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Hampshire Hog

VIP Member
I wonder where skanky is living 🤔 her friends won’t put up with her for to long. Perhaps she’s moved into H house now he’s in residential college, still handy for keeping tabs on wanky
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Rita Chevrolet

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Nah…. didn’t you see the decorator who did it? I was cracking up at the comments about it last night 😂😂
My daughter tells me that The Messy Plait is supposed to be rather edgy but on skanky its just an effing state! That bit of old tow-rope does'nt even match her own tatty barnet that its attached to!!
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Ok so high as fuck functioning autistic adult here. I would be intimidated by all of that nonsense tonight so Christ only knows what an impact it would have on H. I’m going to “praise” her here (can’t think of a better word right now) but the best thing she’s ever done for that incredible young man is devolve responsibility for him to people who are far more capable and far less of a car crash to look after him. She’s a grade a cunt who uses and abuses him for own pecuniary gain. Luckily the other kids have great dads who do their best but unfortunately those other kids are caught up in all the bullshit that their “mother” orchestrates. I sincerely hope that they throw the fucking book at her sooner rather than later

Same here. I wouldn't cope with the crowd/noise/wearing uncomfortable fancy clothes, let alone either of my children, who are also autistic.
I wouldn't put them through it and I would be very reluctant to put myself through it
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liar liar

VIP Member
Her sister is going with them…think she is going to have super long hair 🙄

@Jersey Girl, managed to find a live broadcast on YT of the air display, so got to see the Typhoon and Reds. 🥳
Her sister doesn't look like that lol - so many filters unbelievable. So the horse has been butchered and the tail removed... vile stupid creature she is. What has her sister got to do with anything? Munter.
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I see the old c.nts back posting on insta ! Odds on how long before she’s shows her new world 🌎 best man ever ?! I give it 4 weeks
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Chatty Member
Poor Harvey does not look to be enjoying that. She isn’t going to win anyway. Kate Garraway or Roman kemp are defo winning.
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Joanna Surrey

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I can't believe she's got the front to go, I hardly think it'll be suitable for Harvey, way too noisy and a very late night for him. She won't be in a rush to get home thats for sure. Also if Lego Man isn't in attendance that tells us all we need to know. As if Roger Mellie Man on the Telly would miss a chance to gurn away the night on the telly!
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I do wonder how the hell she gets these TV deals…and how they allow her monstrous behaviour towards her eldest to be brushed aside. She did her best to drag Dwight through shit, for being a shit dad etc, he set up a trust fund…after SHE PARTIED WHILST PREGNANT!!!!!! And Partied HARD. Then Andre, the guy loved Harvey, they break up, she BANS him from seeing him…out of spite. The poor kid. And the list goes on…the men pile up, either form great bonds and are banned from contact after her snatch chops their dick off, or she allows them to wind the poor lad up and ridicule him. This info has been public from day one…she is a disgrace, and in no way should be in this position of being nominated for gods sake…what has the world come to? Rancid wretched woman. If she did indeed have some sought of traumatic event occur as she has stated, there shouldn’t even be speculation…she should be sorting herself out and guaranteeing the safety and well being of her children and herself…not titting about with a press guessing games for cash.
Same with every other TV job she gets, how can these people not be appalled and mortified at her past behaviour including the revenge porn which is classed as abuse and part of coercive control. They are rewarding her, I just can't get my head round it, I need a huge cauldron for the amount of boiling piss it creates :mad:
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I genuinely don't understand how she would even be in the running.
Parents bring up severely disabled kids all day every day, without a second thought.
Kp was, for some unfathomable reason, paid to make a documentary about herself, er, Harvey. So what?!

That could have been really interesting if based around a couple of ordinary families and their lives with their wonderful children, about coping with transport both to school and everyday etc. Useful for others. Grrrrrr.

And although H comes across as a nice lad he is no different to many others. Some of his disabilities seem to have been made up by kp.
Kp happily rips the piss out of him yet gets rewarded?

Stop the world, it's madness.

(the only tv awards thing I've ever watched was yonks ago because my friend was at the front sitting next to Alice Cooper! Said friend didn't win independently although his main series won something I think).
I'm sure I read that Harvey has never had a professional diagnosis of Prader Willi Syndrome. Is this simply something Price invented and fed to the press and now it's taken as gospel?
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Also why the fuck does she always feel the need to kiss him on the lips, oh ye I know why to cause controversy, playing games is like oxygen isn’t it 🤬
Her lips are always covered in coldsores. Why does she keep kissing H on his lips and all over his face? I know she likes being all matchy-matchy. Is she hoping for ‘Mummy and Me’ matching scabby gobs?
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Tick tick, goes Pricey’s biological clock. It’s love tunnel is battered and worn. BoySon and Coal been firing blanks since before they were born.
View attachment 753198

Above BoySon assisting Skanky with holding in a turd, whilst at a Star Trek gathering looking like Spock.
Whatever was she thinking when she chose that ghastly creation to wear? She looks like a filthy waterfall at the sewage works UGH

I don't suppose it's occurred to her for a minute that her own fertility will naturally be declining with age.

I am still wondering if Harvey has indeed started residential college now and if so why she hasn't capitalised on it ..yet
Maybe the govt have decided that they are not going to pay out all that money on skanky's self-promotion exercise after all, especially in view of the new tax rises to pay for the NHS? Forking out hundreds of thousands for one disabled lad just so the thing can brag about how she's "dunnit fer me 'Arv..............................." would be a bitter pill to swallow for everyone who has had their surgeries cancelled due to Covid, or families with an equally disabled child who are struggling to get any help or assistance whatsoever.

I don't suppose it's occurred to her for a minute that her own fertility will naturally be declining with age.

I am still wondering if Harvey has indeed started residential college now and if so why she hasn't capitalised on it ..yet
The thing has not accepted that she's actually past it now. If it does somehow manage to get pregnant again by a miracle via some drunken oaf then all my pity would go to the child who will have a nightmare existence oncoming with skankbag :(
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Chatty Member
Bless him ... I couldnt stomach watching the whole thing, but have watched what others have posted online ... It warmed my heart seeing him look so dapper and handsome ☺💗💗 .... next to old grotbag, looks like her and the prince are definitely over ... her behaviour from here on is going to get crazier, she wont be taking this break up well, as long as the kids are no where near her, I couldnt give two fucks about the impending meltdown ... fun times ahead! (y)
I truly hope a lot of shit is revealed about her and soon....also hope the court fucking batters her in a few weeks
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Ermmmm .... I think most of us here, are glad this guy, had the sense to say in essence >>>> " Are you fucking kidding me ... you revolting old cunt, wouldn't touch you with a barge pole!! " ( as he felt his stomach ready to vomit ) ... well done to him ... and as for price???? .... Looooooooooooool ..... Shame .. how utterly embarrassing ... Il give her credit though, she waited a few weeks, her broken heart healed fast from the ` one ` ... the ` prince ` ... her ` forever and ever and EVER ` peerrrffik MAN ... we got each oversss passwodsss ` COLE ` ... before doing what she does best .. going on the ` sniff ` AGAIN for a new THE ONE ( SNIFF SNIFF ...... in more ways than one ) ...... " avee ya got instaaa? ... drooling all over him " :oops: :oops: ... Na dont fink so! :rolleyes::rolleyes:


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