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The baby still has 5-6 naps a day at 6-7 months old?? Is that normal??

My baby has always been a cat napper (20-30 minutes) and she only has two naps now at 9 month old
At 6-7 months old my daughter was napping properly 3 times a day for 30 mins, or she had 2 longer naps. 5-6 times a day is waaaaay overboard


VIP Member
She can show him off, that's not the issue. Show him off to trusted family and friends not millions of strangers on an app like Tiktok where you don't know who is commenting and watching especially when you're posting half naked photos and videos of your child. Not to mention openly talking about her eldest sons issues, who's peers could easily see those videos and then bully him because he still ears from a paw patrol plate and mummy uploads videos of him asleep.
These children can't give consent and they are entitled to their privacy its Kelly's job to safeguard them and she's lacking in every area.
Guess you'd have a different view if Katie was doing this.
I don’t follow her,it came up on my 4u page. Iv looked a few videos and there’s lots of creators that share their kids and babies. Are they all neglecting their kids then and not safeguarding them. Also think there is a helluva difference between her and Katie.


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My youngest is almost a year and from about 7m has cut himself down to 2 naps a day, one about 10am and one about 2pm. He then goes to bed between 7 and 7.30. Most nights he sleeps through. Both of my two had late naps the other day, and because I was exhausted, I did too...we woke up at 5.30pm and it was gone 10 before my oldest went to bed 🙈 common sense tells you that if you're napping late on, you'll not go to bed early.
I had to stop giving my toddler her 1 nap a day at 14 months as I was pregnant and if she was napping she wasnt settling till 9pm it was awful


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My 9 month old was in just a short sleeve vest and she slept the best she has in ages 🤣 she moves all over her cot so I wouldn’t be able to put a blanket on her as it’s unsafe (but totally fine if you’ve got a younger one not in a cot who doesn’t move around)


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My daughter has started waking every half hr at the min, I’m not trying to do anything new I’m just hoping she stops 😂😂 even every couple of hrs would be better


VIP Member
She probably puts the weight on from all the pasta and rice she eats. It seems to be the main ingredient in most of her meals
I thought the same about the plate. I’d probably not notice it for a snack and may help with her snack portion control because that is insane but for a evening meal that shitty little plate is not suffice


VIP Member
My 2 two year olds have those plates. My 11 year old eats off an “adult” plate Kelly. You should try it. You can give him proper portion sizes not the small amounts you give him.