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probably a fan of KP supporter Ron class or bunny cuddles. But what's sad trying to make out that eden isn't autistic commenting on his IG
Well let’s hope they finish their little rant soon as it’s nearly bed time for the little Insta’s , saying that is Saturday so maybe their parents will allow them to stay up a little later 🤣😂🤣
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Rita Chevrolet

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Wow…. I hope the Sun review this!!! What a vile bully Cole is!

View attachment 624364
You know one thing strikes me in this nasty little episode of Doris'

Eden is SENDS right? Yet he has written and eloquented a reasoned argument at Doris that by far exceeds the 8 year old's drivel that emanates from Frankenprice and this dickhead put together. Hmmmmmmmm what does that prove to us huh? LOL
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They added: "Despite her efforts to lose weight she has gained over two stone - this in turn has put immense pressure and further strain on her feet and is directly affecting her walking and management of day to day as a mother of five without being in constant pain.

I forgot to say, so she is going to have surgery to lose weight because it is causing constant pain, BUT, IF, she does get pregnant, then she will put weight back on again and still be in constant just couldn't make it up.
How the fuck do you gain 2 stone while “trying to loose weight” what a twat
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Yep, she is dumb! - Clubs would not let Harvey in with all his disabilities and IF they did, I can't see Doris taking him with them
He has sensory issues, due to his autism and other conditions .. from what she has shown us, he doesn't like noise, or bright lights and kicks off big time, smashing his head into walls, and breaking things, she even told us, he can attack ... so how the fuck will he behave in a loud nightclub full of people with strobe lights flashing, she continues to talk out of her dumb arse!!
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See, you're a good mum, unlike Skanky and you actually care. Happy birthday to your boy, I'm sure he'll be fine ❤😘 and if he's a good lad, he'll know you'll be worried so he'll not be silly.
Thankyou, he is a lovely boy. I admit I've over compensated with doing too much for him when I'm well because when I'm not it's been awful for the whole family. They've not had it easy in some ways!
He still calls me mummy, he did this morning and it gave me the biggest smile 😊
He knows it😂
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Joanna Surrey

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Captain Carwash Codswallop spouting off again. What a truly vile piece of work he is. Very quiet on the surgery front, wonder if it's all gone wrong and God knows what he is supposed to be getting done!😂😂
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Pink Squirrel

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probably a fan of KP supporter Ron class or bunny cuddles. But what's sad trying to make out that eden isn't autistic commenting on his IG.
Obviously hit a nerve and they have been frenzy reading the comments over on IG calling bullyboy cole out for the vile bully he is, bet Ron and co are rocking back forth and crying in the corner 😂
So that zero braincell moron personally knows the 2 people in question to know that they are not autistic or in remission from cancer? No? Didn't think so. Just 1 of the tiny flock of sheep who worship Skanky & Crawl 😡
@BigBlue2018 I feel the need to apologise to you on behalf of that absolute halfwit who claims to know that you are a non cancer suffering troll 😡.
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Pink Squirrel

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Where was that picture taken? He's not in Turkey surely?
That's his residential setting. Obviously something she's saved up to share when deflection is needed 😁 Not getting a positive response to her 'vital work' in Turkey so she wheels Harvey out & all the brainless morons say awwwwwwww, you're such a great mum 🤢🤢
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Rita Chevrolet

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What a moron! Still can't put it on correctly! Is life that shit that this is considered interesting to post?? WTF!!! anyway, back to work- proper, respectable work. Ballbag
Look at this old bollocks then! How many more times are they going to announce this engagement of theirs or do they think people are going to be more excited for them every time they grandly annnounce it?

Got news for you Frankenprice & Doris Carlott - NOBODY gives a frig :)

It's not her - this woman has her kid with her. :)
and as we know Frankenprice doesn't do kids - they're for dumping onto their fathers so she can get another one by another bloke (or try to);
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Morning all,

Ladies day, what colour is Peeko going for? Matching hat and face I mean bag?

Has it been determined if Katie is having surgery or gone for IVF and is Carl having his morose I mean nose done?

MrsEms and Pom hope you’re ok,
Hi to Blue too, have a good day,
Hello my lovely harri, I've been really busy so just popping in and out of the thread. My baby boy past his driving test Tuesday and its his 18th birthday tomorrow so more celebrations 🎉

I'm also waiting for the hilarious pictures of her botched surgery! I haven't watched a horror movie for a while so I'm looking forward to a terrifying gorefest!🤣

Hope all is well with you😊
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I know I'm taking a break but like Pom couldn't resist!


Just had an update from my good chum, 'The 'Butcher of Istanbul MD'.

Skankys face has been stapled and glued back on and Cole has had his 6 pack operation. But as 'Butcher' had to use recycled tyre threads for Coles procedure as it was free it sadly went a bit tits up. Before and after pics attached. Cole is on the mend though under the circumstances.

In all honesty neither were a roaring success. My TV Crew are on standby zooming me in to Skankys full body lipo in a few days time. Wish I could be there to assist.

I'll keep the Krustys posted. Love you all. Blue!


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Chatty Member
Both Katie and Carl are disgusting! Katie ,and Carl, both exhibit the behaviour they “advocate against” quite openly. Katie doesn’t want “Harvey’s Law” she wants Harvey in the limelight so people then troll.
Well Katie look up Harvey Price on Tik Tok just as I have done.

Look at the video views. The SOURCE of EACH of these is YOU!!’


YOU have done this to your son! 😡😡

Think about that whilst your 27 st sons beautifully, wholesome, loving heart works hard to keep him alive due to your laziness and ignorance.

Edit: I suspect the Sun has its comments off due to being involved in the Rooney vs Vardy case.

I’m so sorry to read about your Mum. I’m coming up to the age my mother was when she died and I’m doing everything in my power to make sure I avoid risk so my children don’t have to go through what I did. Bless you ❤
Katie has been fully aware of the Harvey tiktok accounts for over a year but never done anything about it.. no complaints's all very sad that she ignores it
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@Penguin86 well done on the winning title 🏆

here you go! Let’s all report the Bitch.
Feel free to use my screen shot as proof 👍

They added: "Despite her efforts to lose weight she has gained over two stone - this in turn has put immense pressure and further strain on her feet and is directly affecting her walking and management of day to day as a mother of five without being in constant pain. (Nothing to do with all the burgers and junk food then and in her words, 'I'm too lazy to exercise' on her gifted AI Carol bike? Mother of 5, has she suddenly remembered she has children and they are not just for pap photos?)

"Katie accepts she is in a fortunate position to be able to undergo this procedure and would like to reassure in doing so is part of her 'work', in sharing her journey as she endures further emotional, mental struggles and challenges." (Nah, just wanted a free holiday to coincide with her 1 year anniversary, it's for vanity, not exactly a huge Youtube star is she. Fortunate position...She has gone to Turkey, as no reputable UK clinic would touch her with a barge pole. Oh here we go, the 'mental' struggles, yet well documented in her words, that she has 'never been happier' since she has been with Cole and is hopefully sh!tting herself at her impending court appearance)

Both Katie and Carl, and their camera crew, will pay £1,750 per person for the mandatory quarantine hotel upon their return. (yeah right, will believe it when I see it, where is the BANKRUPT Katie Price getting £1,750 to pay for that, or the £12k surgery? Surely it's not all for free just for a couple of Insta #ads and then 6 months down the line will be selling a story to say how she's not happy with the work and needs to get the Be-Clinic mugs to sort it out again.)

The Sun revealed that Katie will be getting full body liposuction, a brow and face lift AND new teeth - which will set her back over £12k. (Unbelievable)
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I am so very sorry to hear that and even more sorry, horrified and quite frankly pissed that ron is stalking and trolling yo you. I enjoyed your pictures of your dinners so very much and that asshole ruined it.
That bloody Ron is nothing but a BABOON I tell ya 😔
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That was my thought too. Selfish cow, she has no idea how to care for him. Kids like Harvey need routine and predictability, not their mother disappearing for weeks on end and coming back looking like a Halloween costume after butchering herself again. I feel really sorry for all her kids. Can you imagine the grief they must get at school, especially the older two.
They’ll probably be on loose women in a few years talking about their depression &anxiety , I think it would be horrendous seeing your mother in a porn show & off her face on cocaine . But nobody seems to be doing anything about her behaviour , feel sorry for the kids they didn’t get to choose ! Someone should have stepped in years ago .
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Well that bloke should contact the Scum immediately and put his side of the story. There will be proof out there that he never mentioned Harvey.
Not that it will make a blind bit of difference but i emailed the Scum to say how disgusted I am about their article and they are basically promoting the bullying by Doris and did they actually bother to look at the boys side of it.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Thread suggestion,

Morning Peeks
Aye up, someone likes their Beaches? (Film joke)
Trying to remove a rust stain from white shirt any advice welcome. Talking of rust Katie must spend a fortune trying to get rid of tan and makeup stains from her clothing! The Sun probably helps!
Have a good day

NB my worry of Peekos whereabouts has made me come out in a huge, throbbing cold sore!
I also suffer badly with coldsores due to stress. It's very painful. Sending gentle socially distanced hug 🤗
I highly recommend Body Shop camomile balm for stain removal. It's actually a make up remover but I've long used it for all sorts of stain removal 👍

She must really be banking on there being a huge interest in her upcoming surgery on YouTube. She's keeping it all super quiet. I'll bet she's struggling to not be in the media 50 times a day with fairytales.

I'm quite enjoying the break from it all.

What's it like now Crawl's getting more attention than you Skanky? Albeit for negative reasons 😁

I'm sure the dad's are currently breathing easy knowing that their kids will not be in the company of their delightful mother for a while.


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