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My new theory is that Skanky turned up to collect Harvey & was there only for the photo maybe? Crawl waiting outside in the car. Interesting that the only pic with her in it is the family one. Nothing else posted with her. I'm fairly confident that if she had any others they'd have been rammed down our throats.Also interesting that neither J or P are near her in the pic. I would say J & P adore Amy & wanted to see her. They still clearly see Amy, Sophie etc without Skanky tramp there. There was the pic a few weeks ago when Skanky was allegedly in the Priory. That pic was J, P, Amy, Paul, Sophie, Harry & Albert I think? Pete obviously supports their relationship. And rightly so. But can you imagine the poisonous Skanky slapper going out of her way to make sure the children have relationships with her exes families if she had custody? Would she fuck!
Her face is hilarious in that pic. She can hardly move it to smile 🤣🤣

1 thing for certain is that Mr Crawl Price, for whatever reason 🙄, is not allowed near those 4 kids.

How's she gonna lie her way out of this 'relationship' mess?

Has anyone else noticed that she's barely advertising any cheap crap other than her own? Have even the shonky sellers stopped using her? No leggings, diet crap, beauty products, hair products, food companies etc...

No management, no fungi fern seen for ages, no Jeyda, no Joel the hair bloke.....

Mr Crawl Price has absolutely well & truly destroyed her.
cant really blame him for her, she would be destroying herself no matter what.
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It doesn't make him a good person, but who knows what his upbringing has done to him; divorced parents, shady father, terrible education, no job from his own achievements only off his dads coattails, failed ambition, chauvinist and racist? takes up with a woman a lot older than him, I reckon he's a mess.
Oh yes, he must be
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I hope Princess & Junior get to see Jett & Bunny too.
I’ve noticed Kieran likes Peter’s insta posts. So hopefully they’ll be proper decent adults and get the kids together. They seem to both be doing a better job of parenting than KP.
Oh do come off it, my Staffy could do a better job than Pricey!
Not to say that the fathers are'nt better parents than the Skanky POS.
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AFP's and Sophie's outfits matches the pictures in The Scum.
Guessing P&J were just there for lunch or a quick visit.
Could Cole be there and just staying out of shot? Or is he playing chauffeur and sat in the car outside?
Could be totally wrong but the post he put up its if if you listen really closely in sure i can hear some say something and mum and other chatter , a tv is on too maybe it's that
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I feel like some conversations are pointless and deliberately inflammatory. If you say the sky is blue, someone has to say ‘no you’re wrong it’s purple’. FFS, we’re all speculating and don’t know for sure. Until we do, can we not try and be objective please! 🙏🏻
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The KP Monster
Got away with it,
But the HCJ high court judge has warned her SHE
the KP Monster,
She will go to prison if she violates any of the terms she has to stick to!
That other SORT the ex, Kieran I thought he was showing his crack on a gay website ( I think its a gay for pay web cam set up ) I don't know though!
No sitting on dildoes MR I mean you insert a finger and its over!
At least give us a slice of pizza, Mr man you know belly and tits first I AINT A SLUT!!!!😁😁😁

Jesus its still raining!
I have got beer and whisky but once you start !!!
Its not that their has been no daylight sunlight for days!
Freaks me out!
Anyway SHE
The KP Monster,
I am surprised that their is no support group for the ex s and ex husbands !
THE Damage The KP Monster did to my self esteem group!
You sit around with carrot cake and oreos,
Decide never to speak to it again!
You get a badge a complimentary scarf !
And a safe place to rant complain and SHE ain't around!!😆☺😚🤗

Anyway kiddies what's for dinner?
A small bakery!!
Gregg's is shut today!
Mind you give her its due!
She made a apology to the Internet!
The latest creature feature CARL, he looked like a woman the other day!
I want to know where she finds these guys?
Why does she insist on telling us about the MOTT!
We do not need to know her cycle etc and any other issues about that thing between her legs!
My friend was the same!
I do not need to know about periods etc or anything !
I knew more about the vagina than the unfortunate men who visited it!!!!😁😁

Time flies when you're on Prozac !😏
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I think its something to do with Turkey being Turquie in French - perhaps from Turquoise the precious stones found there? It was probably anglicised to Turkey because the bird turkey is from the USA which came about long after its namesake was named
Historical comment completed :)

Frankly Mr Price could reorganise her face again for her and then she could go-a-whingeing at the NHS to fix the mess properly for her

That is no surprise to me. Would a woman REALLY pay to look at that????
Depends on the woman. There's some strange herbs out there
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