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Yes I think she has borderline personality disorder. She constantly lies and makes things up for dramatic context. I really think she is unstable and generally unwell and needs a lot of support. Steve is her carer and her health has impacted on him.
I used to really like Laura’s.
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She’s not cried since therapy.. she was crying like 3 days ago about how much she hated looking after her kids
She is a pathological liar, which means she compulsively lies, problem is for her that as she lies so much she forgets things and can't distinguish between lies and truths. Findings of some psychological experiments showed that the effects of lying on liars’ memory might be determined by the cognitive resources required to lie. Hence her forgetting about her crying 3 days ago, as she doesn't have the cognitive resources to lie effectively.
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The other parents probably tell their children to stay away from hers in fear of them being invited for tea
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urgh. she can't conceal her utter delight, after being so visibly frustrated that they had an inset day yesterday and she was forced to spend more of her time ignoring them. that grin is proper creepy. 🙄🙄

and as for her latest post, yet another attention seeking post under the guise of "raising awareness". if it isn't a mental health awareness post where she flaunts her privilege at her ability to be able to afford private therapy as and when it suits her, so she can shop for whatever coveted diagnosis is next on her list, now she's reminding everyone she recently had a basic medical prodedure last month - "in case you forgot", because obvs nobody should have anything other to think about than remember Laura, the centre of their entire universe - had day surgery four weeks ago 🤦🏻‍♀️ - solely for sympathy and attention, pretending she's "raising awareness" for ovarian cancer by reassuring the world that she is okay. the comments on her post are litwrally filled with people explaining that they have been struggling with similar symptoms for months/years, yet aren't being taken seriously by their GP or have been waiting months for an appointment, but Laura isn't bothering to reply because she's fine and she's used the situation to create content - which is all that matters.

the intention behind her posts are.
so obvious. she even ordered herself a pair of compression stockings on amazon, prior to the "op", just so she could create reels prancing about wearing just them and her grimy underwear minutes after getting home from day surgery which she claimed was so serious she was supposed to be on bed rest! fuck everyone else and fuck her lies about her aim to raise awareness - as long as she is getting attention, she doesn't care. 😡
didn't she say she had to wear the stocking for several weeks? or did I imagine that? I swear we only saw them like twice
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urgh. that whole post - in all its unnecessary detail - is gross. even more concerning about is the fact she shared it in 2021 - post covid! kinda worrying - and highlights her total ineptitude as a parent - if her seven and ten year old kids aren't able to properly wash their hands, even after having the basics of handwashing drummed into us throughout 2020! such a prominent campaign that even actual toddlers know how to adequately wash their hands.

also, "bum worms" aren't like headlice. they don't have the ability to jump from person to person, so even if her kids had worms - in which case, prioritise encouraging them to improve their hygiene skills instead of publicly labelling them as "skanks" and shaming them on SM - she wouldn't also have worms just by default. she would only have them if her own personal hygiene and handwashing is totally inadequate. the kids may "put their hands everywhere" - put unless they are shoving their dirty, unwashed hands into Laura's mouth, washing her own hands and/or using anti bac hand gel etc would stop the spread. by her own logic, she is a dirty skank! and why would her kids bother washing their hands when grubby Laura is their role model, and she prides herself on not washing or changing her underwear etc? she's hardly taught them that cleanliness is important - not just her lack of personal hygiene, but the grime and squalor of their house etc.

and as for the garlic vaseline she applied around her asshole and the drama of supposed third degree burns - yet another fabricated story for attention. 🙄🙄
She has set herself up for a life of unemployment and her kids a life of shame and bullying. Kids at school won't want to go near them or play with them. Also parents at the school won't want their kids going near them! I know I wouldn't!!
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So she's been creaming her filthy knickers over Cillian Murphy all weekend, poor Steve, poor kids, poor Cillian if she ever meets him. Her content is shite and she is NOT funny, never has been, never will be
And she is boring, her content is dross, dull and just repetitive. She isn't bright enough to write/create proper comedy.
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overlooking the fact that this is likely a total lie, as the teacher she gave her number to with the reassurance that she "wasn't a lesbian" she just couldn't live without her in her life was likely incredibly creeped out by her behaviour, if the teacher actually did text her, it will have been out of politeness and a sense of obligation, simply to wish her well - and she will live to regret it, as now stalker Laura has her number, she will be messaging her relentlessly and totally hounding the poor woman until she's so concerned for her safety, she contacts the police and is forced to change her number. i can only hope that she doesn't make the mistake of sharing her address, because she will wake up one morning to find Laura peering through the windows, dressed only in her grimy underwear, with the exact creepy facial expression as she has in this photo... 🤢🤢

this is woman who taught her son, thus she presumably had minimal interaction with herself, yet Laura and her issues with inappropriate attachment to people she barely knows has decided that she cannot survive without her in her life and is determined to make her a "friend" on a level that is incredibly disturbing. worse still that she is seemingly very aware that she forms unhealthy attachments, yet shamelessly continues to pursue people with her stalkerish intentions. probably behaviour you should discuss with your therapist, Laura.

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Just seen her latest vid. Ruddy hell - her poor children. Imagine having your mum on the internet dressed like that. 🤮
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i don't really know anything about Carly, other than that she made the awful decision of collaborating with Laura on that range of hideous dresses, and tarnishing her brand by association with the grubby skank. does she have a family? husband? children? because if so, it's very overdramatic for Laura to be notching about having to spend a few hours in a car alone with her sons - who, at their ages aren't exactly going to be throwing tantrums or undoing their seatbelts and are capable of keeping themselves entertained, potentially with the odd sibling argument - when her kids will then presumably be entertained playing with Carl's kids - potentially, if she has kids of. similar age? - so it's not as though Laura has to find ways to entertain them or keep them occupied! she will be ignoring them as usual, whilst taking every opportunity to bicth and moan about them in her stories for "relatable" content about how much she hates her kids and regrets ever becoming a mother. if Carly doesn't have kids etc, maybe the plan was that her boys would stay at home with Steve while she fucked off to visit her friend and ensure she spends as little time as possible at home over the christmas holidays, to avoid her kids - but was then forced to take them. with ehr, because Steve is ill. although if that were the plan, Steve must be feeling pretty fucking rough if he thought his boys would be better off with Laura being verbally abused criticised than at home with him. 🤷🏻‍♂️
So far doesn’t actually look like she’s with Carly. Carly has a husband and a primary son I believe.
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The dog video irks me, I work with dogs as my actual job daily and it pisses me off to see her allow that behaviour to happen. My own dog is playful but is also TRAINED to stop when asked. I think it's her intention to have a household of 'quirky, unhinged and real' beings.

Also you don't look like an intimidating headteacher in those dungarees, they are some kind of Wish version of Rupert the Bear. Just wear the clothes you feel comfortable and confident in when finding your 'true self' without the need for the labels you want to add for content and engagement.
It's absolutely her intention, as, let's face it, she has not got much else going on to post about. So she is creating chaos, at the expense of innocents, for her own satisfaction, just so she has something to post. People with HPD go around creating drama, and crave attention, whether it is good or bad. They have no shame, no empathy and go out of their way for attention, to the detriment of others.


VIP Member
Cant we all just report her and get her shadowbanned
The problem is, that instagram is a free platform and they get 10s of thousands of reports a day, so they simply do nothing and advise you to block. You could report to the rspca, but again, not sure they would so much. The only way to stop this person, is to take away the things she craves, which is attention. But unfortunately she has too many highly impressionable and suggestible people in her audience. I do think that there should be an algorithm that asks a person on instagram if they are still interested in something they have subscribed too and then give them the choice to unfollow, as I suspect, like I posted earlier that she doesn't get that much engagement. I think we'd see her follower numbers drastically drop, as a result of such a process.


VIP Member
If you message them on FB messenger they do get back to you.

Could try I think this a bit like ofcom, where you cam complain about online adverts and instagram influencer adverts too

Try Facebook messenger on their page

They won't on Instagram, try Facebook. I suspect different teams look after the different platforms.

To cough all over food, is so irresponsible, especially as we have just had a major pandemic and people are still getting covid today! Shows she gives no shits, to how many people lost their lives because of people like her, who lack basic hygiene skills. Plus she is basically telling all her followers that it's OK to cough all over food! If I'd lost someone due to covid, I'd be livid seeing that. How uncaring is she!

I was going to add, that I hope she sees this is and is ashamed of herself, but then she wouldn't be, would she, as she has no shame.
Coughing over food after a pandemic, hiw awful

Shes been friends with Carly for years so is used to her sex pest behaviour. I’ve followed her for a long time snd she was nice until lockdown made her really busy and she got big headed by trademarking one of her awful jumpsuits. I think her clothing collab didn’t go how she was expecting it to and make her go viral, quite the opposite tbh, as she got as much stick as Laura does and I feel she regrets doing it. How long their friendship will last now will be telling.
Didn't they steal the no gape shirt idea off another company, or rather "copy" it?