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She maybe meant next Summer?

By that position, Gary hasn't even finished yet. Feck sake Laura, keep it clean!
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I know, I don’t think a lot of them have much cash in the bank, let alone a pension.
Do retirement homes work with influencers? 🤔 they'll all be begging the best ones to take them 😂 'hiiiiiii guys, as you all know I'm 82 now and I'm looking for a great retirement home, anyone have any recommendations? Love you all'.
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Chatty Member
She’s deleted the post I got a screenshot though as I was sending to my friend (we were discussing baby names) 😂
Glad everything’s okay for her and Bonnie but oh my god that caption is the cringiest thing I’ve ever read 🤢 hopefully that’s why she deleted it and when she reposts it it’ll be something more normal!
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At this rate he's going to need his own thread 😄 i propose Gary Lucy- Don't be a prick & wrap up your dick
(apologies if he already as one, i did a quick search and couldn't see anything)
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A single motherhood guide, by Laura Anderson

1. You will need TWO prams. You cannot expect baby to use the same pram for every house they visit. So I recommend you share out the free ones you are given, I mean you can’t expect others to buy them, can you?!

2. You will also need TWO car seats. Even although baby can only sit in one at a time, two are essential for multi functionality.

3. What else do you need TWO of? Cots of course! I know many of you will use the box from the free baby box as a sleeping space for your baby, I also only use free stuff, it’s important that I’m relatable to my followers.

3. If you need advice on stuff like whether to pre wash the baby clothes or not, I recommend asking instagram. I could have asked my own family, friends who’ve got children, the midwife, or even Gary who’s already got 4 kids, but I thought I’d ask online. If you have 1.5m followers you should ask them too.

4. Self care! It’s going to be so important when the baby arrives, that’s why I’ve made sure I have both Dyson and GHD styling tools as they’re BOTH my favourite.

Love, Laura xx ❤
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So she’s got lots of bruises, we don’t need to see them! Hasn’t she got what she’s wanted for years, a beautiful healthy baby. I don’t understand her whatsoever.
I think what she wanted for years is an instagram baby. A real baby is a very different thing as she's finding out now.
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So it was me that saw and posted the emily account here with the name when it had no followers. It was funny at the time but It’s really boring and irritating me now though 😂 if you’re going to get involved with someone that’s in the process of having a child with somebody, and get pregnant yourself, that’s on you 😭 it takes two to tango, go on contraception/use a condom/take a morning after pill. I don’t know how grown ups get themselves in these situations and obviously I’ve NOT A CLUE if she is somebody that will be a good parent - but my mum did the exact same thing and was a horrific parent after the baby and toddler stages ended, that left her children with very very severe trauma. I feel like hinting all over a fake Instagram about it rather than accepting it’s your own responsibility to weed out if a relationship has the potential to be serious enough (which takes years, not months, some people get lucky in this but most people aren’t a match made in heaven from the first date) to take a risk having a child with that person is a huge sign of immaturity, and it’s so SO sad that children get caught up in those peoples messes.

Also she fucking knew that he was having a baby with Laura so where has the shock factor come from hahahaha.
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Never commented on this thread before but I'm gonna have a little rant!

I'm sick to death of people having babies "for the gram" with no understanding or flexibility with regards to actually having one! There are so many of these influencers who just don't seem to have a clue or want to have a clue. I don't know whether they think they are so special that "normal" things like sleep routines, feeding, weaning at the right time etc applies to them. But when you have a baby, you adapt to the baby. The baby does not adapt to your lifestyle.

We live in a time where women aren't as expected to have children, if they don't want to. So to see people (Mollie-Mae, Kate Lawler etc) complaining about their children, it winds me up. And if they get criticism, it's mom shaming. No, it's not. People need to know what they are doing wrong so they can do it right.

Urgh, rant over. Sorry!
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Initially she said Gary dumped her to go on CGD now she’s saying it’s an ex that he dumped.

And those pics are much older than when she claims to have met him.

More holes than Swiss cheese in this one’s story.

Best to ignore her and move on I think, she’s obviously not well
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Chatty Member
My god as someone who knows nothing about children that is fucking insane! Why would you load up a crib like that ever never mind in this heat, the baby should be sitting with a wee vest on! Great idea perch a white noise machine directly above your newborn baby’s head where it could easily fall on them. And don’t get me started on the fucking bald spot thing 😂😂😂😂 my niece and nephew both got wee bald spots on their baby hair and it was the cutest ever, she is so weird. That poor baby will be so insecure growing up with that as a mum 😭
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I feel bad for Laura but I am absolutely here for this! 🍿
I don’t feel bad for her at all. She purposely got pregnant in a relationship that was never any more than casual and has done nothing but merch her unborn baby for every single free item she can get her hands on.
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I don’t think anyone realises how bloody hard it is bringing up kids until they have them. I felt lonely in the early years and I’m married! It’s also completely petrifying when they’re tiny and they can’t communicate what’s wrong. I really don’t think she thought about the consequences of having a baby with someone who lives the opposite side of the country and also has other commitments. Tbh I don’t think she thought about it at all. Just hope she makes lots of mum friends and has lots of family support. She’ll need it.
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She is just one of those people who is extremely self centred. She’s going to find it extremely hard to start putting someone else in front of her. She’s been desperate for the idea of having a baby but not the reality.
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Brah Day Izit?

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I think she is just finding her feet - I probably held my first baby in a really odd way, but thankfully I didn't have the general public commenting. I say give her a chance.
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