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Shes a monster is massive. Her cocky face as she chews food with her mouth wide open. Her shaved head cause she thinks shes dexters twin. Sarcastic as hell when her mum said she did not know where she was, as in the area but kazzo continued with the patronising tit. Only made an extensive effort to diet for this wedding, cant do nothing for her kids except give them a lifetime addiction to food. Those grapes she keeps eating straight out of pack it says clearly on the front wash before eating. They are filthy, covered in pesticide residue, god knows who handled them. Shes so utterly thick its beyond belief. Her necks covered in skin tags, needs to wash herself properly. Shes like an old hag from medieval days. Shes got clear signs of mental health issues and depression and selfishly does nothing about it except spend endless amounts of money on Amazon for daily fix.
Her hubby is a fat bald slob who fritters away money like her, money could be saved for their kids. His gut is the size of a small continent and he lets his wife rot in that armchair as long as she shuts up he will buy her anything.
Look at the absolute state of it.... Her mum said she had never had tuna before, you'd think Kazza-chops would offer to give her a bite to try it, but no, she just stuffs it into her fat mouth!! Why on Earth she has to film herself eating, I can't fathom - it just looks like a load of washing going round in a machine as she never closes her mouth and insists on talking with her mouth full. :sick:
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She said she told the staff in the Asda café "their food was tit" and not good for people trying to loose weight, then sat and moaned about only having a sugar free coke. Then in the car runs through a damn shopping list of food that she had purchased for her lunch. Tuna sandwich, pack of mango, a whole pack of grapes and some Jaffa cakes, and then moans she hadn't gotten a drink.

I swear, she eats more in one meal sometimes than I can eat in a day, and I am no Twiggy!
She actually put enjoy the banter for the title of this vid like shes proud of her sarcastic self absorbed tit she talks about as she shovels food in her huge gob. Cant help but be sarcastic to her mother, then puts on some pretence shes a nice person. She actually thinks her viewers enjoy this lazy garbage content. Her mums worth more than being degraded in that car.
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Shes a monster is massive. Her cocky face as she chews food with her mouth wide open. Her shaved head cause she thinks shes dexters twin. Sarcastic as hell when her mum said she did not know where she was, as in the area but kazzo continued with the patronising tit. Only made an extensive effort to diet for this wedding, cant do nothing for her kids except give them a lifetime addiction to food. Those grapes she keeps eating straight out of pack it says clearly on the front wash before eating. They are filthy, covered in pesticide residue, god knows who handled them. Shes so utterly thick its beyond belief. Her necks covered in skin tags, needs to wash herself properly. Shes like an old hag from medieval days. Shes got clear signs of mental health issues and depression and selfishly does nothing about it except spend endless amounts of money on Amazon for daily fix.

Her hubby is a fat bald slob who fritters away money like her, money could be saved for their kids. His gut is the size of a small continent and he lets his wife rot in that armchair as long as she shuts up he will buy her anything.

She actually put enjoy the banter for the title of this vid like shes proud of her sarcastic self absorbed tit she talks about as she shovels food in her huge gob. Cant help but be sarcastic to her mother, then puts on some pretence shes a nice person. She actually thinks her viewers enjoy this lazy garbage content. Her mums worth more than being degraded in that car.
I don’t know why but I imagined him to be a super skinny feeder 😂
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I thought so, too. He keeps asking her to make cakes.
Yeh i noticed that, shes on a massive diet so she can get knee surgery and he keeps asking her to bake cakes, wanker! She of course cause warren works so hard and has a job therefore she must worship him. Don't mean hes a supportive nice guy just cause hes got a job,but he can do no wrong in her eyes cause he might die if he don't have cake. Yet hes obese too, so shes just killin him. Apparently this is love, getting someone you love whos notorious for binging to bake cakes.
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I thought I liked Michelle, but the more I watch her, the more I go off her, she's a right bragger, all about her holidays in Disney, the concerts she's always at, her make up, perfume & her designer gear that her bloke gets her, etc. She has a totally false smile and sits on her phone messaging other people while Kazza ferrys her around, not sure about her at all!
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They both seem to have an excuse for every gain they have…going away, having a migraine, Kazza’s mum, Kazza’s kids, attending a wedding, being unwell, blah blah blah.
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Michelle blamed her migraine🙄 said she always eats carbs after, except she put on three pounds which means she must have had an extra ten thousand cals, me thinks she overate more than after a migraine. Yeh she does brag and loves the sound of her own voice prattling on about her holidays, bingo and how she craved dome chips🙄🥴. Like attracts like if you ask me.
Neither have them have much dieting tips to offer, have no clue about the science behind things or the biology of how their body and brain does what it does. She could ask her doctor why she crave carbs after a migraine and with a better understanding might be able to break that negative cycle. Kazza could perhaps look up sleep and ketosis and find out exactly why we lose weight when we sleep and it might help her to realise shes doing herself no favour by staying up all night. For some reason as kazza sits there on that car seat bangin on about herself as per usual whilst holding two jaffa cakes over her eyes she thinks shes entertaining.....saying HOWEVERRR my mum nearly killed me this week thats why I gained....more like stayvning up all night and missing meals nearly killed her!
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What a hell of an existence in that household. When Wazza’s at home he’s always in bed, she’s never in bed and the kids stay up all hours. No routine, no family dynamic very sad! Who walks the dog? No one I suspect!!
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What a hell of an existence in that household. When Wazza’s at home he’s always in bed, she’s never in bed and the kids stay up all hours. No routine, no family dynamic very sad! Who walks the dog? No one I suspect!!
Well it wont be kazza walking the dog, the only thing she exercises is her big fat gob and her husbands wallet on amazon. Yeh I know, she tries to make out they are family of the year, she sits up all night on that chair, doing god knows what, is she fit to drive a car in the morning, I say no. Dexters up all hours, she overfeeds them all with mountains of food and panders to their every pathetic self indulgent request, wont make any of them better people, just spoilt and entitled.
Spends thousands on kitchen appliances they dont actually need and sits bragging on camera about it all, fabulous🙄
Goes to bingo with her pal on bank holidays, ignores her kids real needs cause shes too busy thinking shes marvellous on youtube with her crappy questionnaires with pal michelle, who blames migraines for her years of morbid obesity. Cant walk, pensioner body, diets for a few weeks then just goes back to binging which her big fat hubby encourages with all his constant requests for cakes and takeaways. Is warren a man or a child, no one knows, kazza thinks he may die if he dont have a cake. She meanwhile scoffs all keirons AKA jesus christ grow founders healthy food list like he created fruit and veg himself🤣 whilst her kids, eat over processed garbage, starved of any real fibre or nutrients so they are constantly in the kitchen looking for food as their body needs important nutrients to grow properly. She called one of her sons a twit in front of hundreds of viewers and told her viewers that her other son needs to "man up" when he was ill and wanted to come home, but she refused to pick him up, blamed the school of course, who to an extent were to blame, but who suffers in the end, her son.
Her obese husband has chronic asthma but dont give a tit his kids could be without him if he dies from all the tit he eats. Selfish knobs, pair of them who spends thousands on their self indulgent needs, money that could be saved for their kids and holidays. She's needed a knee op for years, like this wanker husband cares 🙄with his ongoing requests for cakes.
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They both seem to have an excuse for every gain they have…going away, having a migraine, Kazza’s mum, Kazza’s kids, attending a wedding, being unwell, blah blah blah.
I watched some of the older vlogs from 2021 and it's like GroundHog Day. They give every and any excuse for gains, say they're in it for the long run and will pull it back next week! It's been the same for at least 3 years. It's unbelievable how deluded they are.
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Just watched yesterdays vlog and it starts with her and Michelle in the car, a little later she is alone in the car waiting for her eldest son and bugger me I thought it was Michelle getting back in the car, he has the same hair and glasses and he's massive.
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No sign of kazza for a few days. Hope her mum is ok……….or has she been off her diet?
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OMG her and big Carla are.like two peas in a pod! They will NEVER lose the weight they need to. It's same old same old every bloody week. Lost a few pounds, gained it again the week after. And this will carry on for years. I'm amazed they havent had a heart attack or have diabetes!
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I’m getting whiplash watching her. Weight off, weight on. 8lbs gain this week. What’s the point?! She keeps saying it’s a lifetime thing but doesn’t seem to realise that her potential lifespan is steadily getting shorter and shorter. Saying her mum has got under her skin this week and “made her eat”. What was her excuse before her mum got dementia? She’s been hugely overweight for years, long before her mum got ill.
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Her friend is always very encouraging to Kazza, even when she’s piling it on, and yet when Michelle lost 3lbs this week, you could see Kazza really struggled to congratulate her. It’s all one way traffic with Kazza.
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Her friend is always very encouraging to Kazza, even when she’s piling it on, and yet when Michelle lost 3lbs this week, you could see Kazza really struggled to congratulate her. It’s all one way traffic with Kazza.
I haven't had time to watch it yet, but I hear ya. What she verbally says and what she actually thinks are two different things and shes very easy to read, her expression says it all. I have no doubt michelle is her pal but kazza comes first😂, one way traffic indeed.
Ok update, just watched a little bit....she says her mother got under her frigging skin this week.....and wait for it.....made her eat! Im not sure I can watch much more of these blamers, ive got two holidays coming up and a family wedding, being around abusers, scroungers and constant blamers is very negative. Its not your mothers fault witch, its you and your crappy learned habit coping mechanisms. Soon as you get too much stress. Which you mainly bring on all by yourself, you turn straight to food, have done for years and now you are blaming your mum, its pathetic. If you'd had therapy or were on meds you'd have learned new ways of coping without food, your choice.
God id give anything for just one day with my mum who died in 2009. Never spoke to her like these people do. Its horrible and then they have the nerve to judge us, piss off. Sorry cannot stand this woman, shes an abusive ignorant old witch who deliberately makes herself ill by overeating and not sleeping. IF YOU THINK YOUR MUMS MENTAL HEALTH IMPACTS YOU, HOW DO YOU THINK CONSTANT Overeating AND BINGING TILL YOUR LEGS SWELL AND NOT SLEEPING AFFECT YOUR KIDS.
Horrible selfish witch.
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She’s been warned that if she doesn’t lose weight, she will be in a wheelchair……is that not enough to make you sit up and realise what you are!
Although Dexter is a spoilt brat, and we hardly hear about Jaxon, what a role model they have! Taking Dex to the tip and home bargains, what a great life for a 11 year old!
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She’s been warned that if she doesn’t lose weight, she will be in a wheelchair……is that not enough to make you sit up and realise what you are!
Although Dexter is a spoilt brat, and we hardly hear about Jaxon, what a role model they have! Taking Dex to the tip and home bargains, what a great life for a 11 year old!
She reckons cause she puts on a lot she also loses a lot, cause shes "tit hot" at dieting. That's the actual problem, half starving herself, missing out on important nutrition and then next week shes binging cause her body don't actually knows what it wants, it cant function properly. She actually acts like shes proud of this method of losing weight, shes thick in the head. wah wah wah me mothers impacting me ...and so are you with your own kids. She bakes a cake and reckons shes mother of the year, Have you seen her eldest son, on his way to morbid obesity care of that twit of a mother who over feeds her kids. Reckons her hobbling around Waitrose that shes mother of the year. Constant overspending on Amazon etc, oh believe me this woman knows why she over eats, guilt, nothing to do with her mother, its guilt. Guilt from buying endless tit like carla Jenkins two peas in a pod. Jenkins on youtube with her pal guffaw gufaw laugh laugh laugh at her own jokes, I'm so popular on social media, everyone loves me. Her son sleeps in a tiny rotton old shed every winter, wow you must have some marvellous piece of mind, NOT. All the money they have and they just flush it down the toilet.
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So tonight’s slog, Jan left her nasty comments on her weight loss video and she felt like eating 1000’s of calories as was so peed off. She is questioning whether she will continue to put her weight loss videos on YT as she has much better things to do with her time ( Tesco, Home Bargains, The Tip). So this is her get out clause so that she doesn’t have to stick to the diet (I say that loosely)…
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