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Moderna. 👍

My first two, I had a bit of an ache but nothing drastic & only what you'd expect with any jab. The booster was terrible. Only ever had an arm like it after having the Yellow Fever jab for Kenya ( which floored us all for a good week or so).
Yup, same with me - arm OK for first 2 (AZ), but Moderna booster really had a big effect on my arm.
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What is with the Freddy crougar nails, filers and fish lips and bleached to shit blonde hair. It's like they come as a package for woman. Maybe they get money off one for doing the other. I am happy to not be on trend and going grey before I am 30
For women? I don’t think they are. I agree she looks ridiculous and has gone way too far, but it is up to us what we do with our own faces. Each to their own! Subtle work can look fabulous and as for highlights, well big deal.

Bet there are rats running all over those cars...stinky smelly cesspit of a place...lovely area to be used as a car showroom. 🚗
How can they live there? I thought it was on contaminated land for a start!
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I mean the ones that look like sex dolls that go on This Morning and stuff they always have the bleached hair fish lips and nails. I can't say I agree too much I don't think we are supposed to have stuff pumped in our faces I've never seen it look good.
Well my face looks good and I will do with it what I choose, but as I said each to their own. Unless you live an organic plant only diet, you could say most things aren’t supposed to go into our bodies.
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RonClass51 MIN AGO
The Jaguar XK looks very nice.

  • FO
    Foxtotty6 MIN AGO
    Reply to RonClass - view message
    Tempted are you Ron? Will be a chance to meet your hero!
    REPLY 1

  • Haha. Old Ron is eyeing up Coles cars.......
Where's this, Facebook?
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Look, the original poster who got upset has since sorted it out and did state it was a massive insecurity. We absolutely shouldn't vet what's posted ourselves, but it's done and dusted now. Salt...old wounds. Never a good idea.
Thank you. I'm actually getting quite upset at the vitriol. 😔 💔 The lurkers are going to be back into hiding 😔

You seem intent on continuing this ` non argument ` ( you are looking for a row ... WHY? ) .... I think what some want to say, is ` policing what people say here ` is against the rules ... If I dont agree with something, because of personal experience, I will scroll past .... IGNORE ... we dont want conflict among ourselves on here .. It makes it uncomfortable and is not necessary ... this is a gossip site, and taking things personally, because of ` YOUR ` life experiences, is a tad unfair and in all honesty ... MANY of us have a vast variety of life experiences ... if that were the case, Id be blasting ALOT of people on here ... it isn't up to you or me, to tell people what they can say .... pwicccceeee is a loose, easy dumbfuck WHORE, and thats what we are here for ... making it personal is not required ... SCROLL PAST
Yet you are telling me what to post? Pot kettle? 🤦‍♂️
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No, she called an audience member bucket fanny 🤣🤣🤣 to be fair if something is mentioned on here that i think is going a bit far I would just scroll on after saying that there’s never anything here that’s not true or fucking hysterical 🤭
You're literally commenting repeatedly on me commenting, and saying you wouldn't comment 🤦‍♂️ 😂 I'm calling out misogynism. That's all. Because that's what it is.

I’ve been on here for over a year I used to post under another name I don’t post a lot but your comment telling people what they could and couldn’t post about isn’t in my opinion the done thing . A while back people were almost derailing this thread talking about their domestic violence experiences, it was therapeutic for some and for others traumatic so they took a break but I don’t remember anyone telling everyone else what they should and shouldn’t discuss.
Yawn. I've not TOLD anyone anything. For the thousandth time 🤦‍♂️ 😂 I made an observation to another poster who took it with politeness, and you've done nothing but bang on about it. Let it goooo fgs.
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She is facking nuts!
The KP monster,
Dry January sounds like a neither word for her MOTT!
We need a bastard break from her shite hair and sun damaged skin!
Expose on who!
She has drank and shagged them all!
And another note!
He well I use the word lightly!
Beckham thinks he deserves a knighthood!
Narcissistic wank stain!
Stop parading your endless stupid designer suits,
Your horrible wife and you best mate Gordon bastard Ramsay!
I am sure Michael Owen fathered them children because that knob is too busy being VAIN!
Must be great to see useless icons wondering around!
Its no wonder the youth of today all look like drugged up zombies with white haircuts and horrible tattoos driving around in BMW and they never pay for anything because they are entitled!!!!!!!

I love my hair!
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