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She has the Panto with Katona at the end of the year, they pay quite well, it was reported she got £60K for it last time. I don’t believe that, I think it was more like £20-30K max, which I expect this one will be as well. What I don’t understand is why the trustees aren’t taking a percentage of the book advance, panto fees, her Pride appearances and other things she’s doing, just that pathetic 40% from Backgrid and OF, and she just dropped Backgrid 🤷🏽‍♀️

There’s reasonable money available for the creditors coming in, but she’s just taking the payments, paying no tax on it and laughing at her creditors, as she spends spends spends. I’m, well I think all of us and the public are just flummoxed by the inaction in her bankruptcy, why won’t they tackle her, there’s money coming in to go to her creditors, but they won’t take it from her, it’s ridiculous 🤷🏽‍♀️
Sit tight Kylie ... things are changing ... the MM is gone ... the BH did put a 40% attachment of earnings on her main income streams last time (if she was getting regular or even decent money from tv reruns, youtube or facebook that would have been included but it wasn't so that income stream isnt there) ... the next BH I think more attachment of earnings will be made and if she had the book advance paid to AFP or anyone else to hold for her the FA will be onto it ... she is in a rental now, where is the money coming from to pay for it, who's bank account and if transferred into hers where from ... she is upto her neck in the shit now, the money will be easy to trace ... sit back and enjoy the show ... I smell a prison sentence for money laundering, tax evasion and fraud ... she is avoiding the BH because she will incriminate herself and a lot of others ... and she knows it
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What I want is for Katie to be cancelled - completely and utterly cancelled from all public media events and her income stream from them cut off at source. I don’t want to see her mentioned in newspaper articles or magazine covers and for backgrid to ignore her.
What she does beyond that is up to her. Where she lives - don’t care. If she wants to parade on Only Fans for perverts - fine.
Just for the love of God, let the media drop her.
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Yep, there is a happy birthday to MY Princess 🙄
With actually just a recent picture of only P. Shock horror, she can do if she tries.
No mention of I will see you later or anything like that though.
She’s just nicked that photo off P’s IG from last week, she has no recent photo of her own does she, P hasn’t seen her in ages and if Skank keeps attacking PA I can see P like J not wanting much to do with her at all. P wrote a lovely message to her Dad on Father’s Day, as did J. So she sat them down and told them both the truth about PA, well appears they decided her truth was nonsense, they know the truth and it ain’t her truth.

Seriously just leave PA alone Skank, repair your relationship with your kids by doing so, but she just cant do it. She hates seeing PA happy, having moved on, she wants to destroy him with her hate and envy of his life now without her, even at the cost of losing all contact with her kids. C’mon Skank you got Lego, make a life with your new man, show everyone you are happy like PA, I mean you wouldn’t be lying about the lovely calm easy-going relationship with him, would you 🤔😁
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....and which 'niece' will this be....? Does Harry have a niece? or do you think its Bunny...?

View attachment 3023957
Why the fuck would you advertise this on social media? Why name the school? What a fucking bellend. I know she’s a cunt but surely as a mother you should have an innate sense of safeguarding! But, oh no, just invade a young girl’s privacy and splash it on the internet for a handful of clicks. What a fucking melt.
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Yes I suppose after slagging the bloke off last time it took a lot of grovelling to get him to take her back again so she dare not 'knock' him for payment since she'll undoubtedly want sum morr serjerry soon enough; Best keep him sweet!

Who was stoopid enough to lend it £8k? Did the Bank of AFP give her a loan, after all her and PFP gave Edna a sizeable bung to unload herLondon flat to move to Kent so skank would have been full of entitlement?
I think she had a book advance. Paid for the deposit on rental & also used money for the tit reconstruction. Supposedly having her face done next. :mad: Yep, I'm sure it's money from the book. She's still got to pay monthly rental/bills etc (without - cough - paying debts). That money won't last forever & her earning potential is down the toilet, to cover the amount she will need. She'll NEVER be in a position to buy another home. Even when she was supposedly 'minted' earning loads, she still NEVER owned MM. Had huge loans against it. So how does she think she will earn enough now?
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PA has lovely Birthday message for his daughter about his daughter!! Some really nice natural growing up photos, laughing and joking around nothing to be ashamed of I wouldn’t think!!?
Unfortunately KFP I doubt you’d got any pictures with just your children in without your face in on it too, as for you it’s all memememe.
And he finishes his sentence with "thank you for being you" not an extension of him or she who gave birth to her. His IG reel is lovely
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She looks high on pain meds ... he has obviously had a blunt.
Regards the tits, probably had the middle bit stapled down and an assessment of what can be done regards the wonky different shaped tits by surgeon ... bet she paid for that and is trying to raise 8k on OF to pay for the rest - they won't do the surgery for free so she has to find the money. I reckon AFP stumped up for the stapling but won't give her any more
Bingo Tracey, she wouldn’t be doing this if she had the Op she is saying she had, it was a minor procedure, she may not even have had GA, just local, why she could get on the Eurostar so quickly, she’s such a f*cking liar…

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Pom Bear

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Oh dear 😳 well that top pic has actually shocked me. What a state 😳 surely yet more proof that she doesn't have a pot to piss in 😱 Someone, anyone, stop her now. That is beyond tragic & then some 😵 Jesus fucking Christ on a bike she cannot truly think for 1 second that she looks good.....can she? Is she that unwell in her little noggin that she genuinely believes she's still got it (whatever it is) 🤔🤯

So about £90 then 🤭 Is it going well do we think? 🤔 But I thought she said she makes threetymilliontysquillionty pounds a week on Only Fans 🤥😵💫

Oh my days @Pom Bear these are some of my favourite yet. I've had to leave the bedroom because I've been snorting into the duvet for 5mins. Hiding out in the bathroom absolutely crying with laughter 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Looooool I always have a big smile on my face reading your posts on you trying not to laugh esp trying to not to wake anyone up and as mentioned having to go hiding in the bathroom lol 😄😄😄😄😄❤❤🤗🥰💖😘 xxxx.

Looool I couldn't resist changing Katie's reflection on the mirror 😄😄😘 x....

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Can I just give a shout out to @chickenstewbles . I'm quite sad and tearful today for various reasons. However, your comment on the last thread re 90s catchphrase, say what you see and RADDLED OLD MELONS literally made me snort and laugh out loud. I read it in the voice of Roy Walker as well! Thanks 👏
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Also Katie:
Katie Price and daughter Princess, 15, ‘set for BBC series exploring reality of growing up with a glamour model mum’

Make up Masterclasses together (although P could only stand doing one)
Travel show together (Thankfully never got off the ground)
On her reality TV shows (including the MM programme)
JYY shoots together
KP Equestrian shoots together
OK magazine shoots together
TT Lives together
Taking her to red carpet events
Backgrid pap shots together

Yes KP, YOU need to remember that too then. Hypocrite.
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I'm really appalled at her trying to scam money out of people to pay for her apparent new boob job. That is a real low blow. To say the more you pay, the more you see. Yeah right. There is NOTHING to see. It's such a con. And who gives a shit? Everyone has seen her rancid, wonky tits already. Please keep them covered up for God's sake. Ergh. There is no way of improving them no matter what she has done to them. She has ruined herself. She is a rancid dirty old hag.
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She’s completely lost it, that P video is OMG awful, feel so sorry for P viewing that, Skank is not a well person now, someone needs to intervene, bloody hell Edna, AFP do something, can’t you see it, do you not care. I really believe losing the MM has sent her over the edge. She‘s in that new rental, hating it, with LEGO, hating him as well, lost all her kids, not with P on her birthday, she’s got nothing and it’s eating her up behind her usual bravado. If I couldn't see my daughter on her birthday it would break me, and she’s made this happen to herself. Gee if that is going to Dublin it’s gonna be a joke, it’s off its head on pain meds, really is game over for her isn’t it, she‘s lost everything that means the most in life, what a mess.
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And if they wish to it will be their right to do so. It’s not though in my opinion ok for people who should have no knowledge to be making public comments about the children that should be private. I’m finding this so difficult to observe. Am I on my own?
I completely understand the children issue.
My understanding is that krusties (myself included) just want the truth out there - for the children's benefit! No one should post anything about the children's private lives.
But the longer skanky can convince the public and the idiot fans that she has them, the more she can and will exploit them.
If the truth is out there and people know that she's had them removed from her care
A) it shows that her mothering skills are NOT to be copied. Her idiot fans who call her a great mother have children of their own. Those children will be our society one day. The better role models they have, the better for everyone. And that starts with them realising that the way skanky "raises" her children is an absolute no-no!
B) if Skanky's fake "wholesome family" image gets exposed, she will have to find another method to earn money. Right now, she may not be able to exploit them like before, but she still promotes herself as a great mother and plays that card, especially with Harvey. Once this is exposed, she can't use them as products.

I, personally would be happy to never hear anything about/from the children again until they are adults (and even then, only if it's something worth hearing). All I want is for any means for skanky to exploit them and emotionally blackmail them to be gone.
My heart always went out for Jett as he seemed so shy and vulnerable.
Exposing her behaviour and the repercussions of it, plus her lies is the first step to protect them.
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Re: that Closer article, am I right in thinking that Peter has been with Emily around three times longer than he was with KP?
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My fav word if the last thread - apart from eviction of course was beige buffoon . Buffoon is a very underrated word. It conjures up the perfect picture. I would add just one more word to make the phrase perfect. Bumbling. The bumbling beige buffoon, one of the honking hillbillies from Horsham.
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Happy Days everyone, Ice Cream Van photo has just been deployed on her FB in a montage of all the classics, the My World one,with her and all the kids walking up the path. I know she has someone who posts her FB stuff, but I do think this is actually from her, Skank is starting to get angry she cannot use the kids anymore and worried her fans are noticing they’ve all gone, this is her pathetic way of keeping the pretence up. Summer will be fun, she can’t post anything new through the summer holidays, ooooh she is not dealing with this at all 😁

Caption is ’ Sundays are always a family day ‘ …..oh dear 🤦🏽‍♀️

Edit…quite a few of her followers are sending her messages saying have a lovely day with all your kids 🤦🏽‍♀️ What reality do these people live in, they just believe anything she says 🤷🏽‍♀️
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