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I've seen PA live numerous times and to be fair, he puts on a brilliant show....
It's horses for courses intit, one person's nectar is another man's poison 😊 he'd not be my cup of tea, but you enjoy his shows, so it's all good. The only person we can say definitely SHOULD NOT sing is Skanky, she puts on a show too, but the word beginning with B to describe it is not 'brilliant' 🤣🤣
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On tattle a while ago, there was a thread regarding a news story (it has Stormy is 72 - that one lol) :giggle:

It gave clues as to the person (without naming them) and there were many offerings on that thread as to who it was.

Eventually after the bail period ended, the story was released that it was Dizzy Rascal.

Although it looks bad for CW at this point, as he is the same age and it's his address, I totally understand why some are keeping two steps back, rather than insisting he is entirely 100% guilty of this situation.

It could have been a number of things, she may have been hysterical on arrival at the lady agent's house (which was mentioned, something about a window?) or at H's house, even one of those people could have thought a small slap to calm her was appropriate, who knows?

There may have been a discussion about ending the relationship, someone got injured by scuffling, maybe asking for the ring back?

I think this relationship had run it's course entirely, CW has looked bored and distant for ages and with no baby and no moving onwards into a new home etc., it's become stuck.
This I actually agree with, I honestly think its a drunken fight that got out of hand, we all know the Pricey will embellish a situation to suit her narrative, then realises or leaks!! Snipits of half truths to court public opinion or gain public sympathy.
IMHO... I dont think she was taken to hospital because of her alleged assault, I think she was taken to hospital because she was out of control and the ppl around her was worried about her mental state..
I honestly don't think he lamped her one, they probably had a scuffle and shes exaggerated the rest not to lose face.. talking of face!! The bruising on her face are old bruses, probably from surgery.
He probably finished thing and she lost the plot..
Unfortunately! If her side of the story is true... not many will believe her, due to her always crying wolf...
Its a sad situation for her children to of been caught up in.. I really hope SS do investigate as its obviously to the public things haven't been right for pricey and all involved for a very long time!..
And although I dont personally like Carwash Cole... I hope he isn't hung out to dry by the public court of opinion if he isn't guilty! This reeks of the Amber hurd JD situation
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Hampshire Hog

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Im saving my sympathy, for the people owed money, who have found it hard to keep a roof over their heads, to feed/clothe their children, pay bills, have lost their livelihood ... due to this fucking, scamming con merchant not paying them what she owes ..... all while laughing and sticking a middle finger up at them, while on her 20th holiday, this month ...... with her latest ` fuck boy ` ..... spending ` their ` money, like its going out of fashion ... many hinted ` essex gangsta boy `( mostly by his mates ) makes his money off radar .... is involved with the dark element ... hence, she knew, he was a wrong un and still allowed him around her children .... she also allowed him to mock, goad, her disabled son, filmed it, put it out there in the public, and all while in the background cackling, not giving a fuck, that her child was distressed at fuck boy, taking the piss ... I could say so much more, but it would take many words and hours, listing everything ... Il save my sympathy for those who are still suffering because of this fucking bitch, who seems to think the world revolves around her .. and if you honestly believe she will miss her child, while he is at residential .... REALLY?
Well said Anna and I agree 💯 with everything you put, I made the same comments a while back and how him goading H can be seen as funny is beyond me. The sooner he is in full time care away from her the better then watch him flourish into a caring non swearing young man ❤
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Hi all, newbie here 👋

Thank you for keeping me entertained with these KP threads, it's been the highlight of my day!

Her story makes no sense at all, I definitely think there was a destructive mix of drugs/alcohol involved but the whole thing smells fishier than her own krusty fanny 🤢

It's her children I feel sorry for, having that thing as a mother must be awful, you can only imagine the stick the older ones get off their mates/bullies about her.
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A quote from the "Skankmaster" after being eliminated from Masterchef "But I am so proud of everything that I have achieved. And I did try today but I just couldn't pull it out of the bag." Which is very strange because that is how she normally serves up food, unless of course she leaves it in its plastic tray
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You're rather cross aren't you.
Last time for me on this topic.

Being successful doesn't equal being technically good. Personally I think he's soft pop throwaway nonsense, an artificial man whose parenting isn't exactly brilliant especially where princess is concerned. That's my opinion and no 'you talk crap' from you is going to change my mind. I'm not trying to change yours, I'm just stating an opinion.

I haven't said you talk crap, i said that I disagree. I think you're out of order saying that to me although it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

I know very little about his wife and have no interest. Her photos are filtered and have minimal character, not my type of person.

Having never filtered a photo in my life and having zero desire for fillers, surgery, veneers etc I hardly think kp has a look i aspire to. I prefer real humans. You obviously haven't read a single thing i have posted but have zeroed in on criticism of andre.

Right, I'm popping you on ignore because I think that's best for the good of the thread and other members.
No drama, no bickering, and I wish you a nice weekend. Toodles.
Nope, I'm happy as larry (whoever he is).

Tell me where I claimed he was "technically good". (Hint, I didn't) He even admits to still using voice coaches occasionally when he feels he needs to address something.
He just sings, and earns well enough from it to live well. Which is lucky for his two eldest children since their mother has no earning capacity and no interest in her kids and blows any earnings on manicures and wigs.
Interestingly his eldest boy (16) has signed a recording contract with Columbia records, so maybe his dad's half decent singing voice has been passed down to him and been polished enough to earn him a recording contract, which is lovely news.

But back on topic, unfortunately Princess is very much her mother's daughter and in all recent images seems quite taken with uncle Cole. Though hopefully that situation should change after 'attack-gate'.
Oh, I'm on ignore:cry:. Oh well.

If...and I say IF she has said she's been thumped when in fact it's down to her dismorphic surgery then I rhink her kids need going with their various dads and KP needa to spend time in a womens refuge and let those ladies have a few words...
Oh God don't give her ideas for another bandwagon to climb on. :eek:
Abused women in refuges deserve a better mentor than pricey.

She's done the booze addiction, drug addiction, mental health, kidnapping threats, bad exes, wasn't-me-driving-yer-honour, he-done-me-wrong, gonna be an olympian rider, gonna win eurovision, fighting "trawls" while trawling other women.
Is there no end to her misery? :cry: Best keep her away from refuges.
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Thanks for the new thread ❤ bless you 💐🍾🥂 and well done @justhavingamooch on a cracking title 👏👏👏
Oh wow! Was not expecting that 🤣 er….. thanks? Thanks to my husband and children for my lack of patience and highly tuned bullshit detector… and of course to KP for being a never ending source of self indulgent attention seeking melodrama and provocation. Have a great weekend everyone 🥰
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Who cares if he isn't topping the charts, my point is he makes a good living from it. Enough to support 4 children, not be in debt to Inland Revenue and live the good life.
You said he can't sing, you were/are wrong.Whether his style appeals to you or not is moot. He sings well enough to be invited to perform at events and in west end shows, so clearly those booking him think you talk crap as well.
His wife is stunning, educated, holding down a job as a doctor and dedicated to rearing all 4 of his children, which includes two of the 5 that pricey abandoned for 4 months to go whoring around Europe drugged up and looking for a sugar daddy three years ago.
I dunno, maybe you prefer the pricey look of fake hair, tits, nails, teeth and arse. That's up to you, but no matter what she looks like she's still an ugly cunt inside and has no morals and believe me, if Andre crooked his lil finger at her she'd crawl over broken glass to get back with him.;)
You're rather cross aren't you.
Last time for me on this topic.

Being successful doesn't equal being technically good. Personally I think he's soft pop throwaway nonsense, an artificial man whose parenting isn't exactly brilliant especially where princess is concerned. That's my opinion and no 'you talk crap' from you is going to change my mind. I'm not trying to change yours, I'm just stating an opinion.

I haven't said you talk crap, i said that I disagree. I think you're out of order saying that to me although it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

I know very little about his wife and have no interest. Her photos are filtered and have minimal character, not my type of person.

Having never filtered a photo in my life and having zero desire for fillers, surgery, veneers etc I hardly think kp has a look i aspire to. I prefer real humans. You obviously haven't read a single thing i have posted but have zeroed in on criticism of andre.

Right, I'm popping you on ignore because I think that's best for the good of the thread and other members.
No drama, no bickering, and I wish you a nice weekend. Toodles.
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Bingo. This is precisely it.

I'm no big fan of Katie but some of the media coverage around her assault, and the resulting replies in the comments sections, are deeply depressing. The Sun put "assault" on quotation marks which is so snidey and shady and clearly implying it wasn't real, to my mind.

There are many good reasons why a victim that is telling the truth would not be willing to go to court. Fear of retribution, fear of not being believed, just straightforward not being able to face reliving it all in court.

Katie is currently dealing with her heavily disabled son moving hours away from her for the first time ever. I believe her Mum is also very unwell and not going to recover, if I remember right. She knows she is going to be scrutinised and mauled by the press if she gives evidence and the defendant is acquitted. Maybe she is at breaking point and just cannot face it. It doesn't mean she is lying.
" Big Sigh " ... One moment, while I get my small violin out :rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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#58 Life With KP Comes At A Price…Who In Their Right Mind Would Want THAT as a WIFE???
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I had a nose whilst lurking.. I think she made a remark about his turkey teef when she bumped into them in a restaurant 👀
No, it wasn't. It was a jokey comment on a posting she made (not this forum). Then Carwash decided to threaten her while HE was in a restaurant with Skanky, Junior & Prinny on a video then posted to their stories. It was quite quickly taken off, edited & put back on again minus the threat but by then too late, many had seen it. Blue found us all afterwards. 👍
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Megan Rose

Well-known member
I dislike KP always have how anyone can seriously suggest she is a great mother is ludicrous.
I am sure she loves her kids but she does not and never has put their needs before her own, she likes the party lifestyle too much
she also likes being in love but bores every easily hence all the affairs, not to mention flying off on holidays or having yet more surgery exactly where does she find the time to parent ? No ones perfect no such thing as a perfect parent and there’s far too much bashing of parents but in this instance she gets praised for doing the bare minimum if she lived on a council estate they wouldn’t be calling her a star that’s for sure, why as a society is it fine to make excuses for celebs and influencers but real parents struggling are vilified so much wrong with this whole celeb industry, those who follow them and defend worry me greatly.
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Chatty Member
Totally agree where did all the hostility come from, ok we are here because we don’t like kp not because of some pathetic reasons but because she is actually a vile person who has done so many people wrong and trashed their lives without giving a fuck.
if you don’t like Peter Andre then maybe make a thread to trash him on and his dr wife or Dwight York or Kieron or anyone else.
As for the DV 3 sides to every story hers his and the truth.
I would never belittle DV but seriously can you believe anything that comes out of her mouth.
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