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VIP Member
I will never understand anyone having joy or cracking open champagne at a Mum and her kids relationship breaking down.
It's sad. Not a thing to celebrate.
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I really don't think that is a strange reply. GFM have followed their processes and can't offer you a refund. They advise you to contact police if you think there's fraud or breaking the law.
The second reply just repeats this, it seems a pretty standard response to me 🤷‍♀️
Jesus, I’m not stupid! Why so patronising? At no point did I say the reply was “strange”!
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The go fund raises a lot of questions, which are now just shot down. So it’s ok to promote K on the KP thread but not question him or M. If that’s not suspicious then I don’t know what is. They are to defensive, and use the legalities of family court as an excuse. No one is asking what goes on in court, they are asking is the money being spent to represent K in court to get full custody. We now know he paid nothing to F4J and they weren’t going for full custody, it’s deceitful and questions should be answered. But no doubt it will get brushed under the carpet, just like all of KP criminality.
I also find it astonishing that we’re told not to take it off tattle but then posters were directly sending posters to a go fund me set up by Sam to donate, when nobody knows who this is? Then suddenly some posters do know who Sam is & it’s legit, it may well be, but will we ever really know & 16,000 pounds is probably a lot of money to some of those that donated and may well have not been able to afford it.
I hope the next thread also gets a MOD EDIT like this one. I enjoy both threads.
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VIP Member
You really hate his vest.

Have you personal experience with a vest who turned out to be a bastard?

I don’t know but I’m clearly triggered by it 😂. He looks a bit juiced up (steroids) if I’m honest.

He’s asking people what they had for dinner whilst begging. There’s a pin at top saying he’s not commenting about children.
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I think they might mean that some people donated to the GFM because they was told the kids were snatched away by KP.. now with everything coming out ie pudding and F4J it might be a case of the kids were actually given to KP?

Like someone said further back.. I feel a lot of people wouldn’t have donated if everything had came out first.

Does anyone know when the bent social worker first appeared?
The kids wouldn’t have been removed because a pie was thrown, 6 months after the event. And given to someone who was having supervised visits and failing drug tests. Is people are to believe f4j didn’t they also accuse kp of some really serious abuse.

just wondered as it’s worded on this thread as the actual truth but it’s just hearsay really.
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What's the bets those that donated don't actually care that K hasn't got them......all they care is that they aren't with KP!! You are so right though!! That fund was set up with the sole aim of getting the kids back home to K! Something absolutely stinks !! And it's not just keirans bumhole hahhha 😱🫢 I'll see myself out 🤣
My view is that in the vast majority of cases people did donate because they wanted the kids to be in a safe clean loving environment and they believed that was with KH, not just out of hate for KP.
I do think Sam was deceitful and I wonder how many would have donated if full facts had been provided.
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273 people viewing his live . 😬 Becki Jones gets about 1200 and all she does is sit in a car and eat McDonald's
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New member
Had a reply from GFM:

After reviewing the fundraiser in question, we have determined that your donation is not covered under our Guarantee, so we will be unable to refund it. For complete details and limitations, please review our full policy.

In addition to the report you have submitted, we encourage you to contact law enforcement officials in your area if you believe this user is committing fraud or breaking the law in any way. We will cooperate with any investigation that law enforcement deems necessary.

I then emailed back and asked for the reason why they were unable to refund. This is the reply:

Thanks for following up here.

Unfortunately, we are unable to disclose the outcomes of our decisions/investigations for privacy and security reasons.

However, as previously stated, I would highly encourage you to contact your local law enforcement regarding this matter, especially if you feel fraud or misuse of the raised funds has occurred.

While I understand this may not be the outcome you wanted, I'll be here to assist you further if anything else arises.

I don’t know what to make of it tbh…
I don't know whether or not this helps you or anyone else seeking a refund.

Twice (what can I say I am a slow learner 😥) I have donated to animal welfare related GFMs and been able to get money refunded.

Both times it was a case of almost mass hysteria generated in a Facebook group. Definitely a case of emotions running high and common sense going out of the window

It turned out there were MANY inconsistencies in the stories presented, things that didn't quite add up. An absolute pile on whenever anybody asked for clarity.

It just began to look more and more murky and I became increasingly uncomfortable that the money raised would be used as stated. Both cases I made payment via PayPal and got refunds via them rather than Go Fund Me.

I know that with donations to a registered charity funds HAVE to be used for the purpose stated in the fundraiser or they can get in trouble.

KH fundraiser is different as GFM will just need to satisfy themselves that the bank account used is legitimate. In this case as the intended beneficiary is different to the person that set it up they will have no means of checking if he actually received the funds. OR if he did they actually went towards the court case 😕
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VIP Member
my ex is 62 and still putting it about 😩
… and here’s me thinking the ding dong falls off when they get into the late 50’s 😂😂

Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking from me because I would never be arsed still doing it at that age… never mind now 😂
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Aren't most things on here hearsay? As has been pointed out many times, it's a gossip site. None of us know why or when the kids were removed, and frankly it's not our right to know anyway.

However, what is a fact is that some people would not have donated to the GFM had they been made aware of the things they now know. One donor has been honest enough to say that she's asked for a refund, and I personally doubt she's the only one because GFM have paused the fund and say they're working with the organiser for a resolution. I will paste the screenshot again for you below.

The fact is nobody knows what's going on in that family, which is right. Raising money for an outcome in a family that none of know just doesn't sit right with me.

View attachment 2908460
I actually agree with what you’re saying in regards to the Gfm. Sorry I probably didn’t make sense (I’m supposed to be working)

I was just saying that Sam person had already stopped donations then obviously people have complained and GFM are now involved. It’s all so odd. (I was initially replying to someone who said donations were still being asked for)
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Chatty Member
I watched for10 mins, so dull. But the ‘get over it we’ve moved on’ re the video was really poor. I didn’t see the GFM mentioned. Immediately deleted any mention of the website though, saw it posted 3-4 times and it was deleted straight away.
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