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Chatty Member
We can certainly all be cunts but Katie's whole life revolves around being a cunt. It's nothing to do with being in the public eye. Her court appearances for being a cunt to exes and her endless trail of feuds and shitting on people elevate her to another level of cuntishness.
I can't believe I was mug enough to wish her well a few posts ago because I thought she was finally trying to sort her shit out.:mad: I now wish her everything she has inflicted on others. Simple as that.
Yes I know this will end badly, but she's been given help, been advised, been chastised, had her kids taken off her, had her eldest safely relocated leaving her free as a bird and been made bankrupt. I'm all out of sympathy for her and will save it for the builders, vets, horse feed people, car modification people, caretakers, nannies and businesses she screwed over financially while she shoved the money owed them up her snout.I'm over her.
Honestly I would feel the same if I didn't see most of her behaviours as symptoms of mental illness.
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Reflected view

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Something about checking the pool in I’m a Celeb for STDs because Katie had been in there. I like Emily and I dislike Katie but Emily literally made a very unkind comment to try and be funny so I don’t blame Kate for retaliating as pathetic as it is.
Yeah me to, but I feel Emily is trying to hard to be funny. There’s a side of Emily that is slipping through and I’m not liking it
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She tends to fall out with all her friends eventually. I always remember when her and Pete had Sarah Harding as one of their bridesmaids when Sarah hardly knew her! Is she still friends with Michelle Heaton?
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Controlling? Please give an example! I doubt any man could ever control KP!

It may seem a bit creepy that Emily was so young but her own parents share the same age gap and are still happily married and Emily and Pete are still together so it obviously works for some people.
Probably because he was so against her going out as he knew she would have to get full drunk and make an absolute fool of herself 🙄 which tbf any decent person would hate. As you say though who could ever control her, off she went and made a fool of herself as always. I’m sure she was back in uk one Mother’s Day and went on a night out when they were in America and off her tits drunk as always.
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Kris is clearly another opportunist! Few more kids and another divorce, sadly.
Yeah it’s a shame she hasn’t realised by now these blokes use her as a stepping stone to get famous. He’s a very odd looking guy, think it’s his teeth but can’t put my finger on it.

Katie needs someone who is successful in their own right, not interested in fame. I.e. a successful businessman, her age or a little older and who won’t take her shit and be her live in housekeeper

At the moment she goes for much younger guys, who have no money who she knows want that lifestyle and put up with her crap.
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They ran into some horses (ironically) while speeding and killed one. Cunts. :mad:

She also claimed that Leo gave her cystitis because he was so well endowed. TMI. She's a charmer.
Good god, is nothing off limits to this woman??
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Sorry but I disagree. At the height of her fame?! I don’t think so! I suppose it depends on your age but I was more familiar with him than her. She was just some tacky kiss and tell z lister while he at least had credibility as a singer and had been quite famous at one point.

Also it was Pete’s Manager who she switched to and who encouraged her to drop the Jordan persona and become Katie. She helped rebrand her and as a couple made them a lot of money.

Once Pete left her and his Manager dropped her she reverted back to Jordan and her tacky image.
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It's a shame she can't line up a steady job - not modeling or make-up masterclasses, but something more stable (perhaps as as a panelist on a show such as Loose Women) - just to get her life back on track. Having something to get up to go to, or do, every day is important, no matter who you are - everyone needs a sense of purpose. Everything is just such a mess and I do feel a bit sorry for her. But, as I said in a previous thread about someone else, you can't help people who don't want to be helped. Besides, she'd probably view a regular job as being beneath her - I think she still sees herself as a pin-up model.
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Who said he was forced to? Nagged into it, definitely.Andre is no angel by any means, but on their shows she never shut up about wanting a fairy tale wedding and that freakin' glass cinderella coach:sick:. If she was like that on camera then god knows what hellish whining and pleading went on in private.
Andre's PR team was also hers, remember? Nor were they even a top rate PR firm, far from it.It was Katie who demanded they choose between her and Andre. It says a lot that they chose what some call "the washed up singer" over a woman who her apologists claim is a huge earner worth £45 million and wonderful mummy. It doesn't make financial sense.Yet they chose the dud, because they knew pricey was a mess who'd crash and burn out spectacularly.Which she has.
As for the kids. You talk as if he had sole responsibility over her getting pregnant. The 1940's called and want their attitude back.;)
Katie has always got pregnant at the drop of a hat(or pants) when she wants to and has positively boasted of abortions. Apart from that last one where the paternity was doubtful. Babies were an investment to her.
“Nagged into it” ?- nagged into a lifelong bond of ‘love’ and legally binding contract ? That’s just as lame as “forced” into it. But all part of the same language that allows men to absolve themseleves from responsibility and place the blame solely on the woman. See also the “home wrecker” trope ... but im getting distracted.
From what I can gather from lolly's post and definitely in my view, it’s not about Katie being innocent of any of the bullshit you mention. She’s a mess, no doubt about it. But she’s guilty of far worse than the dubious claims of “nagging”the at the time broke and career light Peter Andre into marrying her. But he gets off way too lightly for his role in the whole thing. The guy clearly saw dollar signs as much as she did, both when they got married (which I won’t judge for, the public appetite was there for magazines to pay them ludicrous amounts) and when they had kids (which I will, i think it’s very sad, those poor children).
Never mind who has what PR team, the patriarchy is the greatest PR firm there is. If someone can be pressured into getting married and starting a family with someone they don’t love and selling their unhappy lives to reality tv for years with no culpability at all then they probably don’t have the mental capacity of an adult and shouldn’t be allowed to getting married at all. But something tells me all those seven figure contracts may have eased the pain for him. Remember how dead his career was when they met too ?
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Chatty Member
I know Pete likes to appear to be an angel, but he was always looking like he was going to push Junior into being a performer when they had the reality show too.

I used to really like Pete but he’s played this all down to a tee with his halo on and his 20something year old wife which is a bit creepy in itself
Agreed. Pete is creepy
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Thanks, I didn’t realise she only had Harvey now 😬
She doesn't have Harvey either. He lives in sheltered accommodation and she only has him at weekends if she's not 'busy'.
She has him at the moment probably because of the corona issue.The accommodation might have lost it's carers in the lockdown so she's had no choice but to keep him with her temporarily.
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And Devongirl has a hotline to Quickfyre, she updates us with why Quickfyre's posts suddenly go batshit/erratic.

(Strokes chin)
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I see Danielle Lloyd has also been “advertising” the clinic by getting papped on a balcony, lifting her clothes to show off some blood-filled surgical drains. Must be a clause in the contract - get a discount if you get in the Daily Mail’s sidebar of shame! 😐
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His kids with Emily are quite fair so I do think Princess is his.

He has said he kept the reason he left her private so his kids don’t see it but did say there were two reasons he would leave her..her taking drugs or being unfaithful. I think she did both.

When she gave an interview about him leaving her after her miscarriage he was annoyed and said that there was a lot he could say on the subject so yeah I reckon she got pregnant by the horse fella but aborted it rather than had a miscarriage. She had previous abortions before Pete.
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