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Chatty Member
Lol, I'm not sure Kellys house has ever seen any cleaning going on. Of all the people....!
I am now convinced that these brands do absolutely no background check on influencers and simply look at numbers and a very rough description (e.g. busy mum). Ironically, when Kelly was actually doing a proper job rather than playing influencer, she was far more organised about the girls getting to school etc. It certainly wasn't the chaos she claims it is now. And the girls are older (NOT TODDLERS)
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Active member
I might as well. I have been a fair few times over the years and payed the full price and it is galling that lazy Kelly, who frankly can afford it (if she can afford the nails and hair, she can afford a random ticket to Bocketts) gets a freebie. The insta life of getting freebies is hardly putting food on the table as she claims it is. I suspect we don't see her husband because he is embarrassed by this sponging lifestyle she is creating. Head in her phone all the time recording is pretty tragic.
I just did it!
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VIP Member
I always wondered how the many influencers of one small Surrey town all managed to get their children into the “best” state primary school. Guess that backfired on them, as Ofsted rated them RI at the last inspection. 🤭
Edit to clarify, of the 4 influencers I’m aware of in Walton, none of them live closer than Kelly to that school, I don’t know if she would be in catchment but the others (including Sarah in Surrey) definitely wouldn’t have been.
God, that's a bad report, I wouldn't want my children there. Why hasn't she moved them??
Was her target to get to 80k and the only way to reach that is buying followers? 🤣🤪🤔
I am guessing the career pivot hasn't paid of for Kelly! Go back to the day job, you'll be better off!
Yes I don't understand the post. Was 80k her target? If so, I don't know why, she clearly has no work coming in other than to rave about random brands she doesn't use (ginsters, Butlins and The Junior Weekly) whilst not managing to improve her life in any way.
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Chatty Member
So her 'job' is to dress in various stereotyped outfits that she owns and do this Whatsapp group reel? Make believe reel, make believe job.
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VIP Member
So ‘Sarah in Surrey’ says they’ve lost a close friend to cancer. That’s undeniably really sad and tragic. Sarah said their friend was a very private person - yet Sarah still made a number of stories about it which to me serve no purpose other than to bring attention to herself. Hopefully Kelly is quiet this week out of respect to her friend and her family. It doesn’t sit right with me though that despite Kellys lack of content or updates this week her bots still work away gaining her 100 followers day after day. It remains to be seen whether Kelly will use someone’s misfortune for her own exposure and gain.
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VIP Member
Why is she doing lives all of a sudden? Desperate for some engagement on her failing insta account. Did she really say that??? That’s awful!

I see she gave up answering her questions from yesterday - unless she was only asked 5!

The new hair looks rubbish!
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Active member
She'll go back to lost cardigans and class WhatsApp group. But question is, how long can she keep this going?
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VIP Member
Even that is sad though. I imagine someone growing organically to 70k or whatever milestone is pretty exciting and you’d celebrate big time. How does it feel knowing you got there cheating? Am I being too naive? 😅
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Active member
Why is Abi in crocs when it's actually quite cold outside, also with an unzipped jacket over a t-shirt only. She always look soo scruffy, Kelly only pays attention to her looks!
To be fair my 11 year old was out in a t shirt earlier. I pick my battles on clothing and know when to not argue!
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VIP Member
This reminded me of the Crystal Maze dome, where the fans start and KitKat wrappers fly around. Except it is Kelly in the dome, in a Scamp and Dude dress throwing her garish painted nails about to grab onto bots, content and relevancy.
Lol do you know what, I don't think I've seen a headband in a while. Do you think she FINALLY realised she looked like an utter tw@t.
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VIP Member
That dress she's wearing, has Kelly forgot her seasons? There is no way the old boots and that dress go together.
SO bad isn't it!! Surely she had another appropriate choice given the season other than that?!

I wouldn't usually comment on someones clothes but we all know Kelly spends hundreds of clothes and must spend thousands on various dresses and jumpers etc so its not like she couldn't have something more fitting for the event.
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Well-known member
Her and her husband couldn’t even manage to catch a plane to go away for their anniversary - that was without kids! She’s lazy and useless.
what happened? Did they miss the flight or something?
It’s definitely one of her better ones I’ll give her that - but hasn’t it been done “eleventy billion” times before?!
See also… ‘every parent at the nativity’ and the ‘class WhatsApp’….
it’s been done so many times
To be fair, a journey like that is much more pleasant on the train than driving (in my opinion anyway). Kids can get up and walk around, you can give your full attention to them etc etc.
perhaps, but she doesn’t give them her full attention anyway
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