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Oh dear skanky is out of master chef 😢

Well, thank fuck for that. We know she can't cook. She shouldn't have been on it anyway.
Back to life, back to reality…

Omg, that is so sad to see Harvey sleeping like that. She has taken his right to privacy and dignity away filming him. Shameful behaviour from her🙁
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I don't want to derail the thread and apologies if this has been discussed somewhere before but what happens if they find any sign of her hiding things? Will nothing happen because this hearing is a civil matter? Does any fraud evidence need a completely separate enquiry and evidence to be sent to police?
I would imagine they would pass info on.

Bingo. This is precisely it.

I'm no big fan of Katie but some of the media coverage around her assault, and the resulting replies in the comments sections, are deeply depressing. The Sun put "assault" on quotation marks which is so snidey and shady and clearly implying it wasn't real, to my mind.

There are many good reasons why a victim that is telling the truth would not be willing to go to court. Fear of retribution, fear of not being believed, just straightforward not being able to face reliving it all in court.

Katie is currently dealing with her heavily disabled son moving hours away from her for the first time ever. I believe her Mum is also very unwell and not going to recover, if I remember right. She knows she is going to be scrutinised and mauled by the press if she gives evidence and the defendant is acquitted. Maybe she is at breaking point and just cannot face it. It doesn't mean she is lying.
Where the hell have you been?in Hiding? She treats H like fucking shit,brings him out when she needs money her mum has been dying for over six years! Let the fucking bloke she was with taunt her disabled son,laugh about it.Her mother Saint Amy the getting best hossie treatment.Skankie is a fucking liar.Where have you been not to know.🤔
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Well said Anna and I agree 💯 with everything you put, I made the same comments a while back and how him goading H can be seen as funny is beyond me. The sooner he is in full time care away from her the better then watch him flourish into a caring non swearing young man ❤
That young mans BIGGEST disability ... is HER!! The sooner he is away from her grasping ABUSIVE manky claws the better!!
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Pink Squirrel

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Just a thought, she's technically homeless & now (we are led to believe) kicked out of Crawl' she actually has no safe place to have the kids for visits 🤔

When you strip it all away & leave what we know are actual facts, it paints a very sorry picture. She's really scraped the bottom out of the barrel & still trying to dig her way out.

Unpaid debts everywhere.
Found guilty of revenge porn against ex-husband.
Endless driving convictions.
Injunctions against her due to unacceptable behaviour.
Losing main custody of 4 out of 5 children.
Pictured numerous times driving whilst still banned.
Endangering her children by having them unrestrained in a moving vehicle. Which is also against the law.
Dogs regularly pictured unrestrained in a moving vehicle.
Many, many false allegations & threats made by her that have come to nothing.
Knowingly involved in online scams resulting in the public losing money or not receiving goods.
Neglect of animals & causing suffering to animals.
Exploitation of all her children.
Endless unacceptable behaviour regarding her highly vulnerable son.
Public drug use.
Online abuse of others (whilst campaigning against trolls 🙄)

I won't start on all the lies because I'd never stop!

Who in the hell is going to be brave or dumb enough to give this thing more airtime? 🤷
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I just came across this quote whilst trying to find out when Amy was diagnosed with IPF.

"I miss holding her and giving her a cuddle, but there's a lot of banter on our family Zooms too, because if we didn't muck about we'd never get through it. She knows that out of everyone, I'll be the one who cares for her at the end," the mum-of-five added."

She can't even care for herself or her kids! I'm sorry but she hasn't got it in her to do palliative care. Can you imagine? "Sorry, Mum, can't wipe your arse today, i'm off to Kazakstan to get my bumhole bleached."
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Joanna Surrey

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Her mother is suspiciously quiet. Don't think Carwash will be for much longer. She's gonna regret ever laying eyes on him. A whole year of showing off, spending money on endless tat, talking about a wedding that was never going to come off, flouting travel rules to go on holidays whilst some people saw their businesses go down the pan and many lost their homes. What a total twat she now looks.
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Just to add r.e Peter Andre (the really successful musical artist :rolleyes:!). My husband through his work met a extremely rich Cypriot property developer who told him that he was friends with Peter Andre and had basically taught him the secrets of his trade and that's why Peter is now a multi millionaire!
Nothing to do with music at all (although that obviously is what has made him famous).
I also agree he has unfinished business regarding Katie but then imo her relationship with Pete was maybe the one time that she actually gave something to someone else! (And lived to regret it!)
However you look at the situation (as I've said before) he comes out of it doing rather well for himself! You could add well why not?
Fair enough but their is such a stark contrast between Katie and Peter's lives (polarised opposites maybe always have been) I remember her quote on the show we go together like a battery 🔋 I'm the negative and your the positive!
This is probably true but as people on here like to talk about karma (and again why not?).
What about the karma involved in someone being a (nearly) washed up has been with his career on its last legs who gets a last chance shot at fame and fortune via the public interest in his romance with a successful glamour model?
Question is if he really had respected Katie would he have talked on camera about what her vagina taste's like or her skill in giving blow jobs?
Can you see him or imagine him talking about Emily like that?
Or calling her a whore?
So the cynic in me says that he found Katie price alluring and exciting and a bit of a good time girl he didn't respect her or what she did for a living (even though it's through her that his media profile gained momentum again!)
Yes I'm repeating myself because the veneration of Saint Pete is wearing a little thin now!
He thinks she's an attention whore (he may be right) but the smarmy little git didn't mind getting in on the act and milking that attention for himself now did he?
When the pricey gravy train was in full flow he helped himself to all of its rewards and I believe straight off from the beginning he had a very low opinion of her! Some would say with good reason but he still didn't mind putting on a loved up act in front of the camera did he?
He still didn't mind playing ken doll to her Barbie did he ?(with the album as well!)
He didn't mind making kids with her even though even a cursory glance would tell anyone that she's not exactly mother material!
No for his own personal gain (and plenty of reality shows not to mention the rest) he played at husband and dad when it suited him!
Now we are all applauding because he fell on his feet and met helpful and understanding Emily and suddenly he becomes a real dad and husband?
He wasn't a real dad and husband with Katie though he was just going along for the ride? (because a man who doesn't really love his wife is also setting an example to his kids that ambivalence is normal as is using people!)
Also there is something wrong in a parental set up where one is regarded as the good cop and the other is the bad cop!
That reeks of divide and rule to me and I think that's something that he's also good at! Yeah he's not the only player in town move over Katie price.
Again being cynical he must of known how easy it is for Katie to push the self destruct button and also how easy it is for him to come out of any situation with her smelling of roses!
My gut instinct says that man would kill to protect his self image and reputation so how nice and how convenient for him (just like he knew she would) that Katie is chaos and one hell of a hot mess!
I would say that someone who cynically engages with others instability and then walks away with their pockets full isn't really that nice at all!

Sorry to be a little abrupt in my post but everyone one slates Katie (and yes I can see why) but he isn't really any little innocent either!
I agree with most of your post and I'm no PA fan but I'm more inclined to believe he grew up, matured and chose to be a good parent/role model rather than "falling on his feet". I wasn't the best version of myself 15 years ago but I didn't make my mistakes in full view of social media/TV crews. I grew up, became a nicer person and a better parent - can't he have just done that too? In my small opinion, KP gets the hate because she never grew up and put her kids first - PA did and whether you like him or not - personally I don't - he became a better version of himself. KP has become a circus and shows no sign of accepting her own role in her car crash life or wanting to change anything about it as it benefits herself without any thought for her kids. Kids should always come first before anything - and anyone! - else but she doesn't choose her kids over anyone and that's why I think PA is a better person than KP. She is not his responsibility to take care of, why should he protect her? She doesn't have to change anything cos she knows that the fathers of her children will always step up to do the proper parenting and rightly so - imagine if PA and KH just washed their hands of their children like KP does?! They'd be slaughtered by her in the press but no-one ever says anything about her being a part time parent. If she wasn't "famous" she would have those kids removed from her care with supervised visits.

TL;DR - PA grew up and made better choices, KP didn't and that's why I dislike her so much.
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Chatty Member
Unfortunately we all know somebody, a neighbour or somebody we went to school with etc, thats a scruffy cokehead that never worked a day in her life, big greasy hair bun, wears pjs on the school run or squeezes into clothes 2 sizes too small, with lots of kids by different men, different fella every week, kids are wearing rags, unwashed, if their lucky they get cheap nuggets or pot noodle for dinner, kids never go school, always on the streets bullying others & damaging property, kids have no money for school trips etc but the mum has money for fags, drink & lip fillers..... when their not lying in bed with a random bloke their sat on the sofa with jezza kyle on in the background while stalking facebook

The only difference is, Katie got fame & money, so she can get a big house, NDA's signed and a PR team to keep a lot of it hidden.
You have just nailed her deluded chavtastic fans in one they will never see the light one fucking brain cell between them gushing about what a great mother she is god help all their children. Chiffon Rose-Mae get your fucking arse into the house now your happy meals going cold you little cunt.
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No, it wasn't. It was a jokey comment on a posting she made (not this forum). Then Carwash decided to threaten her while HE was in a restaurant with Skanky, Junior & Prinny on a video then posted to their stories. It was quite quickly taken off, edited & put back on again minus the threat but by then too late, many had seen it. Blue found us all afterwards. 👍
He snarled with those menacing cold eyes, and through gritted teeeeffff staring at the camera, pointing saying her name and threatened il " mess you up ".... and he and skanky were laughing their heads off, while both her kids looked on embarrassed and shocked, as were most of us watching ... It was very unpleasant and sounded like a direct threat, as her name was used, he meant what he was saying, and the cunt price was lapping it up ..... the name sounds male ( of the lady he threatened ) but even so, he should not have been throwing threats around to strangers on camera ... male or female ... :mad::mad::mad: ... the lovely lady in question is a cancer survivor, who has already been through enough, without being targeted in this way, so publicly
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Ok here goes ..... " Stand up ... with a look of shame on my face " ..... BIG SIGH .... ( brace myself ) ....... small silence, sweating slightly .... this is tough ..... " My name is Anna ... this past week, I've neglected most of the housework, that includes my sweet OH Mr Anna, bless him ... have paid a few bills late ... have made quick easy food, because I couldn't tear myself away from this brilliant shitshow ... prices circus, Im ashamed to say, some of it was microwave crap! ` hangs head ` ..... even stayed all day in my pajamas, no make up, my hair hasnt seen a brush in days, I resemble a demented troll, and finally had a much needed bath last night ( Mr Anna is smiling again ) .... was far to fucking lazy to go food shop, even though, I have a few major supermarkets up the road, within walking distance, again with shame .... I ordered online, even the delivery drivers were confused, tried to hide their disgust, by faky smiling at me ( but I knew ) ..... Ive been glued to Tattler for nearly a week now .... and I can say for certain .... " Uneasy Silence again " .... Im .... IM .... Immm ..... a ................. TATTLER ADDICT!!!! ...... Phewww there, I said it .... ` Hangs head in shame again `... Thank you .... :oops::oops: :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
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liar liar

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Thread suggestion:

Katie Price #58 Gimme diamonds, gimme food. Help me to increase my brood.
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It's when they were clearing some shit out the other week, poor H was tired bless him and nodded off 😔 why you'd post it I have no idea, other than that she's a cunt.
She really is a fucking cunt, that's disgusting, and as @MrsEms put above she's not thinking about his dignity or privacy, how the fuck is it legal for her to do this.
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If Krusty had any sense she'd keep track of her lies, file them, cross reference them, highlight the ones she thinks she's got away with for re-use, note down who she's told who what etc. What, to her, would be completely out of the question would be ever telling the truth.
The problem is she is so convinced she’s highly intelligent, she doesn’t think she needs to keep track…she’s fecking NUTS!

Hello peeps…newbie here! I’ve followed with horror the twat goblins life for years. I used to work in the London Club scene (Christ the shit that happened in these places…remember a certain underage ‘pop’ star having her birthday party in a private members club? Yep, that definitely happened!) At that time the coked up alchoslut used to frequent the clubs there…I can absolutely confirm she was off her tits when preggers with Harvey. She always rocked up to the clubs with what you could see she considered less pretty friend/handler/dogsbody (that way there’s no competition for cock - even then she didnt realise that a better personality trumps good looks when people pay attention)…always got them to ask people if she could have/join their table (usually a few of hundred quid a pop to secure the table, unless you worked in the industry or knew the peeps in charge)…her sidekick asked us a couple of times if they could sit at or have our table, usually China White…feck off…speak to me directly or do one you cunt! She was always so shocked when people said no…even spoke to staff to try to persuade when her dogsbody failed…bugger off, you’re not dipping into someone else’s bottle you trashy skank! Christ she was always such a mess, an element of shyness I guess (until the coke kicked in) at the time, apart from around her crew, but clearly so damn entitled.

I used to rant into the daily fail, but hated giving her money by clicking her articles!
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Pom Bear

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New thread again and I only got to page 22 of the last one lol 😄 x
Time to catch up again 🥰

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Pom Bear

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Is it ok to start at page 1 again on this new thread 😊💕 I got to page 39 but as I'm a slow reader it's taking a while. x

@fluffyglitterbug Happy belated birthday to you 💖❤💕🥰 Hope you had a lovely day! 🍷🍺🍹🥧🍰🥃🧁🎂 xxxx

Old pic time..


I got to page 41.

I'm tired now

Back tomorrow 💖
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Chatty Member
WTF I haven’t even read the last thread , so what I do know Katie said she got a slap went to the papers showed her herpes lips and a facial bruise off then decided her 25000 ring became 50000 was stolen am I all catches up 👍
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VIP Member
Bingo. This is precisely it.

I'm no big fan of Katie but some of the media coverage around her assault, and the resulting replies in the comments sections, are deeply depressing. The Sun put "assault" on quotation marks which is so snidey and shady and clearly implying it wasn't real, to my mind.

There are many good reasons why a victim that is telling the truth would not be willing to go to court. Fear of retribution, fear of not being believed, just straightforward not being able to face reliving it all in court.

Katie is currently dealing with her heavily disabled son moving hours away from her for the first time ever. I believe her Mum is also very unwell and not going to recover, if I remember right. She knows she is going to be scrutinised and mauled by the press if she gives evidence and the defendant is acquitted. Maybe she is at breaking point and just cannot face it. It doesn't mean she is lying.
I think you might be in the wrong thread.
You need to turn left at the end of the corridor.
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These people ; the Price, Katona , Chantelle , Alex Reid , The Love Island contestants - I’m sure there are hundreds of others it’s just that ive no idea who any of them are - they’re wannabe celebrities / ex celebrities with multitudinous children / engagements/ marriages , cocaine habits & alcohol habits with nary a brain cell between them & no discernible talent .

it’s like they’ve had a tiny bite of fame or attention & decide that they ARE actually worthy of what they seek , then spend their entire lives searching it out , even if it means marrying or breeding with totally unsuitable people , you can always monetise the result.

Madam Price created the blue print - something her tiny brain is probably very proud of - but can the others following her not see the state of what she has become ?

Completely washed up , lying for a living , grabbing into the nearest available wannabe man , obvious addictions , ricocheting from drama to crisis & back again and, even sadder , getting off on the attention that brings her , because it’s all she has .

Who ARE the public that buy into it & buy the magazines that these people are in ?
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