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And credit score b too good. :cry:
He's the only person in the financial history of this or any other country whose credit rating is so good that it prevents him from buying a house.

It just has to be the genius generated by that puported 'marketing' degree he has, huh? He "b' so successful" banks and lending offices are just intimidated by his amazing credit score.

What a dumbass piece of work he is. And those knuckledragging marks who still support him are no better.
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Just glancing at that, I always think:

(A) He's day drinking and probably drunk.
(B) He's a broke ass idiot and trolling for responses and engagement.
(C) He craves attention and is by himself.
(D) He's lonely and a bit frightened, has NO real friends, and no one can be contacted to pet him.
(E) He's a pathetic batshit nobody and fears the reality that is closing in on him.

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I think he meant to say greasy! How could it not be greasy with all that sopresata (which neither know what it is)!
I don't think he understands the concept of greasy. His hair and body are always greasy. He probably says they are juicy too.
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So Kyle used his early entry from the Swan Reserve to "rope drop" Magic Kingdom at 7:30am and was dumbfounded that the park was empty? Wonder why....could it be that not everyone has early entry and this was most likely filmed on a random weekday? Usually the least visited days in the parks.
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His forehead looks gigantic with this new haircut. Forget a five head. That's a six head.
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I've heard out of KP's mouth that she has bought everything for the apartment (when he was talking with Jojo) and he asks her multiple times if they can get this.

Him saying she bought everything might just mean he let her pick out whatever she wanted.
But him always asking if they can buy something comes off as if they are pooling their money together or he is asking her to pay for the item.

Definitely is not acting like a star that makes $18 per 1000 views. Acting more like a broke child that calls a $1,300 iPhone 1.3.
The giveaway seems to be him asking her "can we can get this?" That means that Casey is buying and he's conditioned her as that being his way of asking her to buy it for him.

He did it with the earrings that she didn't even want, he did it with all of the apartment shopping, he does it with meals/drinks, and his little gift shop trinkets that she's always at the counter paying for... "can we get this?" It's like a toddler asking their mother permission to buy them a toy. I'm sure he did the same thing with Susan Pallo growing up, and he'd throw a tantrum if she said "no."

Anyone who is actually making nearly half a million dollars per year (like the wannabe big shot tries to flex) would not need to ask their partner's permission to purchase something like moisturizer for himself, and then have her pay for it. 🤦‍♂️

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If anyone in the entire world does NOT need a massage it’s Kyle Douchelord Pallo and Ginn Tracker. Laziest motherfuckers on the planet.
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She does almost seem to worship him, like a cult. Her bedroom at her sister's place is covered in photos of him. You can see the change happen over the past year in her personality and behavior. She used to disagree with him, correct him on things, and criticize his eating/speaking, didn't appear in almost every vlog, and never shouted/screamed on kiddie rides like she does now. He has her totally controlled, almost brainwashed. Just look how fast she changes her opinion to match his whenever she accidentally disagrees on something now. Come to think of it, even if her sister or dad tried to have an intervention she would probably dig in even more. At this point, the only way for her to learn is by going through years of A LOT of trauma and pain, getting financially drained by him, getting gaslit into to quitting her job, and years/decades of therapy after.
And she wanted us to believe that she had no clue who he was before they met?

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Oh the difference in the ways Kylie and jojo react when their SO’s cry. KP made was more concerned with his vlog when Casey cried. I just watched Krysta(?) cry at HHN at UO Hollywood and jojo hugged her and constantly reassured her and showed concern about her. Why am I not surprised?
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VIP Member
Brilliant! I cannot stop laughing here! :LOL: :love:

View attachment 2481486
I made it about 4 minutes in before my ears started to bleed....just couldn't go on.

That high pitched whiney intermittent Kyle voice, a dwarf with a hernia voice, ahhhhhhhhhhh..... just had to stop even though he was being ridiculed. 😂

Stopped here and just had to marvel at the shoulders on Farlexa. Kyle could have been a little terror on the football field instead of a jock sniffing mascot if he'd only been blessed with Chapped Lips the Hulk's juggernaught upper body. Whoa'!


I have a feeling this will happen more and more. His little manic / drunken / imbecilic X-twitter posts today just confuse and upset many of the Manic Midget's stans and many are fed up. He just doesn't get it. When he and his sock puppets, Freaky Farlexa, and the taintlicking tools who leech onto his X- page for attention actually cost him fans.
I have to admit that my cup of schadenfreude is overflowing at the freakouts and Pallo Clown Posse confusion going on over there and on his failing other online sites.
Pass the popcorn ......

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I didn't get to watch until later last night. I don't know why I did because I got the gist of the dump from all your comments. I know this has probably been said but Kylie was seething when he couldn't get in the restaurant for breakfast. Seething. Who the hell does he think he is? He mentions it was 10:50 when they tried to get a table. Tough shit asshole! I really think he thought they should have made an exception for the star that only he thinks he is.
I also could not believe how annoyed he looked when Casey was speaking while they were waiting for their food. Again, seething. He definitely has serious anger issues. Especially if he isn't the center of attention.
He literally turns my stomach by the way he eats. He is absolutely disgusting. He has no manners. He has no class. I don't know how Casey can sit next to him and not lose her appetite.

He is lowlife scum.
Casey should be ashamed of herself too. She can do her own research and read the threads. Hope it’s worth it for her. Pathetic. And don’t give me that “y’all only see a small portion of our lives.” He treats you like shit ON CAMERA when he should really be on his best behavior, so that only makes us wonder what he does to you when the cameras are off. Her older sister is foolish for allowing this nonsense. My family would have been like hell no.
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No coffee table, no barstools, but "we" bought a PS5 just to play the Call of Duty beta.


Also he's going to buy a drone for his videos.


I've owned a few drones, such as a Mavic 2 Pro, and I guarantee that this imbecile would crash it on the first flight attempt.
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Everything is going great until he didn't get his free breakfast. After that, he starts to crumble. He didn't get his way and his blind anger comes out. YEAH CASEY I'M ADVENTUROUS, WHY WOULD YOU SAY OTHERWISE. Kyle, you should learn to use chopsticks.. YEAH CASEY I KNOW I HAVE THE THING AT HOME TO LEARN. He also rubs it in her face that he is SO ADVENTUROUS UNLIKE HER her who won't eat seafood. I ALWAYS ASK YOU TO EAT IT AND YOU WON'T AND YOU KNOW THAT I DESPISE RAMEN BUT HERE WE ARE. Also, had to keep patting himself on the back that he saw other people eating with forks. He made her turn her music off in the car so he could watch football on his phone? He didn't need to hear anything, he needed to be in control.

Side note... it's Dormammu no DormaNoo. Mr. Big Marvel guy and sometimes sports guy and also kind of a ramen guy now.

Double side note.... Kyle actually picked out nice glasses for her. Those round frames look like shit on her face.
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So was this Kyle’s worst performing shirtless thumbnail video? 👀

His channel is sinking down the drain day by day!
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