making a living? So weird.
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Well-known member
So it begins ....she is full steam ahead with Bariatric Surgery ... Is this not a waste of time ?? is this procedure a waste of time for emotional eaters ,
Why can't she just follow in her Husband's footsteps he lost 100lbs just by altering his diet ...
I feel a rerun of pigcilla's journey coming up ,,,
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For some reason Lauren thinks babies talk at age 2.
They will say a few words but can't hold a conversation. That usually happens around 3 years.
If her pediatrician hasn't told her this, her pediatrician must be a complete idiot.
Knowing her she probably hasn't mentioned it to him but she said she's going to at his 2 year check up. I don't believe her.
She's getting all her baby information from other idiot YouTube moms.
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Annnnnnnd now she's a redhead. Prob spent a fortune and will have her hair up in a knot 99% of the time.
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Their fkn batshit crazy...if you consider 60 degrees winter then yes...there is a winter in Florida:sick:
Ugh....had to correct this....this shit drives me crazy....*THEY'RE*....lmaooooo don't know how I allowed that slip up to happen! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
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Active member
How is she getting sponsorship? First built bars, now something else I've forgotten already. I mean I know she is something to do with glitzy girl but I just don't get how sponsors want to work with her.
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I’m so glad I found this. She sucks! Her personality is like nails on a chalkboard. She can’t even handle Ella, but sure let’s have more kids. She’s not a good friend to Amanda at all. She was extremely childish and jealous of any attention Amanda would get.
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Percillerpotamus is her idol.
I've said over and over that Lauren wants Percillerpotamus's life.
It's bizarre but it explains Lauren's dissatisfaction with her own life and all that complaining she does.
Yes Lauren will be right in the middle of the strippers, the dominatrix and any other vileness that shows up there.
After watching that video above, I'm convinced she's as trashy as the Massives.
I absolutely agree …she’s wants everything the maassives have & more
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John really needs some professional help.
I can't help but feel like Lauren demasculates him every chance she gets.
She's that type of female.
She definitely wears the pants.
She's the reason he's always so depressed.
They both need jobs and professional help but they refuse both.
I dont see John surviving much longer if he doesn't make some changes.
He has the worst kind of depression there is and he's admitted to being suicidal.
Yet nobody in that crowd of weirdos does anything to see that he gets help.
It's so, so sad. She makes me angry - just GIVE UP on the channel, honestly - she has no content except the random food-related crap she occasionally posts. It's clearly making John's life miserable, probably hers too, if she were honest. (I am glad they respect Ella's preferences to be filmed, but GEESH.)
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I had the same thought. I was also wondering if a therapist would honestly NOT recommend her for the surgery if her mental stuff isn't in order? Can you just waltz in and have bariatric surgery or do you have to have a therapist/psych sign off...? (Genuine question, I have no idea.) John seems to have gained back a lot as well, I'm almost wondering if he'll go this route too eventually.
It depends. Some doctors will do anything... and slso depends on insurance, etc. But no there is no set guidelines. Some places want success... others just want money and really don't care
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Just like anything else, what happens when you stop using it? Unless she continues portioning her food and eating healthier the weight will come back. I wish her luck.
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All her posts are the same.
Kid not sleeping but she's still letting him nap.
Food Hauls and haul is the operative word.
Her ass alone weighs 400lbs.
She's quite misshapen.
I don't ever see her changing anything.
She lives to bitch and complain and she absolutely loves it.
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VIP Member
I also think she is giving OFF the pigcilla vibe & look what she posted on her Instagram …
Will she be busting some moves with the strippers ???
Percillerpotamus is her idol.
I've said over and over that Lauren wants Percillerpotamus's life.
It's bizarre but it explains Lauren's dissatisfaction with her own life and all that complaining she does.
Yes Lauren will be right in the middle of the strippers, the dominatrix and any other vileness that shows up there.
After watching that video above, I'm convinced she's as trashy as the Massives.
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At least she is seeing a therapist and is open about her disorder unlike Piggy. Not to white knight her but I give her that any day right now over that beast.
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On her recent vlog ... if you can call it that ;) she states she's a helicopter parent saying she was constantly monitoring the monitor while she was away ...Bloody hell if I was her partner i'd take that as a slap in the face .... she constantly talks about how wonderful John is supporting, caring
and brilliant as a hands on dad , yet doesn't leave him to it for less than 24 hours without scrutinising his care of his child.
I find that can of control very scary
She's a tyrant.
If John hadn't of stood up for percillerpotamus about her weight gain and lying about it, I would feel sorry for him.
He's severely cucked.
Lauren wouldn't have him any other way. But the fact is, she's lucky af that any male would have anything to do with her at all.
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