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crowbag said
I disagree with you on pretty much everything there!
Having a music career doesn't mean they're talented singers.
The Spice Girls for example, many of the boy bands, there are websites devoted to successfully crap singers.
If the camera likes them that's half the battle won.
Compare andre to roy orbison - well, there simply isn't any comparison.
And I wouldn't have recognised pa's wife from that description.
Who cares if he isn't topping the charts, my point is he makes a good living from it. Enough to support 4 children, not be in debt to Inland Revenue and live the good life.
You said he can't sing, you were/are wrong.Whether his style appeals to you or not is moot. He sings well enough to be invited to perform at events and in west end shows, so clearly those booking him think you talk crap as well.
His wife is stunning, educated, holding down a job as a doctor and dedicated to rearing all 4 of his children, which includes two of the 5 that pricey abandoned for 4 months to go whoring around Europe drugged up and looking for a sugar daddy three years ago.
I dunno, maybe you prefer the pricey look of fake hair, tits, nails, teeth and arse. That's up to you, but no matter what she looks like she's still an ugly cunt inside and has no morals and believe me, if Andre crooked his lil finger at her she'd crawl over broken glass to get back with him.;)
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I have to say I would be tempted to go for KP’s make up lessons if they can transform her face this well!
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#58 Katie Price is trying to stay relevant. Turns out Carl’s not hung like an elephant…
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Pom Bear

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I'm on page 38 ..I'm getting there slowly 😄 x

I can imagine others on here been like this lol...🥰

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I posted about 2 days ago so about 56 threads ago 😂 about a friend of mine with about the same amount of kids as coke mouth. Who is the same jumping from man to man no thought of her kids. I thought she'd stopped finally she's putting her kids first!! Nope she's now with another man! A man that 5 months ago she wouldn't touch off of he's so ugly her words. But low and behold she found out he has a good job bit of money and she's on her knees again!! Her kids will never have a normal life with the way she carries on and she wonders why I'm not her mate any more? Well it's because her kids tell me what a terrible mum she is!! All they want is some bit of a normal life and a normal mum like my kids have I'm a single mum like her as well but my kids come first I've remained single because of the chaos their dad brings. There is plenty of time for relationships there's not plenty of time for childhoods
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Pink Squirrel

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Right you lot.....I've hatched a plan to slow things down on here today......I have decided that today should be 'say nice things about Katie Saturday'. That should keep the comments down to ZERO & give us all a much needed break 👍👍🤣
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I've not watched any of the Masterchef KP has been on but this morning my friend said she was on the same episodes as Dion Dublin, and apparently back in the day, pre-PA, KP was desperate to get with DD because of the rumours about his trouser contents. So my friend reckons she picked up his number during filming Masterchef and has been texting him again & Carl found out. Of course this is just a rumour but it's quite a good one!
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Pom Bear

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Oh my word what has happened to this thread 🤷🏻‍♀️so much hostility 😔 my Tattle chums cheered me up and always managed to put a smile on my face but since attackgate not so much 😔 come on Pink,Dolly,Liar,Rita,Staple,Blue and Pom make this misog old gel smile again and give me belly laughs 😊

Pom hugs to you and a pic to make you smile ❤🥰💖🤗😘 xx

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Bingo. This is precisely it.

I'm no big fan of Katie but some of the media coverage around her assault, and the resulting replies in the comments sections, are deeply depressing. The Sun put "assault" on quotation marks which is so snidey and shady and clearly implying it wasn't real, to my mind.

There are many good reasons why a victim that is telling the truth would not be willing to go to court. Fear of retribution, fear of not being believed, just straightforward not being able to face reliving it all in court.

Katie is currently dealing with her heavily disabled son moving hours away from her for the first time ever. I believe her Mum is also very unwell and not going to recover, if I remember right. She knows she is going to be scrutinised and mauled by the press if she gives evidence and the defendant is acquitted. Maybe she is at breaking point and just cannot face it. It doesn't mean she is lying.
Im saving my sympathy, for the people owed money, who have found it hard to keep a roof over their heads, to feed/clothe their children, pay bills, have lost their livelihood ... due to this fucking, scamming con merchant not paying them what she owes ..... all while laughing and sticking a middle finger up at them, while on her 20th holiday, this month ...... with her latest ` fuck boy ` ..... spending ` their ` money, like its going out of fashion ... many hinted ` essex gangsta boy `( mostly by his mates ) makes his money off radar .... is involved with the dark element ... hence, she knew, he was a wrong un and still allowed him around her children .... she also allowed him to mock, goad, her disabled son, filmed it, put it out there in the public, and all while in the background cackling, not giving a fuck, that her child was distressed at fuck boy, taking the piss ... I could say so much more, but it would take many words and hours, listing everything ... Il save my sympathy for those who are still suffering because of this fucking bitch, who seems to think the world revolves around her .. and if you honestly believe she will miss her child, while he is at residential .... REALLY?
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I’ve already touched on my experience but a person I was afraid of and under the influence kept coming to my house, banging on the door and also smashed in the door ripping off the letterbox and smashing a window. I called the police on this person who came out and let him into the house and asked me to consider sorting things out with him and that they had no proof of the door damage and it was a civil dispute
They could see I was scared and left me with him. I ended up barricading myself into a room and ran away when he fell asleep the early hours.

Someone who helped me (male relative) collect my things a few days later was arrested in a dawn raid for threatening this person, banged up for 9 hours and we all had to basically beg the police to tell us where they took him and give a load of statements and phone/message proof this person was just helping me from the actual dangerous person. Who also was never arrested even when they tracked me down when I moved and Essex police sent me a PCSO in a smart car when I called 999 scared

It was so traumatic
He was so pally and blokey with police and they had no patience for me being hysterical at all
They even all laughed with him at me

Fuck you Essex police!
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Unfortunately we all know somebody, a neighbour or somebody we went to school with etc, thats a scruffy cokehead that never worked a day in her life, big greasy hair bun, wears pjs on the school run or squeezes into clothes 2 sizes too small, with lots of kids by different men, different fella every week, kids are wearing rags, unwashed, if their lucky they get cheap nuggets or pot noodle for dinner, kids never go school, always on the streets bullying others & damaging property, kids have no money for school trips etc but the mum has money for fags, drink & lip fillers..... when their not lying in bed with a random bloke their sat on the sofa with jezza kyle on in the background while stalking facebook

The only difference is, Katie got fame & money, so she can get a big house, NDA's signed and a PR team to keep a lot of it hidden.
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I just want to say .... my goodness, I do love this place, and the people, like one big lovely dysfunctional family 😝 ... the detective work is next to none ... and the speculation, and theories, twist and turns ... are better than any drama on the tv, its so refreshing reading everyone's opinions, it opens up new avenues, and makes you think .... It's just one big melting pot, we all throw something in, and it all flows like a river, and the best thing of all, its free speech, price and her cronies, can not police and control what we say .... Long live Tattle life (y) ☺❤❤❤
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Where is this from? Why would you do that and film it ffs
It's when they were clearing some shit out the other week, poor H was tired bless him and nodded off 😔 why you'd post it I have no idea, other than that she's a cunt.
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Ok, it’s a bloody good job I don’t have kids or they’d be feral by now with the amount of time I’ve been reading the latest saga on here.
My house looks like the MM, and I’m very quickly turning into Waynetta Slob. All that’s missing is a JYY trackie and fur sliders 😏
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liar liar

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I never liked kieran. Something sneaky & fake about him... but his voice annoys me, sound like hes clenching arse holding in a fart. Made him do everything and constantly called him fat. But hes a snake too

Alex Reid, thought he was a weirdo to be honest. Like he wasnt fully there in the mind. Sort of slow & innocent. She got with him to make Pete jealous & she knew he was a bit stupid and she could boss him about.

Pere. Attention seeker but good dad. Definitely not an angel. Saw him get too angry and snappy in a nasty vicious ways in their tv shows. His mask fell, But pretends to be mr nice guy.. but she constantly put him down & made fun of him. She would take him back in a heartbeat

Kris Boyson - seemed ok, great with Harvey, tried to get her to act more healthy & ladylike but he cant be that smart coz it was never going to happen. She made fun of his nose & looks all the time.

Leandro - no idea what hes like coz i cant understand his language. No idea why she got with a guy she needed a translator for

Dane Bowers - Hes a bit miserable and moody but she stalked him for years so dont blame him

Dwight - useless to the core, no loyalties to his child. But she needs to stop stalking him. Hes not interested, Harvey doesnt know him, miss him or understand. Have respect for yo
yourself & your kid & stop begging for him to be part of life. No way would i let a man near my kid if he denied him

Matt Peacock - just wanted to get famous by bedding Jordan & Jodie Marsh... katie knew it would get headlines

All the other ones. Dont even remember their names🤣🤣🤣🤣
You just don't read stuff do ya? If it wasn't for Dwight Harvey would not have a Trust fund worth millions, no-one would have taken care of Harvey as a baby but Amy did because Dwight paid her directly. Oh and a long list of her ex b/fs is in the Wiki too.
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