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I wish someone would tell her that scamp and dude scarf isn’t a winter scarf to be worn with her Peter rabbit coat.

Re book day, why is she telling parents not to bother? To make her lazy self feel better for not bothering?
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I see lots of mum's with young children who run - they get their children to ride along on their bikes with them.
There are lots of things we have to sacrifice when you have children - but its all about balance or adapting around your children. You don't always have to run away from them - all of this mother's obit nonsense - she makes parenting seem awful and hard - and its really not.
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What got me was the fact that she was soo smug about missing school pick up, like it was the best thing ever. On IWD she picked her instahuns tryhards over her girls!
Yep, that's Kelly through and through. Not there bigging up and supporting her own daughters but hanging off her Insta hun mates instead.
She's clearly been told to raise her profile by her management rather than sloping about in her living room on her jumbo cord sofa all day if she wants to make it big.
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Chatty Member
I think she was extremely ill advised to give up her proper job. Initially (was it April?) when she came onto this to do it full time and the content was awful and I thought she had something up her sleeve and was biding time but now it seems as if she just doesn't have the material. As you guys say, there is no angle. She has left it too late to do the stressed mum of toddlers and there is nothing to really connect with. Far too many instmums doing so much better. It was pure arrogance to think she could compete.
She is a Surrey version of Brummy Mummy of 2 but somehow worse.
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I have been feeling increasingly more uncomfortable with the way she is using her daughters - Abi in particular. The night nappies being shared with all at a sensitive age with her at school, the constant shaming over fussiness/meltdowns/picky eating etc. Yes, this may resonate with other parents, but is it fair to put all this out there on social media where it will be accessible forever. I have already heard that school kids will scroll through parents feeds to find embarrassing material on their classmates.
The constant disinterested face/raised eyebrow etc reels are now just tedious and just makes her look like a grump who loathes her kids. I don't doubt that she loves them but what she is doing isn't demonstrating love. It is using them for content to try and boost number for her own selfish means. The career pivot is weird. Butlins, pasties, Maom? Really Kelly? Really worth selling your daughter's childhood and privacy?
This, 100%. I never agree with children being used for social media content, but you could argue that at least some of them get something positive out of it (few holidays and/or days out, toys, clothes, etc.) even though it doesn’t make up for the loss of privacy. Kelly’s kids get nothing at all.
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Oh god she's back with the 'mum of daughters' crap. Is that going to be her thing then?
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Well-known member
Either her kids are Neurodivergent or she babies them way too much.

I have one child who has autism and ADHD. The things she mentions struggling with, I relate to. My other child who doesn't have these issues just doesn't tantrum or fuss like that anymore. He's 6 so the same age as hers I think.

Honestly the stuff she complains about it's ridiculous. If her kids are Neurodivergent then she needs to keep that private. If they aren't she just needs to discipline them.

If my kid turned around tomorrow morning and said he'd changed his mind about his world book day costume I'd just shrug and say sorry sunshine, we don't have time to change it. It's this or uniform. Same with dinners and snacks etc. I'm a loving mum but mine gets what they are given and they appreciate it!!!
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Mum and a Mic does at least make some very funny, clever reels and at least manages to maintain her kids privacy.

Sarah in Surrey is becoming insufferable already with ad after ad - no Sarah we don’t want Elizabeth scarlet (who??) pyjamas or head to toe frump fest joules outfits. She’s like the new SurreyMama (Sarah in Dorset) BUT at least she does give her boys a well rounded childhood.

Kelly though - doesn’t engage, crap unfunny content, no USP, desperately commenting on anyone’s account with a bigger following, buys her own followers AND is a lazy person parent.
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Chatty Member
Sarah's been made redundant form her job and is moving into freelancing and content creation. I bet she wants to carve a place for herself as something a bit more upmarket/classy and Kelly's constant whining and moaning is not a brand she wants to associate herself with - I wouldn't. The lazy, overwhelmed mum thing has been done to death now.
It was very done a few years back and is not original or even particularly relateable anymore. The fact her moniker is 'Kids and the Commute' when she doesn't like kids (eg goes to the cinema to see a kids film without them) or commute (except to her cord sofa/The Swan) makes her entire account a farce. It is looking likely that Sarah doesn't want to be associated with a miserable, lazy, Scamp and Dude clothes horse that clearly will do the bare minimum with her kids.
Is she really a bundle of anxiety over wrapping presents? She is such an idiot.
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Chatty Member
I just saw some of Sarah's bits from the weekend. She looks such a chump filming herself nodding to the music. Not one person in the background had their phone out and there she is trying to look fun. Kelly seems to be out of shot most of the time. 'Try Hards' is the best way to describe that sad sack trio.
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My kids had diverse food at nursery. Eldest will eat pretty much anything and youngest is very fussy now but still has a reasonable diet and hoovers up fruit and some veg.
Nursery diet doesn’t always follow on to being a great eater later.
however I agree on table eating and at least the girls eating there together and not in front of the tv or iPads.
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Did she really sit there and film herself making silly faces while her girls did their pottery painting?! She’s such an idiot!

HOW is this content bringing in an income for them.

She clearly wants a freebie Center parcs holiday but doesn’t even show a tiny bit of what it has to offer.
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Do kids really talk about elf on the shelf at school?! What is she going on about!

Nice of her to film Abi in her nighty with her night time nappy on for everyone to see. How does that even work. When does she or Kelly take it off and dispose of it?

Baked beans in an empty gu pot with a Pringles lid on top, I feel this sums Kelly up! How utterly grim.
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In the recent podcast she did, she said that when Grace came back from Rome she said to Kelly that Kelly never spent anytime with her and didn’t care about her. Of course Kelly had a load of excuses lined up but how sad that Grace sees it this way and calls Kelly out on it and from the glimpses we see it’s no surprise Grace feels like this but Kelly is so selfish she doesn’t see it.
I love how so many influencers only post about themselves on Mother’s Day. As if they have no mothers of their own 😅
Her family dynamics seem very weird. Spends no real time with her husband, kids didn’t see their grandparents at Christmas. Kelly barely sees her sister brother or mum, her Dad never gets mentioned. She says she grew up with her Nan. All very weird!
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Perhaps if she wore a proper scarf rather than that ridiculous Scamp & Dude cotton thing, she wouldn’t be cold.
Also, get a grip on the snacks - the narrative is boring.
Would she just give her kids anything if they demanded it, even if not good for them or logical?!
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Why has she left the present 'audit' and wrapping till today when the kids break up at lunch time? And why is she over explaining it, its something we all do! But usually not 4 days before Christmas in case need time get some extra tat to even things out 🙄😅. She's literally at home all the time, apart from having constant 'me' time, she could have had everything done by now. A luxury those of us who are still actually commuting and who like and spend time with our kids don't have
Has she managed to find a kids club for them for over Christmas yet?
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Well-known member
Why does she seem to do nothing with her kids? I went to Wisley last week with my older kids and there were loads of families there with children similar ages to hers. Much nicer for kids than going for breakfast at a pub to see Father Christmas.
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