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Stan Butler

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My first thought on her arse photo was fucking hell she has less shape than a potato (sorry @Stan Butler 😘) then my defensive self deprecating brain kicked in with ... My legs look better than that and I have cerebral palsy and a LOT of muscle
wastage plus the flat arse my Dad's side blessed me with 😂

She looks fucking horrendous, how the bloody hell are people attracted to it. If that showed up on only fans wouldn't you ask for a speedy refund
You've upset Sensei Pa Tato now Jane,,,😘 he's walked off in a strop.🤣🤣🤣
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In case anyone wanted to hear her dulcet tones!! I don’t know who I’m more embarrassed for! Her or Princess!!


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Oh dear @Schmooze what you think about her BH,itsgetting beyond it.Your lovely thoughts and knowledge please?Personally It goes over me bonce haven’t a clue how it works,can she get done though?
I have to say I’m more than puzzled and perplexed by it all now. I think the courts have more than accommodated all of her tricks and stunts and was dearly hoping that she was in last chance saloon and that the PE would go ahead and justice would be seen to done. I don’t think we even know for definite that this next hearing will even happen? I still remain hopeful that the background investigations are continuing and this will result in criminal proceedings. The criminal investigation is definitely not dependent on the PE happening as the evidence collected in the background can be more than enough. The PE is more about being her to account. The main problem as I see it is that the insolvency laws are just not made with people like her in mind as 99.9% of all bankrupts comply and even those who don’t are brought to book without too much difficulty. The bankruptcy courts will have rarely seen the likes of her and to an extent there is no precedent on how to deal with it hence hearing after hearing where seemingly no progress is made & she just sticks 2 fingers up. There’s no provision in law for a Trustee to look in her bank account or take control of her spending & money. It’s all usually done by compliance - her accounting for her income & expenses & she just sticks 2 fingers up at it all. So the go down the PE route & she does it again and again. As I’ve said previously these court hearing have to be funded by the Trustee out of asset realizations & if she’s not accounting for her assets then there’s no money to pursue her and so it goes round and round. If there has been forensic accountants appointed the creditors will have stumped up the fees for that as there nothing in the pot. But someone posted about seeing the bigger picture looking at her current state of affairs and I agree. Now pretty much scratching a living. MM gone, kids gone, looks gone, relationships gone, 1st class travel gone, VIP stuff gone, TV and magazine work gone, friends if she had any gone,fans gone & those she has are brain dead - don’t believe the new house charade - all smoke and mirrors - she’s responsible for all her bills now whereas at the MM she was just paying the minimum knowing they would all fall into bankruptcy no 2 so those outgoings will come home to roost soon enough. That repossession was going on for months and months and months. You don’t get a repossession letter just “out of the blue’ You can see her desperation low rent selling stuff , scratching a living, lie after lie after lie to make us think she’s living the dream - selling on train stations & at her boob reconstruct clinic - very classy that! to bring in pennies. Imagine her life now. No thanks you can keep it. All brought on completely by herself. Thought Pete’s comments this week were interesting. All these years absolutely nothing from him. Not a comment no oxygen - then that. What’s been going on to break his silence? Something absolutely awful is my guess to do with J&P my guess & maybe we’ll never know. What a nasty piece of work she is. Oozes out of every pore. Happy Friday Krusties!
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Pink Squirrel

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How long before the vicious old cunt snaps back at Pete AGAIN? I honestly don't know how they all cope with the jealous, poisonous, bitter, twisted old sIag. It must take a huge toll on their mental health. And absolutely draining. This utter bollocks about "the kids know the truth about Pete".... yeah, is that HER truth or the ACTUAL truth? And whatever it is they know, they still choose to live with their dad & Emily. I wonder/wander how they're feeling today knowing that their "mum" is begging for pennies on OF for a flash of her nippleless butchered tits.
"I'm on the up" Skank, you're really not on the up. You are very much at the bottom & still managing to sink further down in the depths of "desperate to stay relevant". You have absolutely nothing. No money, no house, no driving licence, no kids, no friends, no talent, no positive qualities of any description whatsoever. You totally deserve to be where you are. And I hope you stay down there, at the bottom, with the rest of the dregs of society.
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I've speculated about this several times myself and is the only conclusion I've come to that makes perfect sense for what the Skank really is.
She's going through life in the way she is BECAUSE that's what she grew up seeing and learning from her mother.

Speaking from my own experience, it took me many years to recognise that and I was lucky through therapy to change myself and the way I treat others. However sadly it affected me badly enough to stop me wanting to have children through fear of me visiting onto them what I had suffered myself 😔
She can't possibly not know by now the depth of the damage that kind of parenting causes and yet she carries on 🤬🤬🤬

Some people don't deserve kids 👎
I have a sister who is formally diagnosed with NPD that I have been no contact with now for 10 years because she is so destructive, my other sister is a psychologist (diagnostic), it's apparent to her that Mum has a couple of personality disorders alongside the fact that she is highly narcissistic ... our childhoods were hell, I have spent most of my adult life in therapy as has my sister ... NPD sister is a product of our childhood but refuses to get therapy because she doesn't think she needs it ... I have to keep a distance from Mum and take contact breaks, often for months, to protect myself. The lies, the rows that come out of nowhere, the unwarranted attacks, the manipulation, they hate everyone and everything but appear lovely, nice and kind to strangers. Mum emotionally destroyed 3 husbands including my Dad ... brought umpteen men into our lives that we were told to call Daddy ... found out later most of them were married men ... she married a guy who my sister believes was a psychopath - that was 2 years of even worse hell than being alone with her. I feel for all of KPs kids because people don't understand, even as an adult I have had partners and others telling me I should 'try harder' with Mum and NPD sister, Junior appears to have gone no contact and Princess has reduced it now that B&J have been removed, she was probably trying to protect them as things really disintegrated. Emily wrote a book on MH for kids ... she is a clever woman, I absolutely 💯 believe that she educated herself in that area because of supporting J&P, what a wonderful step mother, they must thank God for her every day.
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How long before the vicious old cunt snaps back at Pete AGAIN? I honestly don't know how they all cope with the jealous, poisonous, bitter, twisted old sIag. It must take a huge toll on their mental health. And absolutely draining. This utter bollocks about "the kids know the truth about Pete".... yeah, is that HER truth or the ACTUAL truth? And whatever it is they know, they still choose to live with their dad & Emily. I wonder/wander how they're feeling today knowing that their "mum" is begging for pennies on OF for a flash of her nippleless butchered tits.
"I'm on the up" Skank, you're really not on the up. You are very much at the bottom & still managing to sink further down in the depths of "desperate to stay relevant". You have absolutely nothing. No money, no house, no driving licence, no kids, no friends, no talent, no positive qualities of any description whatsoever. You totally deserve to be where you are. And I hope you stay down there, at the bottom, with the rest of the dregs of society.
Brilliantly put again Pink. (y) ❤
She's like one of those bottom feeding fish, scavenging along, trying to pick the last rancid crumbs left behind.
She know's it & everything is bravado with her, because she's still arrogant. She's got nothing left. I still believe the relationship is fake. He's just not her type, in fact, he's nobodies type. Certainly the ugliest drip she's ever been attached to.
Princess & especially Junior must be so embarrassed every time she opens her gob to speak or try & sing. Clearly they are very happy with Peter & never attempted to move in with her. She's hit rock bottom now. No point in anymore surgery. It can't improve the mutilated mess. She has an ugly, Black heart, just like her harridan mother. And her shocking behaviours are getting worse. I'm not sure how Peter or Claire can stop her constant bitterness & persecution.
She is never going to be able to afford the rent & bill's by just travelling around wailing out a song, or doing plaster classes & pod casts. I'm assuming the book advance has paid the rental deposit & see her through a few months rent/bills. By rights, the trustee's should have pounced on that. That money will be long gone by the time she ever get's to a BH.
I hope the next few months will be interesting, can't see her crawling out of the mess she's made of her life. Clinging on to 'fame' by her fingernails, with just a few morons who can't see the truth if it slapped them in the face with a brick.

Possibly idea for next thread title: #402 Just have zips put in those tits. And one for the gob will do the job.
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Fab new thread title by @DC16 👏👏👏 sorry had to chop and crop a bit to fit but i think we squashed enough descriptive words in there to get the jist 🤣🤣

So big news guys
The day arrived, the bailiffs descended upon the MM and thats it the end shes out 😁😁😁😁
In an attempt to deflect she has had another boob job 🥱🥱🥱 yet to see the outcome of that but if youre a desperate sad sack whos into mutilated mutton youre in for a treat....subscribe now 😁
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View attachment 3023634
Singing to her. MY MY MY 🙄🙄🙄
How embarrassing, clearly off her face (she will claim post surgery painkillers, but she will be abusing them and adding alcohol to achieve that level of off her face - P will know that) ... desperate to get Ps attention ... P has very obviously reduced contact and gone grey rock, she isn't letting Kipper latch onto her SM coat tails and use her for media attention anymore. Yes, P will be upset about the continued attacks on her Dad, but, I really do think the girl only stuck around her recently to try and protect B&J - she will know the truth of what went on and why they were removed - and some of it will have been familiar to her own childhood before Dad got full custody
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Let us dissect this photo so that if she reads this she may come to her senses and see what 90% of people see. Call it a public information service…
Here we have a 46yo woman standing on someone else’s sofa in scratchy, cheap nylon underwear, reminiscent of a Readers Wives shoot. She has her arse cheeks on display which look like dropped pancakes, flat and saggy. Her arms and legs are showing a lack of muscle tone and her crepey skin advertises the fact that she is middle-aged. Her fading tattoos look cheap and nasty. She is like an old, rundown seaside resort. Once glamorous, now discarded and careworn but still trying to attract attention with garish displays and loud noises.

But, Krusties, look at her reflection, look at her eyes. Her cold, dead shark eyes that arrogantly try to hide the fear. She knows it’s over, she knows she is a tragic laughing stock who belongs with the dregs of society. She has had her children removed from her because she neglected them so badly, she has had her house repossessed because she didn’t pay her bills, she has conned countless folks out of money and is millions of pounds in debt, her ‘relationship’ with a dull, fugly nonentity is a joke. But she will continue telling herself how fabulous she is. She will lie, cheat and grift convinced she can recapture her glory days because she believes she is worth it.

You‘re not worth it, Katie, you’re worth nothing. You can keep kidding yourself but the truth is that your chickens are finally coming home to roost and you will soon be in obscurity with the other bottom feeders where you belong.
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How long before the vicious old cunt snaps back at Pete AGAIN? I honestly don't know how they all cope with the jealous, poisonous, bitter, twisted old sIag. It must take a huge toll on their mental health. And absolutely draining. This utter bollocks about "the kids know the truth about Pete".... yeah, is that HER truth or the ACTUAL truth? And whatever it is they know, they still choose to live with their dad & Emily. I wonder/wander how they're feeling today knowing that their "mum" is begging for pennies on OF for a flash of her nippleless butchered tits.
"I'm on the up" Skank, you're really not on the up. You are very much at the bottom & still managing to sink further down in the depths of "desperate to stay relevant". You have absolutely nothing. No money, no house, no driving licence, no kids, no friends, no talent, no positive qualities of any description whatsoever. You totally deserve to be where you are. And I hope you stay down there, at the bottom, with the rest of the dregs of society.
She is back at the beginning ... selling pictures of her tits for coin ... its gone full circle ... she is finished because this time she isn't a young girl starting out, she is a haggard botched miserable delusional middle aged woman . There is no way back up that greasy pole that she has slithered all the way back down
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Whilst it’s quiet on the Kipper front, I just wanted to say I have been lurking more these days. I have more time on my hands due to illness. Anyway, It occurred to me that rather than relying on other long suffering Tattlers to relay all the podcast details - I could listen to it myself. I ventured forth (armed with a cup of tea) and had a listen. OH MY GOODNESS!!! It is so incredibly boring! You could sit on public transport anywhere and hear more interesting conversations. Just humourless, inane drivel. The audacity of packaging that up and calling it a podcast! I am outraged. It has of course been mentioned here that the podcasts are boring. However, nothing could have prepared me for how truly bad they are.

The conversation is just so forced and uninteresting, plus their voices are beyond irritating. The beige bore sounds like she has a blocked nose and kipper sounds worse than ever! I did think their fascinating chat peaked at Edna describing the IOW festival toilets!

Anyway, I have more admiration than ever for the brave folk who endure these podcasts for our benefit. I shall return to reading your detailed summaries and save my sanity. It all ended especially badly for me when “The Katie Price Show” kept popping up on my lock screen. I couldn’t get rid of the damn thing and have now deleted the podcast app completely!
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Joanna Surrey

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I like everyone else am absolutely fuming about the delay with the bankruptcy but actually it doesn't really matter in the long run. She's absolutely finished. Kids gone, house gone, earning power gone, no real friends and a complete idiot for a fake boyfriend. Her spending days will come to a natural end She has no way of earning big bucks anymore the rental will probably swallow more than she brings in. She loves to spend and waste thousands, but the simple fact is one day soon the mattress money and any credit left will simply run out, it's just not possible to spend when you've no money. Ha hahhhhaaaa I just feel so sorry for all the poor people she's shafted who will never be paid out.
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I wonder/wander if P has finally gone none contact like Jnr? My guess is KP has been awful to Pete and Emily and P over control of her birthday or something like that and gone too far.

Using the 'I gave you life / I'm you mum, you're my baby' crap is so emotionally manipulative.
Oh hang on, the 'remember you're a human not a product'........I bet this is over some deal Princess has got and KP has been trying to stick her beak in and is insanely jealous. She was probably abusive and nasty and is trying to paint it as looking out for P.
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Well, she spends, spends, spends on SOME things. But compared to her past life, it's NOTHING. Just think, she used to fly out to LA just to have her hair done and she also transported her horses over to LA when she was there for a few months whilst married to Pete. £££££. She drove around in seriously expensive cars - brand new Lamborghinis and the like or had chauffeurs to ferry her around to events. They flew first class all around the world at the drop of a hat to 5* resorts in the Maldives etc.
Of course, all that too could have been smoke and mirrors or freebies/promotions. We are well-versed in how she operates now and can spot her deceptions a mile off.
But look at her now. She has an old RR that she can't legally drive. 'Her' house is/was a dump. She hasn't (apparently) flown for months and when she has done before that, it's been Easyjet. No chauffeur-driven transport but travelling by train and waiting to change at tatty-looking stations in the arse-end of nowhere. Flogging cheap tat on the internet that looks as if it would go up like a Roman candle if it got anywhere near a naked flame.
She's in a fake relationship with a deadbeat 'boy' who appears unemployed and there is zero spark or affection between them. In the early days with Pete (before he realised just what he had married), they were tactile and loving towards each other - or rather, he was. She had a family life, even if she didn't seem to appreciate it and now she effectively lives alone, apart from the few hangers-on who are still interested for some reason. And she has to force the notion that she is a singer to people who haven't really realised yet how terrible she is on stage. I suppose the proof of the pudding will be how many repeat appearances she is asked to make.

I mean, come on. Would any of us swap our lives for hers (or anything in it) for one minute?
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