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The comments continue about whether Casey gets garage space for her car.

Image 2-10-24 at 2.28 PM.jpeg

"...Kyle just isn't used to living with a girlfriend. I'm sure things will change quickly once she moves in." They probably will, and look how that turned out for Jacquelyn. 🥔👊
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Exactly! I picked up on that too. I know what it’s like to deal with somebody who’s a narcissist, and they literally break you down and gaslight you so much and make you think that you’re crazy. Once you’re out of that situation, you wonder how you even fell for all of it? And it totally makes sense I mean I lost my mom at a young age and when I dealt with this person I was very young and very insecure, so it was easy for that person to manipulate me. That’s why I feel bad for her sometimes even though I also get annoyed that she puts up with it. I totally get it.
So true about how they break you down and make you think you're crazy. And then afterwards you can't believe you fell for it. That's clearly what happened to Casey because we saw how she changed. I noticed when she used to correct him, he'd start repeating the word incorrectly a bunch of times to annoy her and try to make her feel stupid for trying to correct him. And a few times he accused her of "making fun" of him. She got worn out and broken down so she avoids correcting him anymore or speaking her opinion on anything if it doesn't 100% match his.

I also noticed a few times that she flinches when he raises his hands up. I hope it's not the case, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's got physically abusive with her a few times, such as putting his hand around her neck like he did with Lora. He's posted a bunch of choking GIFs toward his women critics on X with his sock puppet and threatens to "choke a b*tch" often. Seems like it's a regular thing with him. And we all know his ex confirmed his abusive and controlling tendencies.

This loser is a real piece of work.
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Lol busted. That's about the most concrete proof so far that the sock puppet is him. Since we have 100% proof that TikTok is associated with his sock puppet. What a fucking loser and tool this guy is. I've never seen anyone so in love with themself like Pallo is. Especially to the point of creating alter-egos online to praise himself from the third person. Think about how truly pathetic that is.

He really has convinced himself that he's some massive celebrity and the hottest shit in the world. Those cringe TikToks, always calling himself a "stud," and treating everyone else like their some lowly peasant whose beneath him 🤣

In reality he's just a freakish loser, a stunted adult and dwarfish droopy-eyed runt who was always laughed at his entire life and could never make friends. A sad case who panhandles online, shamelessly grifts handouts from older gay men, and who found some lonely elderly folks who live vicariously through him. A "glorious purpose" indeed, as Pallo always tells himself.
I truly don't believe he's in love with himself at all. His praising himself is sad for no one else will do it. It masks the fact he knows he comes up very short, pun intended, in this world. He knows he's laughed at and and ridiculed. He's a leech on his family and can't survive without them. He isn't self sufficient in any manner. Facing his reality is excruciating for him. His bloviating braggadoccio masks an inferiority complex a mile wide. He could not early in life and can never now measure up to his half brother much less the 'based' and silly sock puppet Based Supermen he creates. :LOL:

He sees the badly aging little thing in the mirror that he is and that is rapidly deteriorating ___and so he puffs himself up with fake accounts and praising sock puppets he creates. As I said, it's sad and his facing the truth is painful for him, so he lashes out (tearing away at someone like Eric, once a fan and supporter, is a good example) to make himself feel better by trying to hurt someone else, and he drinks to excess. He's a bitter little guy who, when he faces the reality of his reflection, is sickened by it.
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Yup very odd. I even went to Red night and I am "old" compared to them lol. They couldn't keep up with me. :p lol
It's not like Kylie's going to sleep early either. He's up until 2-4 AM every night. He just doesn't like people, parties or socializing and would prefer to be in his familiar online world where he can do things like pretend to be a 6 foot tall bodybuilder rather than a squat, mangy midget. Or receive endless praise from his stans. Or tell people to leave his name out of their mouth he'll "beat the sh*t out of them." (something he'd be too cowardly to say in real life).

Social media is the perfect environment for narcissists like him. :ROFLMAO: He'll always choose that over parties, social gatherings, etc.
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I was born in the Caribbean. I also lived in Boulder, Colorado, in the Rockies, a few years. Imagine how hard I was SMH when he described the hills on St. Kitts as, “big mountains.” Imagine how much harder I SMH when he pronounced the STAG beer as stahg, then stayg. S.M.H.!!!!!! Lastly. He plays reggaeton music in his vlog about a non-Spanish speaking Island. It wouldn’t have hurt him to Google the type of music that lends itself more to the culture on St. Kitts.
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I’m seeing even Emilyenchanted received the epic universe package. Kylie’s must be waiting at the front porch for him. 🤣
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I just finished watching and reading all the comments here. I think you really need to watch this one… just when I think Kyle can’t get any more pathetic or over the top dramatic, he absolutely blew me away with today’s vlog. It should have been titled “Tell me you have a pampered, spoiled, stress free life without telling me you have a pampered, spoiled, stress free life”. I’m so glad that between today’s video and yesterday’s “In 2019 I ONLY had $20,000 to my name” tone deaf comment that people are starting to wake up and see what an absolute asshole this guy is. He has no inkling of what it’s like to REALLY work hard and have a job/career in the real world. I hope he continues to be himself and piss people off and be responsible for his own downfall. Hopefully his stans will find their way here and see who Kyle Pallo REALLY is!

He is SUCH an asshole 😂

View attachment 2747188
Exhibit A as to why this guy has no friends. Hes a lethal combination of clueless and pompous. I truly hope the mass migration of viewers begins soon and the pressure of the real world hits him like a ton of bricks.
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"It's a good thing he didn't get College Hunks. They would have packed his bags for sure."
"He's going to manly move a small Disney statue. Kyle is a man's man. He even has a beard."
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Was he scared to get off the ship and go to the cruise terminal without Jojo? Omg 🤣
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Well ,we know if Casey moves in or not, she will not be able to adopt a cat to live with them because Kyle stated in an earlier video that his mom does not like to live with cats. I do not remember the video, but it kind of hints at who is the ruler of the roost. I hope Casey is not going to be religated to coming home and being hand maid to her "little Prince" of a 30 year old boyfriend who does not seem capable of picking up after himself. Not an ideal life mate.
imagine coming home after a long work day and being asked to cook/clean by a sniffling man baby. if living together full-time isn't a wake-up call for Casey, they'll probably get engaged in the next year or two.

throughout the home tour it seemed like Casey was just an afterthought, like "my editing needs to take up an entire room but my gf can have this little corner to do her makeup everyday for her actual job... as long as it doesn't interfere with my signed jersey." it feels like both Casey and Kyle have an idealized view of their relationship... going on cruises and to theme parks is all fun, but deciding who's turn it is to unload the dishwasher will probably be hard for them.
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Hardly Here

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This little idiot in his own words “doesn’t really drink anymore”, so he’s trying to acquire a taste for more liquors.
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Here's the new sugar daddy who paid for Kyle's $1,200 Cabana on the cruise. They've been hanging out at Magic Kingdom today and he's paying for him to come to London.


Update: Looks like he's affiliated with a travel agency called MEI-Travel who is a partner of Royal Caribbean. In the vlog, he invites Kyle out on a cruise in Europe, so I'd say it's pretty certain this is the guy paid for his Icon cruise too.
He says he enjoyed meeting Kyle's "wonderful" parents. Are they in town or did he meet them in December?
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The hits keep coming. Between the move today and the "only" $20,000, many are coming at him. Hopefully these people will start unsubscribing>

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Welp I dk what he’s so excited about the views have been subtly coming back down since the first cruise video! 😂😂😂 he went from over 90,000 views on the first vlog to an average of 66,000 on the second and third vlogs and yesterday‘s only got 41,000 views. So far today I think he has like 20,000 if I remember correctly.

That’s what I’m wondering now! It would totally makes sense! It’s strange though, because in that same vlog he said that it was his first time eating there. And he even thanked his mom and said he couldn’t believe that he waited 29 years to eat there. 🤔

I don’t know the more that I think about it I feel like he would’ve made it more of a flex on his channel and would brag about how his family owned a restaurant, where a ton of celebrities have dined.
The gradparents never owned that restaurant. They go along with everything he says at the risk of facing his wrath. The exact same thing is happening with Casey.
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Kyle:“It’s like Florida in the summer here, it’s so hot”

me: Hey Siri what’s the weather inSt Kitts

Siri: 79°…… Doucheturd and pound puppy are full of shit
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