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Has anyone actually sat back and looked at the whole situation.
Neither are innocent but let's break it down simplified.
You have lacy who's clearly breaking down.. that isn't narcissist behaviour. that's trauma bonded been betrayed can't live without him. Trust me done psychology. she's as loud as she is because she's hurt. she seems crazy because she's hurt. yes she's doing some strange things but it's because she's trauma bonded.
Then you have rhys who's silent.. playing innocent victim when we've all heard the voice notes?? he is the narcissist. 110% no doubt about it and how lacy is reacting is a result of that. he's discarded her and moved onto his next supply who he's love bombing and after 5 months apparently they want a child together and big news is coming?
Hannah is as deluded and desperate. which again highlights he's been love bombing her.. true narcissist style.
I actually think hannah is worse than lacy. she comments on every video of his. the desperation for everyone to know she's still around is embarrassing. 5 months together and planning kids when they live miles apart, his children are under social services and neither have a brain between them or not one of them thinking of their children, hannah included. driving up to see him in the week nights so who has her son then if his dad only has him every other weekend? or is she introducing a new man to her son to play daddy 5 months in? my opinion she's obsessed even worse than lacy. she's getting herself involved in all this drama and I repeat again AFTER 5 MONTHS. this some Jeremy Kyle shit. embarrassing. and I certainly wouldn't be flaunting about that big news is coming after 5 months it's like teenage cringing stuff. roll on a few months when he's discarded her
I mean, you sound like lacy under a pseudonym.
This thread isnt about R&H. It's about the car crash lace
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No neither do you lace. Your kids do. You know she’s played up to their disabilities to the max so she gets high rate dla for them.

Wonder which home this is
You don't make a house a home with 2 bottles of vodka on your windowsill! You make a house a home by putting some furniture in it and toys for the kids and memories within the walls. She has no fucking idea!
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Lacy Price #7 - SS need to remove those kids and hurry, she only wants them for their DLA money
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Has anyone actually sat back and looked at the whole situation.
Neither are innocent but let's break it down simplified.
You have lacy who's clearly breaking down.. that isn't narcissist behaviour. that's trauma bonded been betrayed can't live without him. Trust me done psychology. she's as loud as she is because she's hurt. she seems crazy because she's hurt. yes she's doing some strange things but it's because she's trauma bonded.
Then you have rhys who's silent.. playing innocent victim when we've all heard the voice notes?? he is the narcissist. 110% no doubt about it and how lacy is reacting is a result of that. he's discarded her and moved onto his next supply who he's love bombing and after 5 months apparently they want a child together and big news is coming?
Hannah is as deluded and desperate. which again highlights he's been love bombing her.. true narcissist style.
I actually think hannah is worse than lacy. she comments on every video of his. the desperation for everyone to know she's still around is embarrassing. 5 months together and planning kids when they live miles apart, his children are under social services and neither have a brain between them or not one of them thinking of their children, hannah included. driving up to see him in the week nights so who has her son then if his dad only has him every other weekend? or is she introducing a new man to her son to play daddy 5 months in? my opinion she's obsessed even worse than lacy. she's getting herself involved in all this drama and I repeat again AFTER 5 MONTHS. this some Jeremy Kyle shit. embarrassing. and I certainly wouldn't be flaunting about that big news is coming after 5 months it's like teenage cringing stuff. roll on a few months when he's discarded her
“Trust me done psychology” 😂😂😂😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

One question have you followed Lacy from the beginning? Did you watch all the crazy ass poems and harassment on her eldest child’s grandparents and dad? This is the same pattern different family. Was she trauma bonded then also?

Isn’t it cute Rhys and Hannah in their honeymoon period 🥰 of course they are going to plan a future together if they are madly in love with each other and Hannah commenting love hearts and whatever else on her partners posts is just showing support no? Give your head a wobble! Rhys is quiet in this very quiet! He could show every message and proof he has. Her hundreds of posts on him and he’s done two 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Do you think she gone north to stop rhys from going up that way as h is from the North and with the restraining order 7n place now I bet that's what she doing so he can't go north and spend time with h up there , 🤔
Nope I think she is just absolutely thriving on the attention she is getting by us talking about her on here, narcs dream!!! , so is just posting things to get us talking so she can sit and convince herself we’re all so jealous and obsessed with her , when reality is hollyoaks is shit nowdays and I love car crash TV 🤣🤣Xx
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Once again I haven't said she was innocent? they're both toxic but half the shit she posts is in retaliation to the taunting she's had how can't anyone see that? come on any woman would be seething with their exs new relationship being flaunted in their face nevermind a woman thats already clearly damaged. all I'm saying is they know what they're doing and if they wanted a peaceful life they're going the wrong way about it. think they know exactly what they're doing to get a reaction out of her. they know she posts in retaliation they're not stupid. they want her to look unhinged it's games with the lot of them they're not as dull as they all seem
I wouldn’t be seething if my abusive ex had moved on in the slightest. I’d be a much happier and relaxed person knowing me and my children aren’t subjected to his abuse any longer. I’d hardly say it’s being flaunted in her face unless she’s actively stalking their Tik toks because they both don’t actually post all that much together. Lacy posts a ridiculous amounts more than Rhys does with his gf
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Hannah i know you read here/on here.
Please block her for your sanity, don't let her get in your head!! You seem very wise and obviously we can see right through her, however every time she messages you, you don't know what lacy you'll get, she moves the goal post. As a trained DV support worker I can tell from them messages shes using gaslighting and narc techniques. You don't know if you're coming or going.

You don't need to be friends.
If Lacy has also gone against a court order by extending her trip you need to contact the court and explain she's broken the order. It doesn't matter if Rhys has 'missed' 25 days or whatever, if she chose not to report that (if its true) that's upto her. Or, push for an emergency hearing with the judge stating the children's welfare is being compromised and get a written statement from the woman who found Emily. Ask for a full psychiatric evaluation to be done on Lacy too.
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like you're all so obsessed with hating on lacy? 🤔 so Mr perfect has paid his child to lie. top father. God forbid anything happened to that child and he thinks he should keep it secret because his idiot father has made him think he gets rewarded to lie and keep secrets. Still defending his narc behaviour now? 🤣 so not only abusing her but emotionally abusing his children? and yes that is classed as emotional abuse for the uneducated on here.
Lacy is a pure deadbeat absolute fact and this thread is about HER!
She claims he paid her son probs more bollocks. Let’s be honest.
also she’s crying if he met Hannah yet the strangers she meets and brings home on tik tok are all good yeah more double standards from our lace 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Fuck me that was a long repetitive read! 🫠
Is it safe to come back yet or do I need to take another seat to continue watching the MatthewJ show unfold 🫡
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Lacy has been arrested 3x in the last few months for harassment on Rhys and Hannah. She makes it worse because in her pea sized brain thinks the police are trying to silence her when in fact they’re trying to help. Rhys is doing as his told by not plastering everything on social media I’m sure there’s loads he could show
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Using google eye to catch out someone pretending they're somewhere they're not isn't stalking Lace 🤣😅 You had a choice, upload a pic or not. You chose to pretend you've had a beautiful day at the beach when infact you've kept them kids cooped up. It's scary how in 2 hours you've made yourself a victim again pretending someone is stallking you, instead of owning your shit.
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The police cannot do anything when the pages are just sharing information lace puts out herself. 😂😩 Screenrecording and screenshotting isn't illegal. Infact, look at her latest insta posts, she's showing literal screenshots, wheres the difference!?

Thread suggestion:
Lacy price #7 fled her home, 5/6 kids in tow, no time to pack but got her bikini on her back.
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Now she's slating Rhys saying he won't have the kids whilst she goes for surgery. Babe, he owes you fuck all. You can't pick and chose when he has the kids to suit your narrative! Imagine him needing to swap weekends because he has an op- can't imagine our resident benefit bum being all sweet and co-parent like! Assume there's a court order that she wanted, otherwise go for 50/50 care and be even all the time, not when it suits you.
In 24hrs we've had a car engine popping more then once, joint a gym, booked an insane amount of getaways, a throat lump, a blood test, a hysterectomy and now back to baby daddy bashing. Oh and 50% hair extension fittings being offered.....
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I don't think anyone here thinks R is perfect, far from it. The only thing that he has done that L clearly hasn't is keep 95% of it off TT.

She's 100% a narcissist. Never wrong, never takes accountability. Constant lies. Harassment of R & H.

Is she hurt? Yes, she's hurting because she's lost control. Show me anyone who says they've been a victim of da who antagonises their ex on the daily! That's not someone who's scared of repercussions.

Your entitled to your opinion as are we, and she's no victim!
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Does she know what a refuge is? Does she know by fleeing she's giving up her house to live in a room with her kids, or if no hostels are available then a b&b or temporary accommodation. Does she know she's not allowed to tell ANYBODY where she is, including family? Does she know she can be put ANYWHERE in the country? Does she know her child's medical needs will need to be moved to where she is living, no guarantee of what the wait times are like. Does she know fleeing is for women in immediate danger, for fear of being k!113d. Previous DV is not used in the scoring system, it has to be current danger and current harm.
Does she know she can have ABSOLUTELY NO visitors. So whilst she thinks she has no help now, shes about to know what no help means.
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Shes saying she won big, the casino even said they very very rarely see wins this big. You're telling me, out of everyone who was in Vegas these last few days, our champion liar and manipulator was the lucky one. Pull the other one lace🤣😂🤣 it just takes the scent off spending her kids DLA money next trip.
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oh so she said she called ss on hannah did she? or you just believing that because they said so? very much double standards on this page clearly.
This thread is about lacy, not about bashing Rhys. You can make a thread on Rhys if you like or even better a rave thread for lacy seeing as your so quick to defend her.
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